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Chapter 24 - Horrifying Intimidation!

"Assistant An, there's another anonymous courier for you. Come to the front desk and sign for it."
An Xingchen ended the call. Her face was filled with suspicion, and the first thing she thought of was that anonymous courier. Could it be that Gong Lingqian had given her something again?
After all, Gong Lingqian had given her such a big bouquet of flowers last time as an example.
Thinking about that, An Xingchen's gaze turned towards Gong Lingqian, and coincidentally met with Gong Lingqian's gaze.
Four eyes met, and before An Xingchen even had the chance to speak, Gong Lingqian's low and pleasant voice resounded beside his ears, "An Xingchen, why is there such an expression? Who just called you? "
An Xingchen regained her senses, and couldn't help but give Gong Lingqian a probing look: "It's a call from the front desk, said that I have a courier that wants me to sign over for it."
Gong Lingqian frowned when he heard An Xingchen's words. "Who sent you what?"
"Is it that Tang Di guy?"
When Tang Di was mentioned, the unhappiness on his face became even more intense.
An inexplicable sour smell spread in the air.
An Xingchen looked at Gong Lingqian's frowning appearance, and subconsciously explained: "No Senior Tang and I are just ordinary alumni. "
Tang Di was a year older than her, so they could casually say that they were from the same academy. However, the schedule for the classes were wrong, and it was a rare opportunity for the two of them to get to know each other better in school.
It was because of the matter of finding a job that An Xingchen gradually got familiar with Tang Di.
After hearing An Xingchen's explanation just now, Gong Lingqian's furrowed brows finally relaxed. He stared straight at An Xingchen with a fiery gaze that could not be ignored, and said: "That's more like it!"
Hearing Gong Lingqian's words, An Xingchen finally came back to her senses, and her face instantly flushed red.
When she tried to explain her relationship with Tang Di to Gong Lingqian in a hurry, it was as if she was misunderstood by her boyfriend
Actually, she didn't even need to explain to Gong Lingqian After all, Gong Lingqian wasn't her boyfriend
With this explanation, it made Gong Lingqian look like her boyfriend instead!
Thinking about how An Xingchen's face was flushed red, she hurriedly changed the topic and said, "Young Master Gong I'll go get the express delivery first. "
After saying that, without waiting for Gong Lingqian to say anything, An Xingchen quickly left the President’s Office.
Until An Xingchen arrived at the front desk, the redness on her face had not disappeared.
In his heart, he became even more curious about that anonymous courier.
Thinking about Gong Lingqian's answer just now, this courier shouldn't be sent by Gong Lingqian.
But if it was someone other than Gong Lingqian, who would send her an express delivery?
"Assistant An, this is your courier."
An Xingchen received the courier from the young miss at the front desk. It was a sealed box.
He checked the recipient's name and phone number on the delivery list. It was indeed written An Xingchen's name and phone number, but the sender had left everything blank.
An Xingchen frowned, she could not help but look at the young miss and asked: "Where is the person who delivered the goods to us?"
"After that person left the courier at my place, he left immediately."
The receptionist saw the puzzled look on An Xingchen's face and could not help but ask: "What's wrong? Assistant An, is there something wrong with this courier? "
"Nothing." An Xingchen laughed, took the express delivery and returned to her office.
An Xingchen sat in her chair and looked at the sealed delivery box on the desk.
An Xingchen had already been staring at the box for 5 minutes.
He didn't know what was inside, but it was sealed tightly.
After a moment of confusion, An Xingchen finally decided to open the box to see what exactly was inside.
After making his decision, An Xingchen immediately found the blade, and cut all the rubber papers sealed on the courier box. After tossing and turning, An Xingchen reached out and slowly opened the courier box.
In the next moment, in the quiet office, there was a sudden cry of fear from An Xingchen.
Then, with a loud bang, An Xingchen panicked and directly threw the box in her hands out.
The paper box fell heavily onto the ground, and a bloody object rolled out from the box.
It was actually a dead rat that was covered in knife wounds and skinned.
The mouse's death was too tragic, it was obvious that it was abused to death, bloodied, and it was beyond recognition. An Xingchen did not even dare look at it, and retreated a few steps, covering her mouth, as she retched uncontrollably.
After a few minutes, An Xingchen gradually calmed down, and noticed that inside the box, there was not only a miserable dead mouse, but also a piece of paper.
The words "An Xingchen slut died" were written crookedly on the piece of paper with fresh blood.
Not only that, An Xingchen's three words had a big cross drawn on them.
An Xingchen felt a chill down her spine.
This was an obvious threat!
But An Xingchen could not figure out what kind of person she had offended to actually use such a method to take revenge on her!
An Xingchen's face was pale white, she bit her lips and forced herself to calm down. Holding onto her phone, thinking about whether or not to call the police, the phone in her hand suddenly rang with an ear-piercing bell.
An Xingchen was startled by the sound of a mobile phone ringing. She saw that the number that was blinking continuously on the screen was a completely unfamiliar number.
An Xingchen frowned, then pressed the button.
Just as he placed the phone next to his ear, a strange voice that had undergone a change in tone suddenly came over: "You are An Xingchen right?"
"You should have received the gift I specially prepared for you, right?"
"How is it? Do you still like it? "
Hearing that, An Xingchen's face turned white, the fingers holding onto the phone immediately tightened up, and she immediately understood, "Who are you? You sent me that anonymous delivery, didn't you? "
"Miss An is a smart person, you guessed it so quickly. It seems you really like the present I gave you."
Hearing this strange sound, An Xingchen could not help but recall the scene of blood and gore that she saw just now. Her brows furrowed as she struggled to speak out of discomfort in her stomach, "Who exactly are you? I don't know, I've never hurt anyone. Did you find the wrong person? "
Upon hearing An Xingchen's extremely innocent tone, she laughed coldly: "Heh, Miss An, you really know how to act pitiful! Have you forgotten all those disgusting things you've done yourself? "
"I'll tell you, An Xingchen! I am looking for you! "
"An Xingchen! "At 3 o'clock this afternoon, I will be waiting for you at the south gate of Hailin Park. Both of us will speak properly when we meet!"
"Of course, An Xingchen, you can choose not to come, but I will send a surprise present to your company every single day. Oh right, I have found your mother's address, so you can send a copy over to your mother."
菜单 下一章
宁为酷吏,不做青天。 叶家镇镇长苏逸做梦都没想到在清水县新县委书记上任的第一天,就有本镇老百姓拿着血书拦路上访。面对这种情况,他只能是迎难而上。然而让所有人意料不到的是看似普通的上访事件,背后却隐藏着一个天大的阴谋......
柳浩天转业到千湖镇上任的第一天就直接被架空了,面对着与镇长梁友德之间不可调和的观念冲突,面对阴险奸诈的天星公司以及天星公司所组织起来的庞大人脉关系网络,柳浩天绝不妥协,铁腕整顿,围绕着如何保障民生发展经济,一场场激烈的斗争由此拉开序幕…… 尘埃落定之时,结果出炉,柳浩天彻底愤怒了……
五年前,莫凡被陷害入狱,刑期无期,却又因祸得福,从此多出了六位师娘! 五年后,学一身本领,今非昔比!
官路艰难,行差踏错一步,就会万劫不复。 但仕途也很简单,只要你站对了队,用对了人,找对了方向,将无往不利。 沈飞重生到了十八年前,那个改变自己命运的时候,且看他如何只手补天裂,逆转人生!