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Chapter 13 - I'm Hungry

Originally, Shao Ran wanted to mock him, but she did not expect him to suddenly say this, catching her off guard. His originally words were stuck in her throat, not knowing what to say.
"I'm hungry."
Ji Jingbai repeated himself again, his face did not have much of an expression, but it just gave off a very pitiful, wronged feeling.
Shao Ran looked at him and pursed her lips. In the end, she could not resist the feeling of weakness in her heart.
"Didn't you leave earlier? Why haven't you eaten yet?" Shao Ran watched as he walked in, and asked while frowning, "Furthermore, how did you know that I live here?"
She called herself an idiot the moment she finished.
Now that his whereabouts had been exposed, it was understandable that he knew where he lived.
Ji Jingbai lowered his head and was about to change his shoes, but he saw that there were no slippers suitable for him beside the shoe cabinet — or it should be said, not even a pair of extra slippers.
Shao Ran also realized the problem and immediately said: "There's no need to change your shoes, you've directly come in, and I don't have any slippers that you can wear."
But at this moment, Ji Jingbai was thinking about something. There were no slippers prepared here, could it be that Lin Shen had also never stayed in this place before?
The answer was yes. Although they hadn't personally seen it, the previous investigation had already made it clear that there was no such thing as a relationship between the two of them.
It was precisely because of this that Ji Jingbai was able to tolerate the existence of Lin Shen. After all, he had helped Shao Ran quite a bit.
"I didn't leave. I was still worried about you guys, so I followed behind you guys the entire time. I watched you guys get into Lin Shen's car, go to the supermarket, buy a lot of things, and then return here together with me. I will just wait in the car, wait for Lin Shen to leave, and then I will come out. "
Listening to his calm tone as he narrated his previous experiences, Shao Ran bit her lips, endured the pain in her heart, and said with a calm voice: "Since that's the case, then you can go home and eat. Why have you come to my place?"
At this time, Shao An also walked over, and hid behind her back, exposing only his small head, he looked at Ji Jingbai timidly.
Wasn't this the uncle who bullied his mother? Why was he here?
As he thought about it, Shao An suddenly stood up in front of Shao Ran and extended his hands out as a form of protection. He stared at Shao Ran and bellowed: "You villain, why are you here?
Unfortunately, his voice was still childish, so no matter how hard he tried to put on airs, the effect wasn't that great.
But Ji Jingbai still heard his words. He narrowed his eyes slightly and half squatted down. He asked him normally with curiosity, "Why do you say that I'm a bad person, and why do you say that I don't like Owen?"
"Mom said you always bully her, so you are a bad person. I don't even like people who bully Mom!" Even though he was a little timid in his heart, Shao An still clenched his teeth and persevered on.
Hearing that, Ji Jingbai laughed softly, and extended his hand out to touch his little face.
However, before his hands could touch Shao An, Shao Ran had already hugged him tightly in his embrace, and said nervously: "Kids don't know their place, if you say anything, then don't bother with him, just come at me."
"To you?"
With a light snort, Ji Jingbai slowly stood up. Seeing her nervous and trembling appearance, he asked in a low voice, "Then tell me, why did you tell this child that I bullied you? When did I bully you?
"I "
Shao Ran did not know what to say either, she suddenly regretted speaking to Shao An like that, and now that she was in such an awkward situation, she was at a loss of what to do.
Seeing her expression, Ji Jingbai suddenly could not bear to ask any further, she pursed her lips and said calmly: "I did not eat tonight, so I'm very hungry now, please get me something to eat."
"I don't know how to cook."
Without thinking through it, Shao Ran subconsciously blurted out.
In the next second, Shao An, who was in her embrace, raised her head and looked at her innocently: "Mom, how can you lie? Weren't you the one who cooked dinner today? We ate happily."
When he said those words, Shao Ran's face immediately became pale, and she immediately reached out to cover his mouth, her eyes blinked, but she did not have the courage to look at Ji Jingbai.
It really was a scene of a car turning over!
"You made dinner yourself. Now tell me you don't know how to cook?" Ji Jingbai's voice that carried an unknown feeling rang beside his ears, full of playfulness, "Shao Ran, lying in front of a child, is not a good thing. What kind of three views do you want him to have?"
"I'm not..."
Gritting his teeth, he wanted to explain, but he found that he couldn't explain it clearly. Shao Ran's face was red from embarrassment, her eyes rippling with light, looking pitiful.
Seeing that, Ji Jingbai's heart softened again. He silently sighed, and relaxed his tone: "I just want to eat, are you so ruthless to keep me hungry?"
"Right now, I can only cook Egg-Fried Rice," after hesitating for a moment, Shao Ran finally relaxed, "But there is no disinfectant cabinet in my house, and there are no other things. Can you get used to using it?"
She clearly knew how serious this old man's obsession with cleanliness was.
Ji Jingbai's brows tightly knitted together. After hesitating for a long time, he finally gave his all and nodded: "It doesn't matter, I can endure it."
Hearing those two words, Shao Ran suddenly wanted to give him a kick, but after thinking about the consequences of doing so, she stopped herself from thinking about it, and said: "Then wait a moment."
After she finished speaking, she lightly rubbed the top of Shao An's hair and said softly: "Good An An, first let's watch TV. Mom will accompany you after you finish packing, okay?"
Nodding his head, Shao An turned around and returned to the living room, climbed onto the sofa and sat down, and started watching the cartoons on the TV, occasionally releasing a burst of laughter.
Shao Ran looked at Ji Jingbai but did not say a word. He turned and walked into the kitchen and put on his gloves, preparing to continue washing the dishes.
"I remember you didn't like being in the kitchen the most."
It was unknown when Ji Jingbai, who had followed her over, stood at the door, watching her skillfully washing the dishes, and her tone was a little depressing. "Say, you hate that greasy feeling, which makes you feel disgusted."
"You also said that it was in the past. Humans change, and you have to learn to adapt to life. After all, I don't have the qualifications to be a princess anymore.
菜单 下一章
一场替嫁阴谋,蓝依依被送给了传说中丑陋瘫痪的克妻大佬,新婚夜,她被男人逼着主动……   众人皆知,傅寒枭是A城的疯批活阎王,性情古怪暴戾还克妻,没有哪个女人敢跟他扯上关系。蓝依依做为克妻大佬的第九任妻子,众人都等着她被横着抬出来。   可三天后蓝依依红光满面戴着硕大鸽子蛋出现在众人面前,一个月后她晒出孕检单和无数珠宝财产,蓝家人嫉妒红了眼,逼她离婚让出傅夫人之位。   蓝依依微微一笑,什么也不做只唤了老公两个字。   于是克妻大佬不克妻,他宠妻上天,蓝家人走着进来爬着出去,那些曾经得罪过蓝依依的,全部排队上门赔礼道歉。   蓝依依一头扎进活阎王怀里,“老公,你对我这么好,我要如何报答你。”   男人双臂收紧,嗓音低沉暗哑:“来,二胎安排一下。”
传言傅司骁是A城的活阎王,权势滔天富可敌国却丑陋残废,被他看上的女人皆活不过当晚。   叶晚柠一朝重生到被傅司骁救下的当天,二话不说就抓紧了活阎王,众人皆等着她被扫地出门。   可没想到她被活阎王盛宠上天,日子过的风生水起好不快活,那些伤她欺她的,更是被踩在脚底。   众人嘲笑,再得宠整日也得面对一个又丑又瘫的残废,叶晚柠淡笑不语。   直到有一天,众人看到那个英俊绝伦身姿颀长的大佬堵着她在角落亲……