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Chapter 4 - Useless Women

As soon as Shao An cried, Shao Ran's heart filled with pain. She really didn't know why Shao An's heart was so insecure. When she didn't know this, what did the Headmistress say to Shao An that made his heart so unsafe?
"No, it won't be An'an. Mama won't not let it go, okay! "Mama won't leave Anan. Let's go, we'll definitely find a place to stay!" Shao Ran carried Shao An and continued walking.
She didn't know where she could go at the moment. She had thought of everything she could think of, whether she had brought money with her when she ran out, or whether she had not brought her phone with her.
Do I have to go back and find Ji Jingbai? No! No, no. If Ji Jingbai knew An An An was his son, he would definitely take An An from her side. She did not want An to recognize a woman as Lan Ruijin's mother!
Thinking about Lan Ruijin, Shao Ran couldn't help but retort.
"Useless woman, so what if you've stolen Ji Jingbai? You can't even look at a man! It's fine if you can't even look at a man, but you're letting that man walk in front of me, Lan Ruijin! You're an idiot! "Useless thing!"
Shao Ran covered Shao An's ears with the last sentence, and could not help but shout loudly.
One of them sped by, but in half a second, it came back.
It scared Shao Ran so much that she hugged Shao An tightly, afraid that it was Ji Jingbai's men who found her.
However, he found out that there was a strange man in the car.
Shao Ran could immediately tell that this person was wearing an Italian custom-made suit. Such a person was definitely not Ji Jingbai's lackey!
"Where are we going? Get in the car, I'll drive you. "
Facing this unfamiliar man, Shao Ran simply hugged Shao An tightly and looked at him vigilantly.
"Your child is wearing such thin clothes. If you stand here and take the wind, I'm afraid you might catch a cold. Get on the carriage." Lan Ruian said as he looked at Shao An.
Shao An was Shao Ran's weak spot, after hearing her speak, she did not persist, and carried Shao An onto the carriage.
Once he entered the warm carriage, Shao Ran could not help but shiver, and even more so, sneezed a few times.
Shao Ran was so shocked that she immediately heaved a sigh of relief, and then she reached out and touched Shao An's forehead.
"An An, tell mom where you feel uncomfortable."
Lan Ruian, who was sitting in the driver's seat, subconsciously raised his eyebrows. Looking towards the rearview mirror, he realized that Shao Ran was asking about the child in her arms. Lan Ruian could not help but smile and shake his head at himself.
"Mom, An An's place is so heavy." Shao An said as he reached out and tapped his forehead.
"Let's go to the hospital. If a child is sick, we can't delay it." Lan Ruian said, without waiting for Shao Ran to object, he turned and headed towards the hospital.
"I don't have any money." Shao Ran lowered her head and said.
"It doesn't matter. I will pay for the medical fees." Lan Ruian chuckled.
"Thank you, I will pay you back!" After Shao Ran finished this sentence, she lowered her head and looked at Shao An who was in his embrace.
Lan Ruian looked at Shao Ran in the rearview mirror, feeling that this black faced woman was extremely interesting.
When they arrived at the hospital, Shao Ran carried Shao An to the emergency room familiarly. Seeing that she seemed to be a regular customer of the hospital, Lan Ruian's brows slightly raised, feeling that the woman he picked up on the way here was more interesting.
Even an adult would not be able to stand being carried around on the streets in the middle of the night, let alone a little child like Shao An.
"You clearly know that Shao An's body isn't very well, but why are you still dressed so thinly? His arms and legs are both ice-cold, to have you as a mother. "A person?" The doctor in the emergency room looked very familiar with Shao An and Shao Ran.
Shao Ran nodded her head, allowing the doctor to continue.
The doctor glanced at the sleeping Shao An, and could only roll his eyes at him, "Go and stay in the hospital first, observe the situation for the night, and go and complete the procedures for the hospital."
When the doctor left, Shao Ran heaved a long sigh of relief.
The doctor said that she needed a long period of recuperation and care before she could make up for it. Back then, for Shao An, Shao Ran had escaped from her side, without a job and without any financial resources. It was only because of Lin Shen's care and treatment that she was able to give birth to Shao An
But now, they could not contact Lin Shen at all. In the future, what should they do? What was Shao An going to do now?
After arriving at the ward, Shao Ran clenched her teeth as she looked at Shao An, not knowing where she should go tomorrow.
"Don't worry, the doctor said that the child's physique is quite good." Lan Ruian walked over and gave Shao Ran a cup of hot milk as she spoke.
"Thank you." Shao Ran took the cup of milk and drank it.
"Take this." Lan Ruian gave Shao Ran a card and a few pieces of cash. Seeing Shao Ran's confused look, Lan Ruian could not help but chuckle, "I did not bring much cash, I don't even remember how much money there is in the card, you take it first."
"... Don't remember how much you paid me back? Aren't you afraid of recklessly spending all of that money and not accepting it then? " Shao Ran looked at Lan Ruian and asked.
Her words made Lan Ruian chuckle again, "It's alright, just spend it, I believe you're not the kind of person who should borrow money and not pay it back."
"Thank you." Shao Ran kept the card and the money properly, and after hesitating for a while, she looked at Lan Ruian, "My name is Shao Ran, this is my son Shao An, thank you for saving us."
"Shao Ran?" Lan Ruian frowned, no one knew what he was thinking.
Shao Ran did not hear Lan Ruian's mutterings, she only drank some milk and sat on the side of Shao An's bed with her forehead pressed up against her chest.
When Lan Ruian left the ward, Shao Ran suddenly realised that she had not asked him for his name yet!
"There's actually such a good person in this world, aren't you afraid of being tricked?" Shao Ran muttered as she turned her head to look at Shao An's sleeping face. Only then did she heave a sigh of relief. The greatest achievement of her life was this adorable child in front of her.
Since he had the money now, the most important thing for him to do now was to find a place to stay. Fortunately, Shao Ran knew a few house agents and immediately contacted one of them.
Shao An had been placed in the hospital to observe. If anything happened to the rental house, she didn't need to carry Shao An and run around the streets in the middle of the night.
was relieved that the house did not appear again after the discussion. At the same time, he felt a little disappointed. As expected, he was not that important to Ji Jingbai, was he?
"Alright! It's better if it's not important at all, so that I can lead a peaceful and comfortable life for the rest of my life! Shao Ran, you definitely can! " Shao Ran encouraged herself as she whined.
At the rent, Shao Ran found a bank and checked the amount of money on the card that Lan Ruian gave her. The balance of one hundred thousand made Shao Ran unable to close her mouth, it was not that she had never seen so much money, but she never thought that a complete stranger would give her so much money!
菜单 下一章
你无论权势滔天,富可敌国,无所不能,在我面前也是蝼蚁而已。 我是陈宇,能要你的命,也能救你的命,更能成就你。 九个绝色师娘辅助我勇攀高峰: 大师娘,华佗版神医... 二师娘,强者归来... 三师娘,神都最美强者,不服就干... ...... 九师娘,商界唯我独尊... 陈宇小犊子,师娘们辅助你飞升,主宰世界,挡者...,一个字,“死”
天上掉馅饼,最美县花主动委身下嫁基层科员,这背后究竟隐藏着什么秘密? 许一山出身农门,捡漏当了公务员,官场中尔虞我诈,生活中受人欺凌。他从不放弃,永不言败,从一个小科员逐渐成长为一方大员,最终抱得美人归。
传言傅司骁是A城的活阎王,权势滔天富可敌国却丑陋残废,被他看上的女人皆活不过当晚。   叶晚柠一朝重生到被傅司骁救下的当天,二话不说就抓紧了活阎王,众人皆等着她被扫地出门。   可没想到她被活阎王盛宠上天,日子过的风生水起好不快活,那些伤她欺她的,更是被踩在脚底。   众人嘲笑,再得宠整日也得面对一个又丑又瘫的残废,叶晚柠淡笑不语。   直到有一天,众人看到那个英俊绝伦身姿颀长的大佬堵着她在角落亲……