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Chapter 2 - Why Leaving

Ji Jingbai's aura neared Shao Ran, causing him to close his eyes and put down the clothes in his hands with some despair.
"President Ji, this place is dirty. If you have any orders, you can tell it to my colleagues." Shao Ran turned her head to look at Ji Jingbai, the corners of her mouth lifted into a stiff smile.
"Tell me, why did you leave?" Ji Jingbai took a step forward and asked.
Shao Ran subconsciously retreated, but her waist bumped into the sink, causing her to gasp in pain.
"S-President Ji " I don't really understand, what did you " Before Shao Ran even finished speaking, a familiar yet unfamiliar lips pressed up against hers, forcefully swallowing back the words that she was about to say.
Shao Ran stared blankly at the enlarged face of Ji Jingbai in front of her. She had never thought that Ji Jingbai, who was such a germaphobe, would actually be in this kind of washroom Kiss her?!
The frightened Shao Ran burped loudly, as she took two steps back to look at her in disdain.
Burp. Ji. Burp.
"..." Ji Jingbai frowned, he looked at the surroundings, and then extended his hand out and pulled her away, walking away.
Ji Jingbai's soapy hands stiffened, but he managed to forcibly overcome the discomfort of his hands.
Shao Ran was led out of the High Clubhouse in a daze. Only after the autumn wind blew in October did she realize what was happening to her.
"Let go of me, Ji Jingbai!"
Shao Ran struggled with all her might but realized that even though she still had soapy water on her hands, she couldn't struggle free from Ji Jingbai's grasp.
Ji Jingbai didn't say anything and stubbornly clung onto Shao Ran's insistence. Three years ago, he let Shao Ran leave his sight with a single negligence, and in these three years, no matter how many people he used, he couldn't find any news of Shao Ran. He never thought that the proud Shao Ran back then would actually land in this kind of place to serve as a servant!
No wonder he couldn't find her!
Only the heavens knew how long it took for him to bear with not being able to pull Shao Ran up from the ground and tightly hug her when he saw Shao Ran just now.
Let go of her? Don't even think about it!
Shao Ran who was pushed into the car turned around and pushed the door open, only to realize that Ji Jingbai had already locked the door.
"Ji Jingbai!"
"You wouldn't have called me by my name in the past." Ji Jingbai didn't even look at Shao Ran. After speaking indifferently, he started up the car and headed in the direction of the Ji Family.
The moment Ji Jingbai opened his mouth, Shao Ran was terrified once again.
In the past, what status did she have, and what identity did he have? Did she dare to yell at him?
Even now, the memories that she had left behind to Shao Ran made her tremble the moment she saw them, let alone now The more Shao Ran thought about it, the more guilty she felt, and the louder her voice became.
Her bluffing caused Ji Jingbai to glance at her indifferently, "What are you hiding from me?"
Hearing that, Shao Ran's entire body froze, even her tongue did not obey her command.
She slumped back in her chair and closed her eyes, ignoring him.
was originally one of those who spoke very little, and previously, even if Shao Ran had been a chatterbox, now that she saw Ji Jingbai, she did not want to say anything anymore.
She touched her phone in her pocket and sent a message to Lin Shen.
"Please take care of Shao An today."
She didn't know when Ji Jingbai would let her go so she could be at ease.
Lin Shen quickly replied his.
[Overtime again today? Shao Ran, I still recommend that you go to my company. At least that job will guarantee your and Shao An's life.]
Seeing this message, Shao Ran closed her eyes impatiently. She kept her phone and continued to look out the window.
The night scenery of this city had never disappointed Shao Ran. No matter which scenery it was, it would always make her feel at ease. The lights in those tall buildings, even if they did not belong to her, still allowed her to ignite hope.
One day, she would let Shao An also live in that kind of house, and live a peaceful life.
The car suddenly stopped at the side of the road. Shao Ran could not help it, and almost crashed into the front of the passenger seat.
"Shao Ran, come back to my side." Ji Jingbai looked at Shao Ran, and said sincerely.
Shao Ran continued looking out the window.
After a long while, she turned her head to look at Ji Jingbai, and said slowly, "Mr. Ji, if you brought me out to talk about this, I'm very sorry, but I can't agree. Please send me back to the place where I work.
Shao Ran spoke in a relaxed manner, as if there was nothing in this world that she needed to pay for other than money.
Ji Jingbai frowned, she had not yet opened her mouth, when she heard Shao Ran's chuckle. She tilted her head slightly, and said with eyes as seductive as silk, "Could it be that Mr. Ji wants to shelter me? Let me be the canary in Mr. Ji's arms? Mr. Ji, aren't you worried that I will give you a green hat again? "
"... "Scram!"
"Mr. Ji... Why are you so angry? Can't I promise you that? "From now on, as long as you can afford it, my people will be yours "
Shao Ran had not finished speaking when Ji Jingbai had already opened the driver's door, quickly walking to the passenger side, opened the car door and pulled Shao Ran down.
That speed was so fast that he did not hesitate at all.
Seeing Ji Jingbai's car drive away, Shao Ran turned around and ran down another street without hesitation.
It was good to know a man's weakness. A single word could turn an elegant gentleman into a maniacal thug.
Fortunately, Ji Jingbai's rationality was greater than his fury, so he did not attack her on the spot.
But she knew that Ji Jingbai would react very quickly, and at that time, what she would be facing would not be just one or two sentences.
As expected, not long after Shao Ran left, Ji Jingbai's car returned to the place where he got off the car previously, but at that place, Shao Ran was nowhere to be seen.
"This time, don't even think of escaping!" Ji Jingbai looked at the carriage and said softly.
When Shao Ran returned home, she frowned and walked out of the room, "What happened?"
"Lin Shen, where's Shao An?" Shao Ran patted her chest and took a deep breath.
"Just fell asleep. Where's your coat? Why are you dressed like this? Isn't it cold? " Lin Shen asked a series of questions, which made Shao Ran wave her hand repeatedly, "I don't have time to talk about this right now, help me pack up immediately, I'm going to take Shao An with me!"
"Shao Ran! Calm down first, what's going on? " Seeing Shao Ran's frantic state, Lin Shen grabbed Shao Ran's arm and pulled her back.
"Ji Jingbai, he knows about my work at the clubhouse." Shao Ran said with difficulty as she looked at Lin Shen.
"Sooner or later. Shao Ran, you don't need to move. Lin Shen pulled Shao Ran's hand, and said to her sincerely.
"Lin Shen... I know that you are doing this for my own good, but I am sorry, I cannot accept your kind intentions. I have always regarded you as my friend, so I hope that you can respect my decision. " Shao Ran said as she retracted her hand.
In these past three years, if not for Lin Shen's help, she would not have been able to give birth to Shao An, and it would be even more impossible for her to live a peaceful life for so many years.
But she clearly knew that she only felt gratitude towards Lin Shen, not any other feelings.
菜单 下一章
天上掉馅饼,最美县花主动委身下嫁基层科员,这背后究竟隐藏着什么秘密? 许一山出身农门,捡漏当了公务员,官场中尔虞我诈,生活中受人欺凌。他从不放弃,永不言败,从一个小科员逐渐成长为一方大员,最终抱得美人归。
其实,苏辰逸只是一个普通人,他也不知道从何时,早已习惯面对生死,更愿意为心中的坚持付出热血和生命。 当年忠贞为国酬,何曾怕断头? 桀骜不训的军官毕业生,痞性十足,铁汉柔情,嫉恶如仇!一次意外的机会,让他走上了利刃之路。 战毒枭,救人质;边境线上,丛林之中;利刃之光开始闪耀... 最经典的军事力作,我们一起保家卫国,扬我国威遍全球!
一场替嫁阴谋,蓝依依被送给了传说中丑陋瘫痪的克妻大佬,新婚夜,她被男人逼着主动……   众人皆知,傅寒枭是A城的疯批活阎王,性情古怪暴戾还克妻,没有哪个女人敢跟他扯上关系。蓝依依做为克妻大佬的第九任妻子,众人都等着她被横着抬出来。   可三天后蓝依依红光满面戴着硕大鸽子蛋出现在众人面前,一个月后她晒出孕检单和无数珠宝财产,蓝家人嫉妒红了眼,逼她离婚让出傅夫人之位。   蓝依依微微一笑,什么也不做只唤了老公两个字。   于是克妻大佬不克妻,他宠妻上天,蓝家人走着进来爬着出去,那些曾经得罪过蓝依依的,全部排队上门赔礼道歉。   蓝依依一头扎进活阎王怀里,“老公,你对我这么好,我要如何报答你。”   男人双臂收紧,嗓音低沉暗哑:“来,二胎安排一下。”