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Chapter 26 - Busy

Hearing that, Shao Ran realized that her question about yesterday's matter was fake, the real reason was to find trouble with her.
Although she also knew that it would make people unhappy if she continued to be free here, she had no choice, no one to assign her a job, and even if she asked for help, she would most likely be rejected. Unless she really couldn't help it, then she would just help with a little, and it would be a trivial and unimportant job.
Shao Ran was powerless against this, she could only pretend to be deaf and mute and continue acting as if she didn't know anything.
It was just that she felt extremely awkward now that Zhang Miao had brought this matter up so bluntly and brought it up in front of everyone's eyes.
Biting his lip, Shao Ran's expression changed again and again, looking a little embarrassed. "I, I don't want to be so idle, but, but "
"Since you don't want to be idle, then go to work."
Without giving her the slightest chance to react, Zhang Miao took a stack of documents from the side and placed it all on her desk. She pointed at the documents and said: "I know you also don't know how to do anything, so I gave you some simple jobs. These were the interns hired by the company this time and were ready to be tested. They needed to get temporary admission tokens, have someone explain the company's regulations to them, and send them to their respective departments for work These tasks may sound like a lot, but you don't need to think about them. Since you want to work hard, then come and see. "
Shao Ran's eyes were still looking at the documents, and when she heard her words, her face revealed a shocked expression.
Logically speaking, these jobs shouldn't be difficult, but It's a waste of time.
Because she needed to contact the interns one by one, to tell them when to come to the company, to confirm if they had already been notified, especially the department they were going to work in They all needed to be separated one by one.
As for the rest of the work, it was similar to that, it was not difficult, but it was rather trivial.
Just by thinking about it, Shao Ran felt that she was somewhat irritable, and couldn't help but reveal a look on her face.
"Why? Are you unwilling?" Zhang Miao looked at the expression on her face and mockingly curled her lips, "Just now, I was the awesome one that told me that you wanted to work. Now that I've given you a mission, you're not willing to do it anymore. Little girl, you already have two faces at such a young age.
"Who says I don't want to? This is my job, I will complete it seriously." Gritting her teeth, Shao Ran's face was filled with determination.
Hearing this, Zhang Miao's face flashed with a proud look, she nodded her head, and looked calm and collected: "Since you have such confidence, then we will wait and see, I hope that you do not disappoint us, and do not slap your own face. Otherwise, you will not be able to continue living here."
After she finished speaking, she gave Shao Ran a deep look, and snorted lightly. She turned around and continued to walk, "Enough, it's almost time to watch the show, it's all over now. Go back to whatever you were doing earlier, there's so much work to do, do you really think everyone would have such a good life?"
As a result, everyone scattered and continued with their work. They were in high spirits, as if there was no dispute just now. It was peaceful.
Shao Ran slowly sat down and looked at the mountain of documents in front of her. She laughed bitterly and sighed.
She was not mistaken. It was indeed not a light job. The information on everyone was in a mess. It was as if they had been placed inside without any careful categorization.
For this kind of file, she had to type word for word into the company's internal system, in case she needed to take the exam in the future.
It's all time-consuming work.
In the entire morning, Shao Ran did not even have time to drink a mouthful of saliva as she was busy with her work. It was already noon and her other colleagues had already left, leaving her busy without stop.
Shao An endured, but he still could not resist. He gently pulled her sleeve and said softly: "Mother, I'm hungry. When are we going to eat?"
Hearing him say that he was hungry, Shao Ran finally regained her senses. She turned her head and looked at the small clock on the table.
Seeing that he had not finished a tenth of the work in front of her, Shao Ran didn't have the appetite to eat. After thinking for a moment, she took out her phone and said to An An An: "An An, mom is a bit busy, I'll order some takeout for you first. When we return home tonight, I'll make you something you like, okay?"
Shao An did not request for any of these, and nodded, then obediently waited at the side.
The food was delivered very quickly and was delivered into Shao Ran's hands in a short while.
She quickly opened the lunchbox and placed it in front of Shao An, "An An, you should eat first. Mom still has things to do, be obedient."
After saying that, she turned her attention back to her computer and continued to focus on her work.
After Shao An finished eating, he packed up the take-out boxes himself and threw them into the trash can outside. Then, he walked back and sat beside her, reading the comic books without saying a word.
Shao Ran was focused on her work and did not have time to pay attention to the things around her, so she did not notice that the expression on Shao An's face became uglier and uglier, paler and paler.
"Shao Ran, what's wrong with your son? Why is he sweating so much?" A colleague by his side saw Shao An's expression, and frowned: Did I get heat stroke?
After saying that, he felt the temperature in the office and confirmed that the air-conditioning was still on. The temperature was very suitable and was even a bit low.
Hearing her colleague's words, Shao Ran took the time to look at Shao An. When she looked at him, she was so frightened that she couldn't even hold her mouse properly, and threw him to the side. She hugged Shao An and asked anxiously: "An An An, An, what's wrong?
"Mom, my stomach hurts " Shao An's face had already turned pale white. It seemed as if such a simple sentence was filled with all the strength in his body.
Hearing that, Shao Ran's heart immediately became anxious, she could not care about anything else, she carried Shao An and rushed out the door, and caught a taxi to the hospital.
Along the way, she held Shao An tightly in her arms, and even her voice was trembling. "You must be alright, Mom only has you "
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新晋公务员唐俊突击被提拔担任村支部书记,一下就卷入到了风云诡谲的明争暗斗之中。 面对县金地公司的压力,面对各种利益方的纠缠,唐俊绝不妥协,但是同时又不蛮干,而且巧妙运用阳谋手段,一次次化解各种危机,率领红鱼村创造了一个又一个的辉煌成就,自己的仕途也因此平步青云,一路扶摇直上!