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Chapter 8 - This Is Not Your Child

The chopsticks dropped onto the ground, making a light sound as they woke Shao Ran up.
She quickly bent over to pick up the chopsticks, and blinked her eyes in passing. She held back the sour feeling she felt just now, and when she raised her head again, her expression had already returned to normal.
"An An, the uncle just now was a friend of mother's, but " "They don't have a very good relationship, so when you see him in the future, you don't need to care about him, just treat him like a stranger and don't need to greet him either."
"But wouldn't it be rude not to greet him?" Shao An was young, but he was very polite. Someone on the bus gave him a seat, but he still remembered to say thank you.
Hearing that, Shao Ran bit her lips, slowly shook her head, and laughed with some difficulty: "You still have to be polite to others, but you don't have to be like that to that person."
"Okay mom, I'll remember."
"Hurry up and eat."
Nodding his head, Shao An could finally concentrate on eating.
As for Shao Ran, she looked at the dirty chopsticks in her hands, but didn't have any appetite for it.
An An said that Ji Jingbai is very familiar, could this be the relationship between family members?
After thinking about it, Shao Ran still shook her head, the expression on her face still incomparably resolute. No matter what, An An will always be my child, and was born from hard work. I absolutely cannot let Ji Jingbai snatch it away. "
When they got off work in the evening, it was still early, so the mother and son duo did not rush. They packed up their things, punched in their cards and slowly walked downstairs.
What he didn't expect was that he would see the familiar car in front of the company's gate.
He had gotten into that car many times before, but now
He laughed at himself, and endured the bitterness in his heart. Shao Ran acted as if she did not see anything, and walked towards the bus stop while holding Shao An's hand.
She had barely taken two steps when she heard steady footsteps behind her. Before she could turn around, a hand reached out and grabbed her arm, making it difficult for her to move a single step.
Although he did not turn back, Shao Ran still knew who the person behind her was.
"What? You can just pretend that I don't exist if you don't look at me, right?"
Seeing her stubborn look, Ji Jingbai snorted, and said unhappily.
Shao Ran's body trembled slightly. She mustered up her courage and bit her lips as she slowly turned around and looked at Ji Jingbai who was standing in front of her.
"Unfortunately, I came here specifically to wait for you." Ji Jingbai spoke straightforwardly.
Hearing this, Shao Ran's expression changed, her tone was still cold and indifferent, no anger or joy could be heard, "Really? That is truly my honor, but I'm sorry, we still have things to do, so we will be leaving first."
As she spoke, she lifted her foot to leave, but she didn't expect that the hand on her arm didn't loosen and still held onto her tightly. Although her strength wasn't great, she was still unable to break free.
"Uncle, can you let go of my mother?" Shao An's immature voice suddenly sounded from the side, "Don't bully my mother, my mother is very timid, if there's anything you can do it from me, okay?"
Hearing his childish words, Ji Jingbai was stunned for a moment. He lowered his head and coincidentally met with his young and cute face. On his face was a pair of clear and bright eyes, like two glass pearls soaked in cold water, dazzling to the eye.
Looking at him, Ji Jingbai unconsciously softened the expression on his face, and said with a smile: "You're called Shao An right? I didn't bully your mother, I was discussing things with her, and I'm not your uncle, I'm your father "
"Ji Jingbai!"
Shao Ran suddenly shouted out without any warning, and her voice hid the last few words.
Raising his eyes and seeing her anxious look, Ji Jingbai frowned and asked patiently: What's wrong?
Facing him, Shao Ran always lacked a little bit of courage, just like now, when he just mustered the courage to shout once, and then he lost his vigor once again. After mumbling for a long time, he squeezed out a few words that sounded like a mosquito from the gaps between his teeth: "Don't speak nonsense in front of An An, his father had already passed away. You want to have children, there are a lot of people who are willing to give you birth, don't involve us."
Hearing her words, Ji Jingbai raised his eyebrows, his expression becoming extremely playful, his tone becoming even more meaningful: "My people have already found out, when was this child born in a hospital? At that time, you were clearly with me, and this is my son.
"Your son? "Heh!"
With a cold sneer, Shao Ran gained some kind of courage from who knows where. She looked at Yun Che with her neck straightened and the corners of her eyes covered with frost, like an unfeeling ice queen.
The moment he opened his mouth, he also released a cold attack, "Ji Jingbai, have you forgotten why I left at the beginning? You said that this child is yours, is it really yours? Ask your own heart, do you believe it? "
"You "
Hearing her suddenly mentioning the past, Ji Jingbai's brows could not help but knit together, his expression becoming extremely ugly. Gritting his teeth, he revealed an enraged look.
He naturally knew the reason behind her leaving back then, but
He did not care!
Even if Shao Ran did that, he could still tolerate it. As long as he could stay by his side, it was enough.
Ji Jingbai's expression returned to its original indifferent state as he looked at her, and it was as if he was looking at a child making a fuss out of nothing, "Shao Ran, don't speak nonsense about this, I can still tell whether or not he is my child. This was clearly carved out from the same mold as me, how could I be wrong? What happened before is already over. I don't want to bring it up anymore, so let's just forget about it and start over, okay? The three of us will never part again. "
If it was back then, when this had just happened, if he was able to say something like this, Shao Ran would definitely have nodded and agreed with tears flowing down his face.
But now that things had changed, her mood had changed. Facing this issue once again, her choice was — —
"I'm sorry Mr. Ji, I don't understand anything you said. Since it's over between us, let's take care of our own matters. You are also someone who has a fiancee, it's better to pay attention to your words and actions. Otherwise, it will attract criticism from others. As for An Xin's appearance "
Lowering his head to look at Shao An's young and tender face, Shao Ran couldn't help but reveal a gentle smile, and her tone became much softer: "An An An's looks are mine, not like anyone else. I hope Mr. Ji does not think that you are infatuated."
菜单 下一章
你无论权势滔天,富可敌国,无所不能,在我面前也是蝼蚁而已。 我是陈宇,能要你的命,也能救你的命,更能成就你。 九个绝色师娘辅助我勇攀高峰: 大师娘,华佗版神医... 二师娘,强者归来... 三师娘,神都最美强者,不服就干... ...... 九师娘,商界唯我独尊... 陈宇小犊子,师娘们辅助你飞升,主宰世界,挡者...,一个字,“死”
天上掉馅饼,最美县花主动委身下嫁基层科员,这背后究竟隐藏着什么秘密? 许一山出身农门,捡漏当了公务员,官场中尔虞我诈,生活中受人欺凌。他从不放弃,永不言败,从一个小科员逐渐成长为一方大员,最终抱得美人归。
柳浩天转业到千湖镇上任的第一天就直接被架空了,面对着与镇长梁友德之间不可调和的观念冲突,面对阴险奸诈的天星公司以及天星公司所组织起来的庞大人脉关系网络,柳浩天绝不妥协,铁腕整顿,围绕着如何保障民生发展经济,一场场激烈的斗争由此拉开序幕…… 尘埃落定之时,结果出炉,柳浩天彻底愤怒了……