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Chapter 2 - Divine Blood

After a while, a black armored army appeared in front of everyone. There were only a hundred of them, but no one dared to underestimate them.
General Sun, who was standing at the front of the line and wielding a long blade, raised his hand to signal for the group to slow down, and for the merchants to follow him.
Liu Chengfeng roughly counted the number of people in the caravan, including the hundred people that were in the caravan, there were over a thousand people. Such a large team entering Swallow Mountain would definitely attract the attention of the Spirit Demon Race, and an uneasy feeling surfaced in Liu Chengfeng's mind.
Even if the Swallow Mountain continued for thousands of miles without stopping, it would still take them at least three days to leave the mountain range. In addition, the number of people in the group was too large, and the goods in the caravan was too heavy, so the time it would take to leave was much longer.
Three days later, the group arrived at the main peak of the Swallow Returning Mountain. The main peak was 7000 meters high, and as far as the eye could see. Green trees surrounded the main peak. Many trees blocked the sunlight, leaving only a small amount of sunlight shining through the gaps. However, the road was still a bit dark and gloomy.
The two sides of the road were littered with broken shelves, messy goods, and a few corpses. Some of the corpses had already turned eerie white, and the amount of human bones that appeared was terrifying.
A cavalryman came up to Sun Changde and reported in a low voice.
"General, in front of us is the place where the Monster race started eating humans seven days ago. I have already passed down the order according to you, and the entire army is ready for battle."
"Mm, be careful." Sun Zhang De didn't even turn his head, his eyes still staring straight ahead.
After the cavalry left, a scholarly man at his side waved his fan and spoke to Sun Changde.
"General Sun, if we can kill this tiger demon this time, we will be heavily rewarded by Marshal Zhao when we return. However, since we came prepared, we didn't know that this tiger demon wouldn't take the bait. "
"This time, the bait is sufficient. It will not give up. Monster race have always been fierce and cunning. I'm afraid many people will die. " Sun Changde frowned slightly with a grave expression on his face.
"The day that the tiger demon stays in the Swallow Mountain Range, the people here will not be at peace. In order to get rid of the tiger demon, it was not wrong to sacrifice some people. "General, you don't have to worry about that." Du Sheng comforted him.
Sun Zhang De closed his eyes, unwilling to speak any further. The purpose of his visit this time was to get rid of the tiger demon. That was why he agreed to use the business trip as a bait to lure out the tiger demons. However, he knew better than anyone how terrifying the demons were. The sacrifice of ordinary people to kill the tiger demon was in conflict with his intentions, but the pressure from above forced him to do so.
The silence of the journey was terrifying. Aside from the sounds of walking, no one said a word.
Liu Chengfeng hid in the back of the group and secretly observed. In the past three days, there had been several berserk beast attacks, but they were quickly killed by the soldiers of the army. However, the rumored demon clan hadn't appeared yet. But Liu Chengfeng thought that it was the calm before the storm.
At this moment, the group stopped. It was unknown when a faint white fog appeared in the forest. The originally dark path could still be vaguely seen, but now, the outline could no longer be seen clearly.
A cavalryman quickly broke away from the group and ran towards the caravan. He shouted loudly, "There is a thick fog ahead. Everyone, please be careful!"
The moment he said that, a slight disturbance occurred in the caravan, and immediately after, Liu Chengfeng heard the sound of weapons being pulled.
There were many business owners in the caravan who, in order to protect the safety of the goods, would usually hire some mercenaries to follow them. At this moment, the sound came from them.
The team continued to move forward. Soon, the white mist became even thicker, and it was impossible to see their faces clearly from five meters away. At the same time, danger quietly arrived.
A long tiger roar suddenly sounded from the front of the group. A pair of blood-red eyes appeared in the fog, and a three-meter high tiger demon appeared in front of everyone. Along with the appearance of this tiger demon, the entire group was filled with tiger roars of varying sizes. Countless pairs of blood-red eyes lit up!
The crowd immediately exploded, and the mercenaries employed by the caravan stepped forward to protect the boss and the goods behind them. In front of the group, Sun Zhang De gripped his long blade tightly as he stared at the tiger demon in front of him. There were five black lines on the tiger demon's forehead: a Rank 5 Spirit Demon, which was equivalent to a human soul casting period expert.
Sun Zhang De did not say anything and just raised his blade to fight with the tiger demon. The battle between the two was abnormally fierce. The aftermath of the explosion broke apart the surrounding trees, and because of the strength of the two, it was almost impossible to determine the victor in a short period of time.
There weren't many demi-humans, but there were also vicious beasts that came along with them. Although the fighting strength of berserk beasts could not be compared to that of the demon race, they were numerous. The defense line set up by the caravan group under the command of the tiger demon was quickly breached.
Liu Chengfeng held his Hurricane Slash and killed the fierce beast that was pouncing towards him. His body refining seventh level strength made it seem like he was at ease in dealing with the fierce beast. There were no less than ten fierce beasts that had fallen under his sword.
A huge bear that had just bitten off the mercenary's head revealed its bloody fangs and rushed towards Liu Chengfeng. Its basin-sized claws struck right in front of Liu Chengfeng in an instant. The black Hurricane Slash laid horizontally in front of Liu Chengfeng's chest. The moment the bear claws touched the sword, they released intense sparks, and both bounced back at the same time.
Liu Chengfeng who was jumping backwards used this opportunity to step on the trunk of a huge tree. With both legs slightly bent, he shot out like lightning and chopped off the head of the huge bear before the huge bear could even stabilize itself.
Liu Chengfeng's efficient method made everyone's eyes light up, and they all surrounded him. His actions drew the attention of a tiger demon, as he threw away the recently killed soldiers and rushed towards Liu Chengfeng.
The tiger demon stood in front of Liu Chengfeng, his red eyes staring coldly at Liu Chengfeng, at this time he suddenly spoke to Liu Chengfeng in human language.
"You are stronger than them and have the qualifications to be my opponent!" With that, he rushed towards Liu Chengfeng.
Sword light and tiger claws clashed unceasingly, and splinters of wood flew into the air wherever the two passed. However, after training for so many years, he had the confidence to defeat the Tiger Demon.
The battle was still ongoing. As time passed, the number of people killed by the Monster race continued to increase. Sun Changde was also caught up in the bitter battle. He didn't expect the Class 5 Monster race to be so strong. He understood that if he wanted to continue delaying, the only way out was death. In the instant that they separated, he sent a signal for reinforcements to the barracks.
At this moment, the caravan's defensive line had been scattered by the demons. In order to survive, the caravan had abandoned their goods and escaped under the protection of the mercenaries.
Liu Chengfeng and the Level Two Tiger Demon continued to fight. The more Liu Chengfeng relied on the《 Lingyun Sword Art》 that Ye Tianjian taught him, the more fierce his battle became. The tiger demon couldn't understand how a human with a lower cultivation level could fight him to a standstill. The proud him felt that he had been humiliated to the extreme. He did not care about the price and wanted to kill Liu Chengfeng so he activated the Bloodline Talent.
"Bloodline!" "Bloodthirsty!"
As the tiger demon gave a low growl, his body suddenly doubled in size, his blood-red eyes also turned black due to the Bloodline Talent's effects, his aura also increased by more than three times.
"Sword manual, Pear Blossom of Rainstorm!" Liu Chengfeng leapt high up into the air with Hurricane Slash in his hand, quickly forming sword beams in the air, in an instant there were a hundred of them condensed together. The condensed Sword Qi was like a violent storm as it struck the tiger demon's body. The dust that was stirred up along the way covered the tiger demon's body.
"Is it over?" Liu Chengfeng's chest expanded and contracted violently. This move had already used 80% of his power, if he was still unable to defeat the tiger demon with this move, he would only be able to escape.
The dust gradually dispersed and the figure of the tiger demon gradually revealed itself. Suddenly, a white light shot out like lightning, ripping apart the dust and smoke. The massive body of the tiger demon walked out.
"Ha!" It's my turn now! " The tiger demon let out a laugh, the corner of his eye suddenly opened wide, a trace of blood instantly suffused his black eyeball, and his body suddenly disappeared.
Liu Chengfeng secretly felt that something was wrong and immediately raised his hand to block the Hurricane Slash. Three rays of light flashed in front of Liu Chengfeng, and his body quickly flew backwards like a kite with its string cut, as thick blood sprayed out from his mouth.
"So powerful!" If not for the fact that my body was refined by Master in one strike, I would probably have been beaten to death! " Liu Chengfeng wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, his gaze locking onto the tiger demon.
"Hehehe " The tiger demon grinned as he leisurely walked towards Liu Chengfeng, "Quickly stand up, I haven't played enough! "Don't fall down so quickly "
The aura of death surfaced in Liu Chengfeng's mind, he could not give up. Fighting with berserk beasts time and time again made him understand the importance of life.
Liu Chengfeng bounced backwards, and at the same time, threw out ten different colored talismans from his bosom. These talismans were given to him by Ye Tianjian during training, and in times of danger, he could directly throw them out without using any spirit energy to activate them.
The spirit talismans of various attributes smashed onto the Spirit Tiger Demon's body, releasing different colored light rays, forcing the Spirit Tiger Demon to stop, while Liu Chengfeng took this opportunity to escape.
"Human, don't go!"
The tiger demon roared angrily at Liu Chengfeng from behind, the sounds of fighting also gradually became smaller and smaller as Liu Chengfeng left, until he disappeared.
The Swallow Mountain Range was extremely large. Once they left the road, it was very easy for them to lose their bearings. Furthermore, there were powerful vicious beasts hidden within the mountains, and if they encountered one, there was only death waiting for them.
At this time, Liu Chengfeng was walking alone in the forest. He had already walked for four days but he still could not find the path to leave.
Just as he was walking around aimlessly, he suddenly saw a dilapidated building in front of him. Although he didn't know much about the Swallow Mountain Range, he knew that it had always been a heaven for Vicious Beasts ever since its appearance. The human armies were not even willing to stand guard here, much less have people living here. However, Liu Chengfeng decided to give it a try and walked towards the building.
When Liu Chengfeng came over, he discovered that the buildings had long been destroyed, what remained was only a pile of ruins. The collapsed walls could be seen everywhere, and the thick pillars were covered with green vines. However, judging from the scale, this place must have been a very large building complex.
Liu Chengfeng walked inside the building, and the deeper he went, the more surprised he became. Even after the passage of time, the buildings here could not conceal their former glory.
What was going on here?
With the doubt in his mind, Liu Chengfeng unknowingly arrived in front of a collapsed palace. The entire dome collapsed. A pillar over a meter in diameter fell in disorder in front of the dome. Liu Chengfeng walked around the palace and found a small bronze path that was covered by weeds. He stood in front of the small path and hesitated for a moment before deciding to enter.
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