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Chapter 7 - Knowledge of one's birth

After confirming Shao Ran's whereabouts, Ji Jingbai did not delay any further and immediately drove to Lin Group.
However, when he reached downstairs, he did not rush straight in.
For some reason, he actually felt a bit of cowardice in his heart. He was a bit afraid to face Shao Ran, no matter who it was that gave birth to his own child.
What had she experienced then, when she gave birth alone, would she be afraid? Is there any danger during this period? Remember that child.
Just as Yun Che was lost in his thoughts, his eyes inadvertently strayed to the side but he was stopped in his tracks.
Shao Ran, who was holding the hand of a child, slowly walked over while carrying some food, as if he was about to go back and eat lunch.
Seeing them, Ji Jingbai did not hesitate, he immediately opened the car door and walked towards them.
Feeling an intimidating aura approaching, Shao Ran subconsciously raised her head. When she saw the man approaching, she immediately became extremely nervous and subconsciously picked up Shao An, placing his head on his shoulder, not wanting him to see the child's true appearance.
"Why aren't you continuing to dodge?"
Ji Jingbai immediately went up to question her, but his eyes were tightly staring at the child in her embrace.
Sensing that something was wrong with his gaze, Shao Ran subconsciously held Shao An tighter. His body was trembling, and he was so nervous that he couldn't say anything.
Regardless of whether it was three years ago or three years later, even if she had already made sufficient mental preparations, when facing Ji Jingbai, she would still be at a loss as to what to do;
Seeing her cowardly look, Ji Jingbai's heart was agitated for no reason. Frowning, he suddenly spoke in a deep voice: "Why did you say it was someone else's?"
Hearing that, Shao Ran was immediately stunned, he looked at him blankly, his face full of shock.
How, how did he know the child was.
Seeing Shao Ran reveal such a panicked expression, even the last bit of uncertainty in her heart had already disappeared.
This child was his own son!
When he thought about how he, for some unfathomable reason, would actually have such a big son, Ji Jingbai's emotions also became extremely complicated.
It was at this moment that Shao An stuck his head out of Shao Ran's embrace and met his gaze.
Seeing that the face in front of him looked extremely similar to his own, but was a mini version of his, Ji Jingbai's eyes suddenly turned red, he trembled as he reached out his hand, wanting to touch the little face.
But just as he extended her hand out, before she could even touch it, Shao Ran's face became extremely anxious, she immediately hugged Shao An and retreated a few steps, looking like she was afraid that she would not be able to dodge in time.
"What are you doing? This is my child. It has nothing to do with you. I don't understand what you were saying just now." Mr. Ji, I'm sorry, I still have work to do, time is of the essence, I will be leaving first. "
As she spoke, she lifted her foot and was about to leave.
Ji Jingbai subconsciously grabbed her arm, wanting to stop her.
But when he raised his eyes, he saw Shao Ran's bloodshot eyes and the tears that were welling up within them, causing him to feel as if his hands had been pierced by needles, and he immediately retracted his hands.
Almost as soon as he let go, Shao Ran left in a hurry, and never turned back.
Looking at her leaving figure, Ji Jingbai clenched his fists, and finally released them. His eyes were unwavering: "Shao Ran, you will not be able to dodge, this time, I will not let you go so easily."
After entering the main entrance of the company, making sure that he was not chasing them, Shao Ran finally heaved a sigh of relief and put Shao An down, then held his hand and walked inside.
Along the way, she met her colleagues at the company. She didn't forget to greet them, but they were all cold and indifferent. The better part was just a "hmm". The worse part was that they acted as if they didn't see her and just ignored her.
In the beginning, Shao Ran would still feel embarrassed about this situation, but after a few times, she had gotten used to it.
Lin Shen had arranged for her to be an assistant in the HR Department. Although she was an assistant, Lin Shen had also specially greeted the manager of the HR Department to explain that her situation was a little special, and that she would bring her children to the company. Furthermore, she should not receive too many jobs.
Somehow, this statement spread throughout the entire company from their department. Within a day, everyone knew that Manager Lin had sent his girlfriend into the company, and they even had a son!
When hearing the following words, Shao Ran immediately explained: "Lin Shen and I have been good friends for many years, and we aren't any kind of couple. Furthermore, An An is also not his child."
After all, Lin Shen had already helped her a lot, so she did not want to push him to the heart of the struggle because of her.
It's just an explanation, but how many people believe it is another matter.
Carrying the scrutiny of the entire journey, Shao Ran took Shao An by the hand to his workstation, took out the lunch they bought, and they began to eat without a sound.
"Mom, will my presence here hold up your work?"
Shao An was stunned upon hearing Shao An's sudden question. He did not understand why she would suddenly ask such a question.
"Anthea, why do you say that?"
"Yesterday, when you went out to get something, I heard two aunties chatting beside you. They said that it was a rule not to bring children here, and that it would affect other people's work. "I feel that I've always been more obedient, so I didn't disturb others, but I will disturb you, right?"
Looking at Shao An's innocent face, Shao Ran's heart ached uncontrollably. She placed her arms around his shoulders and leaned into his ear as she said softly, "An An's very obedient, and didn't disturb mother. The rest of the aunts don't know An Xi yet, and don't know how cute and obedient An An is.
Shao An was still a child after all, and did not understand many things. Basically, he would listen to whatever Shao Ran said, even if it meant that he would never have any doubts.
He nodded and continued to eat with his spoon.
After eating two mouthfuls, Shao An stopped eating and turned to look at Shao Ran, his face full of curiosity as he asked, "Oh yes mother, who was that uncle we saw outside earlier? Why do I feel like we know each other?"
Hearing his words, Shao Ran loosened his hand, and the chopsticks dropped onto the ground.
菜单 下一章
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