手机凤凰网 | 小说
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Chapter 24 - Password

Ji Jingbai calmly said "I can't see", which made Shao Ran speechless. She could only stare and get angry, but there was nothing she could do.
In the end, he could only glare at him and say unhappily, "Are you going to eat it or not? If you don't eat, then hurry up and leave, don't stay here and get in the way. "
"Shao Ran, am I being too accustomed to you, that's why you kept saying the words of chasing me away time and time again?" Ji Jingbai's side was very faint, and from the sound of it, it did not seem like he was angry, but merely said an extremely ordinary sentence.
However, Shao Ran was so afraid that she had her neck pulled back, and bit her lips, not daring to speak.
Seeing that, Ji Jingbai suddenly felt a depressing feeling in his chest, and felt extremely uncomfortable, he heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a calm tone: "Let's eat first."
After he finished speaking, he sat down and took the chopsticks and ate them in one gulp. It was extremely natural.
Seeing that he had already started to eat, Shao Ran secretly heaved a sigh of relief and sat down, taking small bites of food.
After the meal, the three of them did not speak. Only the sounds of the chopsticks and bowls touching each other could be heard. It was very quiet.
After finishing his meal, Shao Ran started to clean the tableware without a second word. She dodged Ji Jingbai by going to the kitchen to wash the dishes.
However, she never expected that Ji Jingbai would relentlessly chase after her. Once again, he blocked the way to the kitchen door. He held her phone in his hand and asked: "What's the password for your phone?"
It could originally have been recorded with a fingerprint, but seeing her wet hands right now, it was unlikely for her to unlock it.
Shao Ran didn't know what he was going to do, and only subconsciously rejected his request: "Why did you touch my phone? I won't tell you the password."
"If you don't say it, I'll guess it myself. In any case, there are only a few passwords that you can come up with."
As he said that, Ji Jingbai extended his hand and pressed a few buttons on the screen, then revealed an expression of "just as expected": "Looks like my guess isn't wrong, you indeed still used the simplest 123456."
Hearing that, Shao Ran's face flushed, her expression extremely awkward.
She wasn't used to remembering numbers. In addition, she could enter fingerprints, so she casually set up the password for the previous one. She didn't expect that he would still remember it, and then He mocked a bunch of them.
Unlocking the lock, Ji Jingbai said as he operated it, "I gave my cell phone number to you, so that you can call me if anything happens. I'll be the first to rush over."
As he spoke, he raised his head, his expression extremely solemn. "Especially if you encounter any danger, remember to call me immediately."
"You are the most dangerous one. Other than you, what other dangers can I encounter?"
Shao Ran's muttering was very soft, so soft that Ji Jingbai couldn't hear it clearly at all. He asked again, "What were you saying just now?"
"No, I didn't say anything." Naturally, he couldn't be told what he said just now. Shao Ran hurriedly shook her head, and said with a little guilty conscience, "I can't find any problems, but I'm fine now, so I'll have to trouble you to worry."
Ji Jingbai was already able to guess her answer, so when he heard her words, he did not feel surprised at all.
Looking into his eyes, Shao Ran did not even dare to raise her head. She immediately finished washing the bowls, and after cleaning up and making sure that there were no problems, she finally opened her mouth: "Okay, you've finished eating, and you've stayed enough. Can we go now? It's getting late, and we're also about to rest. "
It was an obvious order to leave, so it was naturally Ji Jingbai who recognized it.
Although he did not want to leave, he knew that Shao Ran still held grudges against him. If she were to ask for too much, it might push her further, so it was better to take things step by step.
Besides, there was something else he needed to do. It was very important
"Alright, then I'll be leaving first. I'll come back tomorrow."
"Hey, even if you don't want it tomorrow "
Shao Ran subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he realized that Yue Yang didn't even have the intention to look at him, so he turned his head and walked towards the living room.
When she caught up to him, she saw that Ji Jingbai was hugging Shao An and saying goodbye to him, "An An An, uncle is going to leave soon. When we have time tomorrow, uncle will come to see you again, ok?"
"Alright, Uncle, be careful on your way. Be careful."
Towards this uncle of his who looked very similar to him, Shao An had always had a good impression of him, and liked him very much.
Shao Ran watched on from the side and felt a little sad.
Sure enough, no matter how long they had been apart, the innate nature between father and son couldn't be dispelled. There would be a natural connection between them that couldn't be severed.
Ji Jingbai caught a glimpse of the expression on her face and understood what she was thinking after a brief moment of thought. He smirked slightly and revealed a faint smile.
After another farewell, he finally pushed open the door and walked out.
Seeing the door in front of him open and close, Shao Ran's emotions became even more complicated.
Turning her head to look at Shao An, who was standing beside her, she pursed her lips, squatted down, and gently pulled him into her embrace. She asked in a low voice: "An An, do you like that uncle just now?"
"I... Do I have to say the truth or a lie? "
His sad mood vanished into thin air when he suddenly said those words.
Shao Ran could not hold back her laughter. She forced herself to keep a serious face as she asked: "An An, what is the meaning of this? Could it be that you want to lie to Mommy?"
"No, no, no. I'm not trying to lie to mom, it's just that "
Biting his lips, a rare conflicted expression appeared on Shao An's face. "It's just that mother said before that she doesn't like this uncle, but I'm worried that if I say that I like him, mother would be sad and unhappy, so I don't know what to say."
Hearing that, Shao Ran was stunned.
Before, she also knew that Shao An was an extremely intelligent child, and should have inherited Ji Jingbai's personality.
And at this moment, his words had exceeded even Shao Ran's imagination.
He was worried that he would not be happy, yet he was unwilling to tell a lie. That was why
Feeling a little guilty in his heart, Shao Ran exposed a weak smile towards him, and gently shook his head: "An An An, mother doesn't like him because there are some things between mother and him that are unclear, but if An An likes him, it doesn't matter, Mother won't be angry, as long as An An feels happy, Mommy will also be happy with him."
She had thought it through and knew that it was not realistic for his to want to end their interactions. Shao An was not wrong, so he could not selfishly take away his right to like his father.
菜单 下一章
其实,苏辰逸只是一个普通人,他也不知道从何时,早已习惯面对生死,更愿意为心中的坚持付出热血和生命。 当年忠贞为国酬,何曾怕断头? 桀骜不训的军官毕业生,痞性十足,铁汉柔情,嫉恶如仇!一次意外的机会,让他走上了利刃之路。 战毒枭,救人质;边境线上,丛林之中;利刃之光开始闪耀... 最经典的军事力作,我们一起保家卫国,扬我国威遍全球!
新晋公务员唐俊突击被提拔担任村支部书记,一下就卷入到了风云诡谲的明争暗斗之中。 面对县金地公司的压力,面对各种利益方的纠缠,唐俊绝不妥协,但是同时又不蛮干,而且巧妙运用阳谋手段,一次次化解各种危机,率领红鱼村创造了一个又一个的辉煌成就,自己的仕途也因此平步青云,一路扶摇直上!