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Chapter 6 - Appearance

"We haven't found Miss Shao Ran's whereabouts yet ." The more he spoke, the less reputation the aide had. Lowering his head, he didn't dare to look him in the eye.
Ji Jingbai clenched his teeth, his hands clenched into fists, he endured the uncontrollable rage in his voice and ordered: "Continue investigating, even if you have to dig three feet out of the ground, you have to find the mother and son for me!"
"Yes, CEO!" The assistant quickly walked out, not daring to be negligent in the slightest. At the same time, a violent storm was brewing in his heart.
The Shao Ran back then actually gave birth to the CEO's child. Then, the other one
I'm afraid there will be another bloody storm!
In the office, Ji Jingbai sat on a chair by himself, his thin lips were pursed tightly, and the skin on his face was pulled tightly, as though he was suppressing his emotions with restraint.
When he saw Shao Ran carrying a child that day, he had had his suspicions, but the time Shao Ran had mentioned, was already a long time after he had parted ways with him.
Originally, she had been depressed because she had already given birth to someone else's child. However, now that things had taken a turn, it turned out to be her own child.
"Shao Ran, back then, I was careless, which was why I let you run away for three years. But now that I have found you, I will not let you leave my side so easily Besides, you still have my child with you, so you can only stay by my side!"
Shao Ran did not know that the secret she was trying so hard to hide had been discovered, so she quit her job as a waiter.
But when she thought about what happened before, she didn't dare to rashly go straight to him, so she could only give him a call.
Receiving Shao Ran's call, Lin Shen was extremely agitated: "Shao Ran, you're finally willing to contact me. Where have you been all this time?
"I'm sorry Lin Shen, I had to leave overnight just to avoid Ji Jingbai, and I don't dare to tell you, I was worried that Ji Jingbai would make a move against you "
Hearing that, Lin Shen laughed bitterly, "He is still sending people to monitor me, and thinks that I have hidden you."
Hearing that, Shao Ran's heart was immediately filled with guilt: "That's right, Lin Shen, it's all because of me, that's why you suffered so much."
"What's wrong with that? I'm a man, yet I didn't even protect you. That would truly be embarrassing." Lin Shen laughed at himself, his tone filled with helplessness.
He was already feeling extremely guilty in his heart, but hearing his words, Shao Ran felt even more ashamed. She bit her lips and didn't speak for a long time.
Lin Shen's thoughts were meticulous, naturally he knew what she was hesitating on about, and hurriedly said: "Alright, everything is over, there's no need to mind anymore. Is there something you need to find me for? Where have you been recently? "
"In this period of time, Shao An and I "
"So I want to ask you to help me arrange a stable job so that I can earn money and be by Shao An's side. I don't have to worry about him being bullied in a situation that I can't see."
"Shao Ran, you're finally willing to accept my help?"
Lin Shen was extremely surprised to hear that she had taken the initiative to ask him for a job.
He had tried his best to persuade her for so long, but she didn't want to say anything.
And now
"Why did you suddenly change your mind?"
"I " Shao Ran suddenly did not know what to say, and was at a loss for words.
Lin Shen knew that he could not explain it clearly on the phone, so he asked immediately: "Where are you right now, I'll go look for you guys, we can talk face to face."
"Let's look for you. I've already found a new house."
Therefore, Lin Shen did not refuse, and the two of them went to a sweet shop.
Inside this shop, there was the Black Forest that Shao An liked the most. In the past, when Lin Shen came to see him, he would often buy it for him.
After meeting, Shao Ran had nothing to hide, so she told her everything that had happened in the kindergarten.
"Because I don't want Shao An to suffer any more grievances." As Shao Ran spoke, he reached out his hand to stroke Shao An who was seated beside him. He was quietly eating his cake mouthful by mouthful, looking extremely cute and cute.
When he thought about how such a sensible child had actually been bullied, Shao Ran couldn't help but feel anger rising from the bottom of his heart. He was forced to bite his lips and bear with it.
"Shao An is still young, I can't ignore him while preoccupied with earning money, and he needs my company more, and..." "Now that Ji Jingbai has found me, even if I hide again, it would be useless. I might as well just stand out and do as I say. I'm not wrong, why must I feel guilty, and hide all day, not even able to see the light of day, and implicate Shao An to accompany me in suffering. I really have had enough of this kind of life. "
Looking at her unreconciled expression, Lin Shen felt a little upset in his heart, but he didn't say anything more in the end. He only asked her in a light voice: "Then what kind of work do you want to do?
"Any kind of job is fine, as long as I can take care of Shao An anytime, I'm not at ease at all in handing him over to anyone. Only by staying by my side will I be able to be at ease."
Hearing that, Lin Shen lowered his eyes to think for a moment, then slowly nodded: "Okay, I understand, I will arrange it for you as soon as possible."
"Lin Shen, thank you."
Aside from gratitude, Shao Ran didn't know what else she could say. She couldn't give him anything, but she had to trouble him again and again.
"Alright, I always say thank you so much that it makes my ears hurt," Lin Shen laughed with a face full of indifference. "It's only arranging a job, you still have to work hard at work. If you really want to thank me, then work hard and live well.
Hearing his words, Shao Ran's heart fiercely shook, she bit her lips, and felt her eyes become a little hot.
Is there any hope for life?
After all, he still had Shao An. Even if it was for him, he still had to grit his teeth and persevere on bravely.
"CEO, we've found Miss Shao Ran's whereabouts."
The aide hurriedly knocked on the door with a document in hand.
also recovered from his daze after hearing the news. He could not help but ask anxiously, "Where is she now?"
"Our people found out that Miss Shao Ran went to the Lin Group, and is currently working there "
"Lin Group..."
Ji Jingbai's eyes became clouded, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Isn't that Lin Shen's company? He had indeed hidden himself during this period of time, right? It seems like he really does not know what is meant! "
菜单 下一章
人生就是利欲场,利为媒,欲为介。 官场就是江湖,抒写温情与残酷、合作与较量、情感与利益的交易市场。大道无形,行者无疆,漫漫官道,唯有胸怀天地,志存高远,方能直抵彼岸。 小人物张一舟历经血腥战场的洗练和尔虞仕途的淬炼,终凭一颗畏惧之心和秉承的正义而纵横,步步高升,成为主宰别人命运的人。
柳浩天转业到千湖镇上任的第一天就直接被架空了,面对着与镇长梁友德之间不可调和的观念冲突,面对阴险奸诈的天星公司以及天星公司所组织起来的庞大人脉关系网络,柳浩天绝不妥协,铁腕整顿,围绕着如何保障民生发展经济,一场场激烈的斗争由此拉开序幕…… 尘埃落定之时,结果出炉,柳浩天彻底愤怒了……