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Chapter 3 - Benefactor

The dark path was very long. Liu Chengfeng walked carefully while holding a Pearl of Illumination. He felt that the path led to a lower level, and he had no idea what lay at the end of it.
After walking for nearly an hour or so, as if there was no end to the narrow path, he was about to turn back when a light suddenly appeared in front of him. Curious, he decided to continue walking forward and investigate.
Before long, the scene in front of them changed. Liu Chengfeng realized that he had arrived at a huge, square space. Beneath his feet was an endless void, and one could even see the stars moving at a slow pace under his feet.
A ball of blood floated in the middle of the air, as the blood corpuscle continued to split into two or three, fusing together again and again. It's like a cell that is constantly dividing and dying.
"This "
Liu Chengfeng was shocked by the scene in front of him. The mysterious space was completely silent, and he could clearly hear every heartbeat. Liu Chengfeng stood in his original position without moving. After a while, when he was sure that there was no danger, he slowly walked towards the mysterious blood corpuscle.
The strong life force that came from the blood corpuscle caused the blood in his body to flow uncontrollably. He could vaguely feel the blood's thirst for the blood corpuscle in his body.
Liu Chengfeng moved his parched throat and extended his hand out towards the blood corpuscle. The moment the tip of his finger touched the blood corpuscle, it seemed as if it had a life of its own. Liu Chengfeng's chest was ripped apart like paper, and intense pain spread throughout his body in an instant.
was caught off guard by the intense pain. He could clearly hear the "sizzling" sound of the blood corpuscle entering his heart. The intense pain made Liu Chengfeng faint. In a daze, he saw a benevolent old man smiling at him
"I, I . Am I still alive? "
After an unknown amount of time, Liu Chengfeng felt that he was standing in the cold snow, the cold wind was consuming all of the heat in his body. Just when he thought that he was going to freeze to death, a warm energy came from his chest, expelling all of the cold energy in his body.
Hu hu hu hu!
Liu Chengfeng suddenly opened his eyes, his entire body drenched in sweat. He quickly tore open his chest and found that the torn wound had disappeared, and there was no scar left on his chest either.
"Is this an illusion?" Liu Chengfeng stood up and found the Pearl of Illumination that was thrown to the side. He realised that he was originally still in the passage.
"Forget it, let's leave this damned place first." With that, Liu Chengfeng turned and walked towards the exit.
In the depths of the Swallow Mountain range, three figures flashed across the horizon. Three figures stopped above a large pond, these three people were Xiao Yu’er's group that she had met once before!
"Grandpa Ming, is that Cyan Snake Demon down there?" Xiao Yu’er turned and asked Zhao Qiming who was beside her in a respectful tone.
"Well, it's down there." Zhao Qiming put his hands behind his back, and said with a slight smile while bowing.
"In that case, I will make my move!"
Xiao Yu’er took a step forward, a dense amount of spirit qi exploded out from her body, and a green sword appeared in her hands.
"Not bad, not bad. Foundation Establishment has been completed." Zhao Qiming looked at Xiao Yu’er's back with satisfaction.
"Yu Er, be careful, that's a Level 3 Green Snake Demon!" Mo Wuji anxiously reminded as he saw Xiao Yu’er's falling figure.
"Senior apprentice brother Mo, don't worry!" With that, a streak of sword light hacked at Tan Dian. The calm surface of the pool instantly stirred up a column of water several tens of meters high.
The water splashed up and a huge snake covered in green scales slowly emerged from the bottom of the pool. Its triangular head flicked its long black tongue out and let out a hissing sound.
Xiao Yu’er raised her half-moon shaped, sharp sword qi and slashed at the Green Snake Demon. The sword Qi hit seven inches of the Green Snake's body, but it had no effect.
The Sword Qi had completely enraged the Green Snake Demon, and he opened his mouth to bite at Xiao Yu’er. Xiao Yu’er rolled over to the back and dodged it. Suddenly, a spiritual light appeared in her right hand and a jade bracelet that was emitting a faint cyan light appeared in her hand.
Following Xiao Yu’er's order, the jade bracelet suddenly flew out, and appeared on top of the Green Snake Demon's head. The jade bracelet, which was the size of a palm, hung on the head of the Devil Snake, and in less than a breath, it suddenly grew larger to cover the Snake Demon. The Devil Snake was bound by the jade bracelet, and its nimble body was instantly affected. Xiao Yu’er took this opportunity to smash the Snake Demon's body with her hand sign.
The serpent demon was in pain, its huge body constantly stirring the water in the pool, raising huge waves.
Immediately after, Xiao Yu’er's right foot lightly tapped the Snake Demon's body, and shot towards the seven inches mark like an arrow. Although the Devil Snake had hard scales as protection, seven inches of them were the weakest.
The green longsword successfully pierced seven inches into the Devil Snake's body, causing scarlet blood to spurt out from the wound.
Hiss hiss ~
The Snake Demon roared towards the sky. Suddenly, a thick snake tail came out from the bottom of the pond and solidly hit Xiao Yu’er's body.
Xiao Yu’er, who was sent flying backwards, stopped thirty metres away from the Devil Snake, and spat out a mouthful of thick blood.
"I was too careless!" Xiao Yu’er wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth and said to the berserk Snake Demon.
At this time, Mo Wuji, who was floating in the sky watching the battle, couldn't help but be enraged when he saw that Xiao Yu’er was injured and was about to go down to kill the Snake Demon, but she was stopped by Zhao Qiming.
"Elder Ming, what do you mean by that?" Mo Wuji suppressed his anxious heart and asked.
"This Green Snake Demon is an important part of Yu Er's training. A mere Level 3 Snake Demon is not enough to cause danger to Yu Er. Wuji, you don't have to interfere. " Zhao Qiming smiled with his hands behind his back, filled with confidence in Xiao Yu’er.
At the same time, Xiao Yu’er flew into the air. She made a hand sign with both hands, and a dense number of mysterious runes flew out from her hands, and were absorbed by the jade bracelet.
After absorbing the magic symbols, the light released from the jade bracelets grew even brighter, and the body of the snake, which was locked in place by the jade bracelets, was forcibly shrunk by half a circle.
"Xuan Qing Incantation!" Mo Wuji was shocked, then continued, "With the [Black Formula], this beast will definitely be killed by Yu Er!"
Zhao Qiming laughed without saying a word.
Xiao Yu’er controlled the talisman in her hand and continued to fly out. The Cyan Snake Demon on the surface of the lake twisted its body and roared continuously, looking like it was about to be strangled by the jade bracelet.
At this time, red light began to appear from under the green scales on the serpent demon's head. Its green snake head turned red from green, and its aura instantly strengthened. Under the red light's influence, cracks had actually appeared on the jade bracelet that was locking the serpent demon!
"This is bad!" This Green Snake Demon is about to break through to the Fourth Order! Yu Er is in danger! " Zhao Qiming focused her body and shot out like lightning, and Mo Wuji immediately flew down.
But it was already too late, the Cyan Snake Demon had broken free from the Jade Bracelet and opened its mouth wide, swallowing Xiao Yu’er whole, before sinking down and disappearing. Everything happened in a split-second, and both Zhao Qiming and Mo Wuji did not expect that such a thing would happen.
The furious Mo Wuji used some huge method to completely drain the pool water and discovered an ancient teleportation circle at the bottom of the pool. Meanwhile, the Cyan Snake Demon and Xiao Yu’er had already been teleported away.
"Yu Er, nothing must happen to you!" Mo Wuji was burning with anxiety. Xiao Yu’er was the true love of his life, and losing Xiao Yu’er was as good as losing his soul.
On the other hand, Zhao Qiming wasn't as worried as Mo Wuji. With the great treasure that the Asgard Mistress had given him, even if he met a demon of the fifth step, his life wouldn't be in danger. He just did not know where Xiao Yu’er would be teleported to. If he was teleported to a dangerous place, it would be troublesome.
"Don't worry, Yu Er has the protective spirit talisman given by the palace master on her body. Right now, the most important thing to do is to find Yu Er. " Zhao Qiming then took out a compass from the spatial ring and continued speaking, "Yu Er has imprints left by the Mistress on her body, they can be found even if she is thousands of miles away from the Heaven's Extreme Compass."
"Elder Ming, let's hurry up and set off. I'm very worried about Yu Er's safety!" Mo Wuji said.
"En, let's go!"
Liu Chengfeng walked out from the small bronze passage, hoping that it wasn't too late yet. He was prepared to go into the forest to catch a fierce beast to fill his stomach, and then spend the night here.
Just as he was about to leave, a violent tremor suddenly occurred at the bottom of his feet.
The tremors came and went quickly.
Liu Chengfeng stabilized his body and asked in confusion, "What happened?"
A sound of a wall collapsing came out from a place not far away. Liu Chengfeng sneaked over with the Hurricane Slash in his hand.
When he arrived, he saw a giant snake with red scales all over its body lying in the middle of the ruins. Large pillars and collapsed walls pressed down most of the body of the snake. It seemed like they were going to come out from under the ruins, but for some reason, they were killed along the way.
At that moment, a boulder was knocked away from the place where the giant snake had fallen. A woman covered in blood staggered out of the boulder and fell down after a few steps.
"It's her!" Liu Chengfeng immediately recognized that this woman was the girl he met in the restaurant a few days ago.
In the night, beside a bonfire, Liu Chengfeng cut off pieces of meat from a wild boar and placed them on the fire to roast. Liu Chengfeng had become very familiar with roasting wild game, especially when he was at the Bamboo Forest Mountain, and the roasted meat was also extremely delicious.
Xiao Yu’er quietly laid on the stone platform that was not far from the bonfire, covered by her hemp jacket.
Not long after, Xiao Yu’er woke up slowly and saw a figure sitting next to a bonfire. Out of self-defense, she took out a sword from the spatial ring and quickly jumped behind Liu Chengfeng, pressing the sword against his neck.
"Who are you!" Xiao Yu’er frowned and shouted.
"Are you just going to repay your savior like this?" Liu Chengfeng turned his head around with a smile that was not a smile, and chewed on the greasy fat meat in his mouth.
"It's you!" Xiao Yu’er recognized Liu Chengfeng immediately, and fainted after speaking.
The next time she woke up, she directly went to Liu Chengfeng's side and sat down.
"Here, this is yours!" Liu Chengfeng passed a piece of roasted pork to Xiao Yu’er.
"I don't eat these things." Xiao Yu’er rejected him flatly.
"Whatever." Liu Chengfeng unceremoniously began to eat.
"Why are you here? And why would you save me? " Xiao Yu’er looked at Liu Chengfeng and asked.
"Because I was lost and coincidentally met you, I brought you along with me. Oh right, you were the one who killed that giant snake, right? "
"Right." Xiao Yu’er replied indifferently, and did not speak any further. Liu Chengfeng was not a person who liked to talk too much. When he saw that Xiao Yu’er did not want to talk anymore, he just continued to eat the barbecue.
After a long while, Xiao Yu’er finally said to Liu Chengfeng softly, "Thank you for saving me."
"It's nothing." Liu Chengfeng laughed, "This wild boar meat is very fragrant, go ahead and try."
This time, Xiao Yu’er did not refuse. She picked up a piece of meat and placed it in her mouth, chewing it slowly. For her, who was already used to eating mountain ginseng and sea food, this was her first time eating such crude food.
As the night deepened, the moon rose high in the sky and gently scattered a pot of soft moonlight. Two lonely figures were sitting next to a bonfire, dragged along by the light of the fire for a very long time.
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