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Chapter 9 - Alcohol Confusion x

After hesitating for a while, Lu Shijia couldn't help but take out his phone and call his assistant.
The moment the call connected, Lu Shijia immediately instructed: "You personally investigate a girl called An Xingchen. I want all the information of her graduation from Yao City A University, especially the information about which hospital she was born in! The faster the better! "
After ending the call, Lu Shijia waited for a while before returning back to his room.
Lu Shijia kept his phone, got up and looked at the time on his watch before saying to Gong Lingqian: "It's almost the agreed time, we should be going."
As he spoke, Lu Shijia seemed to have thought of something, as he looked at Gong Lingqian with a smile that was not really a smile and continued, "Your alcohol tolerance has always been poor, and the people participating in the dinner tonight are all sly old foxes.
The Gong Family and the Lu Family were old friends and partners.
This afternoon, Lu Shijia and Gong Lingqian had a common meal to attend, so Lu Shijia came over to the Gong’s Group to wait for Gong Lingqian.
"It's fine. Let's go." Gong Lingqian said and then left with Lu Shijia.
All of the people participating in this meal were men, so Gong Lingqian did not bring An Xingchen along, but only Cheng Hao.
An Xingchen was so happy that she had nothing to do. She buried her head in her papers and an entire afternoon passed in the blink of an eye.
The doorbell rang. As An Xingchen was hesitating whether or not she should go to Diting Courtyard to cook dinner for her, her phone suddenly rang.
It was Cheng Hao's number. Just as An Xingchen pressed the answer button, Cheng Hao's voice transmitted over: Miss An, Young Master Gong is drunk.
"Alright, I understand."
After ending the call, An Xingchen took a taxi and headed straight to Diting Courtyard.
Along the way, An Xingchen had finally made it back to the Diting Courtyard before Gong Lingqian.
Taking the key that Gong Lingqian previously gave her to open the door, An Xingchen immediately went to the kitchen to prepare.
Just as he finished, Cheng Hao supported Gong Lingqian back.
Cheng Hao helped Gong Lingqian who was slowly walking over to the sofa to sit down, and when An Xingchen saw this, she immediately brought over the sobering soup.
It was probably because he was drunk that Gong Lingqian's handsome face was flushed red. He squinted his eyes slightly and leaned lazily on the sofa.
An Xingchen could not help but look towards Cheng Hao and ask, "General Cheng Young Master Gong is fine, right? "
"It's fine, Young Master Gong's alcohol consumption isn't that high. He drank a few more cups of wine today, he's just a little drunk."
After saying that, Cheng Hao continued, "Miss An, I will leave this place to you."
"If you need anything, just call me. I'll be going first."
After Cheng Hao finished, he left without waiting for An Xingchen's reply.
In the huge villa, only An Xingchen and Gong Lingqian were left.
"Young Master Gong, are you alright? I've made the sobering soup, so you should drink first. " An Xingchen said as she brought the soup in front of Gong Lingqian.
Hearing An Xingchen's voice, Gong Lingqian did not go and receive the Awakening Wine. Instead, he suddenly pinched An Xingchen's small chin with his large palm.
Gong Lingqian bent down and moved in front of An Xingchen. The two of them were extremely close, and their noses touched each other.
"An Xingchen?" Gong Lingqian stared deeply at An Xingchen.
An Xingchen's gaze at her made her panic for no reason. She panicked and quickly shifted her gaze away as her chest beat faster and faster like a drum.
The nervous An Xingchen started to stutter: "Yes It's me. Young Master Gong, you, what's wrong? "
"My head hurts." Gong Lingqian frowned, he moved closer to An Xingchen.
Being suppressed by Gong Lingqian like that, An Xingchen's body uncontrollably shook, she could not care about being embarrassed, for fear of falling down, An Xingchen immediately extended her hand and held onto Gong Lingqian's waist.
An Xingchen wanted to pull Gong Lingqian back onto the sofa to lie down, but Gong Lingqian showed no intentions of cooperating. Not only did he not cooperate, his pair of long arms simply wrapped around An Xingchen's waist tightly.
As their two bodies stuck closely together, An Xingchen was practically hugged in half by Gong Lingqian.
The tip of An Xingchen's nose was coiled up to the point that it had the unique smell of cold pine and cypress on Gong Lingqian's body.
This time, An Xingchen looked more like the one that was drunk.
An Xingchen tossed and turned for a long time, until her entire body was drenched in sweat, but she was still unable to successfully pull Gong Lingqian back to the sofa.
An Xingchen could only choose to give up, and allow Gong Lingqian to hug her as she said to Gong Lingqian with a flushed face, "Young Master Gong Drink the soup first... The head won't hurt so much. "
Gong Lingqian's gaze swept across the bowl of black soup in An Xingchen's hands, frowned and said: "It's so hard to drink just by looking at it, I'm not drinking it."
An Xingchen couldn't help but reveal a helpless expression. She didn't expect the drunk Gong Lingqian to be as headstrong as a child, and become a little cute for some unknown reason.
An Xingchen was helpless to do anything to her, so she placed the Soup Dew to the side.
"Hot, I want to take a bath." Gong Lingqian frowned as he spoke, directly extending his hand and taking off the clothes on his body.
An Xingchen was shocked by Gong Lingqian's sudden action. When she came back to her senses, Gong Lingqian had already taken off his jacket, and his shirt was mostly unbuttoned, revealing a large part of his firm chest.
An Xingchen's face heated up when she saw this, and her burning gaze hurriedly moved away as she stuttered in panic, "Young Master Gong I... "I I'll help you get back to your room first "
With that, An Xingchen used all of her strength to help Gong Lingqian up, and shakily walked up the stairs.
With great effort, An Xingchen finally managed to help Gong Lingqian into the master bedroom's bathroom.
After filling up the bathtub and testing the water temperature, An Xingchen's head was lowered and her face was flushed red as she hurriedly said to Gong Lingqian: "Young Master Gong, you can take a bath now."
With that, An Xingchen took a step forward as if she was fleeing, but before she had taken a step, her wrist was suddenly grabbed by Gong Lingqian's big palm.
Even if Gong Lingqian was drunk, An Xingchen would not be able to defeat him in terms of strength.
Gong Lingqian pulled, and easily pulled An Xingchen into his embrace.
Without waiting for An Xingchen to react, Gong Lingqian had already carried An Xingchen into the bathtub.
"AH!" An Xingchen gasped in shock, and her clothes were instantly drenched.
However, An Xingchen was wearing a white skirt, which became transparent after getting wet.
An Xingchen's face flushed red, her hands frantically trying to cover her chest, struggling to get out of the bathtub.
Seeing that An Xingchen wanted to escape, Gong Lingqian subconsciously held onto An Xingchen's waist tightly, his large body tyrannically pressing the petite An Xingchen down on the side of the bathtub.
菜单 下一章
吴建国,一个帅气、果敢、忠义的事业男,被众多美女包围式的追求。但他自制力极强,与两小无猜的赵丽天专心相爱。 然而,他被一主要靠美貌而在官场步步高升的杨咏看中。杨咏一边伺候官场里极个别的色狼,同时,她模仿武则天用权力寻欢男色,吴建国,成为最主要的猎物……
你无论权势滔天,富可敌国,无所不能,在我面前也是蝼蚁而已。 我是陈宇,能要你的命,也能救你的命,更能成就你。 九个绝色师娘辅助我勇攀高峰: 大师娘,华佗版神医... 二师娘,强者归来... 三师娘,神都最美强者,不服就干... ...... 九师娘,商界唯我独尊... 陈宇小犊子,师娘们辅助你飞升,主宰世界,挡者...,一个字,“死”
其实,苏辰逸只是一个普通人,他也不知道从何时,早已习惯面对生死,更愿意为心中的坚持付出热血和生命。 当年忠贞为国酬,何曾怕断头? 桀骜不训的军官毕业生,痞性十足,铁汉柔情,嫉恶如仇!一次意外的机会,让他走上了利刃之路。 战毒枭,救人质;边境线上,丛林之中;利刃之光开始闪耀... 最经典的军事力作,我们一起保家卫国,扬我国威遍全球!