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Chapter 3 - How could you.

"Don't worry, I'll arrange a place for you to stay." Lin Shen lowered his head for a moment before speaking to Shao Ran.
"Thank you." At this time, it was not convenient for Shao Ran to reject Lin Shen, as she did not know where to go at this time either.
If she was the only one, then she could do whatever she wanted, but she brought Shao An along. For Shao An's sake, she couldn't reject his good intentions.
After he was done packing, Lin Shen packed his luggage first. When Shao Ran entered the room, he saw that the nervousness Shao An had when he was sleeping soundly had also disappeared. She reached out to gently stroke his short, soft hair, her heart had also softened into a puddle of water.
She carried Shao An and walked out. The moment she opened the door, she saw the person she didn't want to see the most in her life.
"Ji Jingbai, how could you..."
Shao Ran laughed at himself before he even finished speaking. Since he had already met him at that club, it would be easy for him to find his own residence. Otherwise, Ji Jingbai wouldn't have been treated like a god of pests by so many people in Huai City.
"How old are you?" Ji Jingbai's gaze fell on Shao An who was in Shao Ran's embrace.
Shao Ran reached out her hand to block the back of Shao An's head. Shao An's appearance was like a miniature version of Ji Jingbai. Shao Ran did not dare to continue thinking about it!
"One and a half years old!" Shao Ran clenched her teeth and said.
Ji Jingbai's eyes immediately dimmed. If he was only one and a half years old, then it would mean that this child had nothing to do with him.
"What about the father?"
"Dead!" Shao Ran looked at Ji Jingbai, and said while gnashing his teeth.
"Oh!" Ji Jingbai's mood immediately became good. Since he had died, then there was no need for him to do something as unworthy as snatching his wife. "Let's go."
"Go?" "Where to?" Shao Ran looked at Ji Jingbai with an inexplicable expression.
"Naturally, home." Ji Jingbai looked as if it was a matter of course. After he finished speaking, he glanced at Shao Ran, "There are some things that I do not wish to repeat a third time. Unless you wish for Lin Shen in the basement to lie down and leave."
"Ji Jingbai! Lin Shen is only my friend, he has no other relationship with me, so don't hurt him! "
"Are you that nervous of him?" Ji Jingbai's face instantly darkened. In Shao Ran's heart, was Lin Shen that important? So important that she ignored his safety and allowed him to let go of Lin Shen?
Seeing Ji Jingbai's change in expression, Shao Ran pursed her lips and looked at him.
She almost forgot Ji Jingbai's temper. What should she do now?
Just as Shao Ran was at a loss as to what to do, Shao An, who was in her arms, moved, "Mother "
"..." Shao Ran's entire body stiffened in fear from hearing her mother, as she was afraid that Ji Jingbai would see what she looked like.
"Mom, I want to shush."
"Mommy will take you there." Shao Ran held Shao An's head, preventing him from turning his head to look at Ji Jingbai.
Ji Jingbai looked at Shao Ran with raised eyebrows. Her stiff body made him feel suspicious, and the more she tried to avoid him, the more unnatural it became. She, who didn't know how to lie, would always have this kind of reaction whenever she lied or hid something from him. Ji Jingbai's gaze landed on Xiao Budian who was in her embrace. A kid who was only a year old, was he that old?
"I'll take him."
"No need, President Ji. My house is small, the toilet is dirty." After Shao Ran finished speaking, she did not care about Ji Jingbai's reaction as he went into the washroom with Shao An in his arms.
Shao An was still in a daze, but when he woke up at this moment, he was also yawning with his eyes closed.
Looking at Shao An who was sitting on the toilet, Shao Ran really wanted to cry but couldn't. She had brought Shao An running and dodged in all directions for three years, yet she still couldn't escape from Ji Jingbai's demonic claws?!
"Mom, I'm ready." The little Shao An came down obediently from the toilet, wiped her own fart, stepped on the stool and washed her hands, then saw her mother standing there in a daze, and said with her childish voice.
"Good An An, good girl. Mom will bring you to a different place, okay?" Shao Ran squatted in front of Shao An and carefully wiped her hands clean as she asked.
"Anywhere Mommy goes, Anthea goes."
Shao An's words had even changed Shao Ran's heart. Back then, she had endured Ji Jingbai's misunderstanding and the grievances she had endured for the past few years, and it had all become something worth it because of Shao An.
If the heavens only wanted to test her ability to become a qualified mother to bear so much suffering, she would gladly endure it!
"Then An An, listen to mother and you " Shao Ran whispered into Shao An's ear.
Ji Jingbai looked at the time on his watch at the door, feeling extremely impatient.
Just as Ji Jingbai had used up all of his patience, Shao Ran's shrill shout came from the toilet: "An!"
Ji Jingbai took a big stride towards the washroom, at the same time, the door to the washroom was kicked open by Shao Ran. She rushed out with the child in her arms, her palm sized face filled with tears.
Ji Jingbai swept his eyes across the bathroom's floor. The bright red bloodstain on the edge of the bathtub made him cover his nose and mouth, and the churning feeling in his stomach made him not even have time to reach out and grab Shao Ran who was running out while carrying him.
"An An, don't be afraid, Mommy will send you to the hospital!" Shao Ran who was running out of the room did not even look back as he quickly ran downstairs with Shao An in his arms.
Shao Ran's heart was thumping hard, as if her chest was going to burst out at any moment. As long as she was not caught by Ji Jingbai, she could bring Shao An away from this place and live a brand-new life!
As soon as she rushed downstairs, she saw several people standing in front of a car, waiting for someone.
"Dammit, could it be that Ji Jingbai has arranged for these people to wait for me downstairs? "Then what should we do?" Shao Ran hid in the corridor and muttered.
Shao An, who was wearing a towel on his head, stuck his head out and looked at Shao Ran suspiciously.
"Mom, why aren't you leaving?"
"It's fine. Wait a moment." Shao Ran quickly tried to think of a countermeasure in her mind, when suddenly a thought popped up in her mind. Almost at the same time, Shao Ran wiped a few handfuls of dust off her face, then carried Shao An and ran out, while shouting: "Fire, fire! There's a fire upstairs! "
Her speed was too fast, and she was even carrying a child in her arms. Her face was covered with dirt, and she looked extremely slovenly.
The few people guarding the door looked at each other and immediately rushed up the stairs.
Shao Ran could not care about anything else, and quickly ran down the street with Shao An in his arms.
After running for an unknown amount of time, Shao Ran finally stopped, panting heavily.
Shao An stuck his head out from her bosom and considerately reached out to wipe the sweat off her forehead, "Mother, are we going to find Uncle Lin?"
"No, we can't go find your uncle Lin. If mother and An An An don't appear, your uncle will be safe. An An, let's go to the president's grandma's house now. You can stay there for a while, okay?" Shao Ran hugged Shao An tightly and asked.
"No no no! Mother, the headmistress saw An An and wanted to send An An away. Mother, An An doesn't want to leave mother and eat porridge with her mother. Don't leave mother. Wuwaa " Hearing Shao Ran say that, Shao An immediately became flustered, the more he spoke, the more anxious he became, he could only grin, and started to cry.
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天上掉馅饼,最美县花主动委身下嫁基层科员,这背后究竟隐藏着什么秘密? 许一山出身农门,捡漏当了公务员,官场中尔虞我诈,生活中受人欺凌。他从不放弃,永不言败,从一个小科员逐渐成长为一方大员,最终抱得美人归。
人生就是利欲场,利为媒,欲为介。 官场就是江湖,抒写温情与残酷、合作与较量、情感与利益的交易市场。大道无形,行者无疆,漫漫官道,唯有胸怀天地,志存高远,方能直抵彼岸。 小人物张一舟历经血腥战场的洗练和尔虞仕途的淬炼,终凭一颗畏惧之心和秉承的正义而纵横,步步高升,成为主宰别人命运的人。
其实,苏辰逸只是一个普通人,他也不知道从何时,早已习惯面对生死,更愿意为心中的坚持付出热血和生命。 当年忠贞为国酬,何曾怕断头? 桀骜不训的军官毕业生,痞性十足,铁汉柔情,嫉恶如仇!一次意外的机会,让他走上了利刃之路。 战毒枭,救人质;边境线上,丛林之中;利刃之光开始闪耀... 最经典的军事力作,我们一起保家卫国,扬我国威遍全球!