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Chapter 12 - personally cooking

Hearing the assistant's words, Ji Jingbai's face became as cold as ice.
When Ji Jingbai first saw them living in such an environment, he was already very angry. In his opinion, this kind of place was not for others to live in at all.
However, what he did not expect was that the houses here were not only shabby, even the security was so poor. If a person were to live here, he would have to be on tenterhooks every day.
"Have you found the landlord's information?"
"Not yet..." The assistant's voice became weaker.
Ji Jingbai had previously given him an address, telling him to check it out. However, this small district had many rooms rented out everyday, without any more detailed information, he couldn't find out who rented out the house right away!
Ji Jingbai seemed to have also noticed his point of collapse, he pursed his lips and said coldly: "I'll tell you once I know the number of the house, you can continue checking."
"Yes, President Ji."
After hanging up the phone, Ji Jingbai once again looked at the light from the distant room. From afar, he felt a sense of warmth.
Even though it was such a run-down place, it still made him yearn for it
Ji Jingbai quietly waited downstairs, quiet as a statue.
Inside the room, Shao Ran placed the last dish onto a plate and placed it on the table. Then, she shouted loudly: "The dishes are ready, and ready to eat.
"Got it, Mom."
Lin Shen carried Shao An and entered the bathroom to wash his hands. He was too short and wasn't able to reach the washbasin.
After washing their hands, the two of them sat obediently at the dining table, waiting for the moment the meal started.
Shao Ran brought out a bowl that was filled with rice and placed it in front of Lin Shen. Then, she took out some of her own bowl and placed some of it into a small bowl, before pushing it in front of Shao An.
"Alright, you must be hungry. Hurry up and eat."
Shao An was still young and did not know how to use chopsticks.
After seeing Lin Shen eat a few mouthfuls, Shao Ran finally asked with some nervousness: "How is it, is the taste edible?"
"Of course, the taste is quite good." After saying that, Lin Shen stuffed the chopsticks in his mouth again, chewed a few times, and swallowed them back down his throat. He winked at her and said, "Didn't you see that I'm so busy eating that I don't even have time to praise you?"
Although Shao Ran knew that his words were exaggerated, he was still very happy when he heard it. After all, everyone hoped that after working hard, they would receive praise, not criticism.
The meal was fast. The dishes on the table were all finished, and there was nothing left.
Wiping his mouth with a tissue, Lin Shen touched his stomach which was obviously bulging, and said half jokingly: "Look at this, it's so full that I can even turn my abs into a piece. If this becomes a big stomach, then it's your responsibility."
Hearing that, Shao Ran unrestrainedly sneered, her eyes wide, her face full of loveliness: "You still have the nerve to say that, could it be that I was the one who bit your lips and stuffed the food in?"
"That's not easy to eat, so I couldn't control myself." Lin Shen raised his eyebrows, changing the topic, "Look, I ate the food personally made by you at your house today, but I didn't have the money to pay for the food, so I used the things from before to repay you, what do you think?"
"Rejecting your debt requires an equal exchange, why would you need so much," Shao Ran said with her eyes wide open, with a look of shock on her face. "I'm not an idiot, you're obviously "
Before he even finished speaking, Lin Shen waved his hand, smiling proudly: "Don't mind what I do, it's decided anyway. I feel that the meal I ate today was far more than that price. However, seeing that we are friends, I gave myself a discount. It's slightly cheaper.
Seeing that his expression did not allow for discussion, Shao Ran knew that it was useless even if he had to persevere. In the end, he could only sigh helplessly and nod his head in agreement, "Alright, alright, since you will not agree to anything I say, it's good that you're happy."
"That's right. When you find that you can't change anything, you have to find a way to adapt to it. That way, at least you'll be in a better mood."
Saying that, Lin Shen stood up, "Alright, it's getting late, I have to go back first, there are still matters that I need you guys to take care of."
When he heard that he was going back, Shao Ran immediately stood up, and was about to send him off, but was stopped by him, "Alright, I'm a man, why would I need a woman like you to send me off? If you send me down, I'll have to worry about you, and I'll also have to send you up.
When Lin Shen said this, a scene involuntarily appeared in her mind, and she did not know whether to laugh or cry. She did not insist, so she sent him to the door, saw him off, and turned around to return.
As Ji Jingbai sat in the carriage, he was extremely fidgety from waiting, and his heart was thinking about what they had done inside the carriage, as well as why they had not left for so long.
Just as he was thinking, a figure walked out from the corridor, he looked carefully and noticed that it was Lin Shen.
Only, Lin Shen did not see him, and immediately drove away.
After he left, Ji Jingbai walked out of the car, his lips were pursed tightly as he walked inside the house
As Shao Ran was washing the dishes, she suddenly heard a knock on the door. She immediately took off her gloves and rushed over to open the door.
"Did you forget something " Why is it you? "
He originally thought that it was Lin Shen who returned, but he didn't expect that it was actually Ji Jingbai. Shao Ran was stunned at the door for a long while, and was unable to react for a long time.
Ji Jingbai walked up from the bottom of the stairs and was already disgusted and upset by the dirty and messy environment. Seeing that her expression obviously changed, he couldn't help but glare coldly and mock: "Look at you, are you disappointed to see me? What, haven't all of you warmed up enough in such a long time? "
Just as he finished speaking, he saw the blood color on Shao Ran's face disappear, and he immediately felt extremely frustrated.
He had clearly thought about having a good talk with her before coming here, but he didn't know why, when he saw the expression on her face, he felt even worse.
Shao Ran immediately reacted, she bit her lips, and her expression became ugly: "What we do has nothing to do with you, why are you here? "I don't want to "
"I'm hungry."
菜单 下一章
吴建国,一个帅气、果敢、忠义的事业男,被众多美女包围式的追求。但他自制力极强,与两小无猜的赵丽天专心相爱。 然而,他被一主要靠美貌而在官场步步高升的杨咏看中。杨咏一边伺候官场里极个别的色狼,同时,她模仿武则天用权力寻欢男色,吴建国,成为最主要的猎物……
官路艰难,行差踏错一步,就会万劫不复。 但仕途也很简单,只要你站对了队,用对了人,找对了方向,将无往不利。 沈飞重生到了十八年前,那个改变自己命运的时候,且看他如何只手补天裂,逆转人生!