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Chapter 10 - Shopping Together

Because of the food outside, being unable to rest at ease while eating cheaply, and being unable to afford the expensive dishes, Shao Ran decided to make her own food at home. This way, she would be safe and secure, and would also save money.
Coincidentally, Lin Shen was also beside him, so he did not have to worry about not being able to bring back anything that he bought.
Who asked him to take the initiative to be a free labourer? He couldn't stop them even if they wanted to.
Shao An sat on top of the shopping cart, his big eyes looking around at the bustling area of the supermarket, his young and tender face slowly filled with surprise.
This was the first time he had been to a supermarket since he was born.
In the past, Shao Ran would always work day and night, so he didn't have time to spare. He didn't even have time to look after him, much less bring him along to buy things.
However, it was great now. In the future, he would have more time for mother and son to go out shopping, shopping, and playing. This allowed him to enjoy the fun that other children could enjoy.
"Mom, what's that? It's so beautiful."
Following the direction that Shao An pointed, Shao Ran turned her head to look and discovered that it was a jar of candy that was placed inside a jar that had the image of a cartoon character.
Looking at that jar of candy, and then looking at the unconcealable yearning on Shao An's face, Shao Ran's heart slightly ached.
He was already two years old, but he was still surprised to see such a thing. He really owed him too much.
Shao Ran held back the sour look in her eyes and without hesitation, she took down a jar of candy and handed it over to Shao An. "An An An, this is a candy, just like the sweet candy that you had eaten before, mother can buy it for you, but you have to promise mother that you can only eat one per day, you can't eat too many, or your teeth will break, understand?"
"Got it!"
Shao An hugged the candy jar, his eyes were so happy that they curved into a crescent shape, as he was even unwilling to let go.
Seeing that, Shao Ran turned her head, and secretly snorted, she blinked her eyes, and when she turned back, her expression was already as normal, and nothing was amiss.
It was just that her small actions had long been noticed by Lin Shen, and could not help but feel her heart ache, and wanted to say a few words to comfort her, but was unable to do so.
He knew that even though she had a soft personality, she still had to be strong. She didn't want anyone to find out about this sort of thing.
Therefore, Lin Shen raised his hand and slowly put it back down. He pursed his lips and suddenly said: "I'll push the carriage then, then you go and choose something. It'll be more convenient this way."
Shao Ran thought about it, and this was indeed the case, and did not reject her. She gave up her seat and walked in front.
He chose some common seasonings, fresh fruits and vegetables, and bought some rice and noodles Gradually, the shopping cart was filled to the brim and there was not much space left.
Even Shao An was being carried out of the car by Lin Shen, holding hands by his side.
After placing the last item on the carriage, Shao Ran finally stopped. Patting her hands, she turned her head to look, and almost jumped out of fright.
"When did I put so many things in here?"
She clearly didn't think that she had much things with her, how could she unknowingly build a mountain?
Looking at her slightly confused expression, Lin Shen couldn't help but laugh. "Puchi" he said, "Of course it was you who built it up little by little. There aren't many things in it, but there are a lot of things that you can't take on. Is there anything else I need to buy? Should I push another car? "
"No need, no need." Shao Ran immediately waved her hand, she looked at the small mountain in front of her with a bitter face, "There are so many things, we can't take them back, why don't I pick out a few that aren't too important and buy them next time?"
As she said that, she reached out to pick out the things inside the car, but was stopped by Lin Shen.
Just as they met, Shao Ran subconsciously pulled her hand back.
Lin Shen knew that he had been too presumptuous and immediately apologized: "Sorry, I do not have any other intentions, it is "
"It's fine, I know. It's just that my reaction was a bit too extreme."
With a hollow laugh, Shao Ran looked somewhat uncomfortable.
The two were silent for a moment, then Lin Shen spoke again: "Don't worry about these things, I can take them all. Let's go check out the bill first."
Without waiting for her reply, he pushed the cart towards the cash register.
Shao Ran bit her lips, picked up Shao An and followed along.
The cashier quickly scanned the items and put them into the bag. Finally, he knocked on the car door and returned, smiling at Lin Shen: "Hello sir, it's a total of 796 yuan. May I know if it's cash or swipe your card?"
"Card swipe." As he said that, Lin Shen took out a card from his wallet and handed it over.
"Lin Shen, it's alright, I still have more money " Seeing that he actually wanted to settle the bill, Shao Ran opened her mouth to stop him.
In the blink of an eye, it was already done. After signing the name, the bill and card were handed to Lin Shen together: "Customer, take care, please come next time."
"Lin Shen, wait for me to return "
Shao Ran was still troubled over the bill. He shook his head at her and then indicated behind her: "Let's talk about it when we get back. The rest is still waiting to be settled."
Only after hearing his reminder, did Shao Ran remember to line up behind him. She immediately felt embarrassed, and immediately followed Lin Shen out while hugging him.
"Lin Shen, I will transfer the money to you when we get back." After holding back for a long time, she finally gave her a chance to say it out, "I can't let you always spend money for me."
"It's only a few hundred dollars, you don't have to worry about it." Lin Shen did not mind, his tone even had a bit of helplessness, "Shao Ran, do you know, right now I'm always a little afraid that you would call out my name. Every time you call out to me, the words you speak are always so distant, making me feel extremely uncomfortable."
Hearing that, Shao Ran pursed her lips, but did not say anything.
What was there to say? Originally, she had wanted to make the distance between them greater so that they would be safe and be good for everyone.
It was a pity
Sighing silently, Shao Ran looked up and saw the several bags in his hands, and immediately said with the book: "These things are too heavy, give me a few, I'll help you share them."
As she said that, she reached out to take it, but was dodged by Lin Shen in a flash.
"No need, I'm not tired of these things. Moreover, you still have to carry An Xin. He's also a young man that weighs over ten jin. He's not brisk at all. He's the most important thing."
Just as he finished speaking, Shao An turned his head, his little face wrinkled, and became a little sad: "Uncle Lin, are you looking down on An An too much?"
菜单 下一章
天上掉馅饼,最美县花主动委身下嫁基层科员,这背后究竟隐藏着什么秘密? 许一山出身农门,捡漏当了公务员,官场中尔虞我诈,生活中受人欺凌。他从不放弃,永不言败,从一个小科员逐渐成长为一方大员,最终抱得美人归。

一场替嫁阴谋,蓝依依被送给了传说中丑陋瘫痪的克妻大佬,新婚夜,她被男人逼着主动……   众人皆知,傅寒枭是A城的疯批活阎王,性情古怪暴戾还克妻,没有哪个女人敢跟他扯上关系。蓝依依做为克妻大佬的第九任妻子,众人都等着她被横着抬出来。   可三天后蓝依依红光满面戴着硕大鸽子蛋出现在众人面前,一个月后她晒出孕检单和无数珠宝财产,蓝家人嫉妒红了眼,逼她离婚让出傅夫人之位。   蓝依依微微一笑,什么也不做只唤了老公两个字。   于是克妻大佬不克妻,他宠妻上天,蓝家人走着进来爬着出去,那些曾经得罪过蓝依依的,全部排队上门赔礼道歉。   蓝依依一头扎进活阎王怀里,“老公,你对我这么好,我要如何报答你。”   男人双臂收紧,嗓音低沉暗哑:“来,二胎安排一下。”
其实,苏辰逸只是一个普通人,他也不知道从何时,早已习惯面对生死,更愿意为心中的坚持付出热血和生命。 当年忠贞为国酬,何曾怕断头? 桀骜不训的军官毕业生,痞性十足,铁汉柔情,嫉恶如仇!一次意外的机会,让他走上了利刃之路。 战毒枭,救人质;边境线上,丛林之中;利刃之光开始闪耀... 最经典的军事力作,我们一起保家卫国,扬我国威遍全球!