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Chapter 7 - Repayment of Your Own Debt

Sensing the stiffness in An Xingchen's body, Gong Lingqian reached out to grab An Xingchen's wrist, then pulled An Xingchen to sit down beside the large bed.
It was unknown if it was because of what Gong Lingqian had said just now, or if it was due to the soothing, bone-chilling aura of pine and cypress on Gong Lingqian's body, that caused the fear in An Xingchen's heart to lessen.
"If you're tired, then sleep in this bed."
Actually, Gong Lingqian did not like other people touching his bed, but if this person was An Xingchen, then he would not reject them.
"There's no need..." An Xingchen immediately shook her head towards Gong Lingqian in embarrassment: "Young Master Gong Sleep "I'll just stay here for a while "
The voice paused for a bit, then An Xingchen continued in an embarrassed voice: "When the thunder stops, I'll go back "
Seeing that An Xingchen was not willing to sleep on the bed, Gong Lingqian did not force himself and laid down on the bed.
It was already very late, and An Xingchen saw that Gong Lingqian had already closed his eyes, so afraid that he would disturb him, so much so that his breathing became lighter.
It was just that An Xingchen did not know that as long as she was by her side, Gong Lingqian would probably not be able to sleep at all tonight.
The room was quiet for a while, when Gong Lingqian's low voice suddenly broke the silence: "An Xingchen, are you really afraid of thunder?"
An Xingchen subconsciously looked towards Gong Lingqian, and met her deep eyes.
They looked at each other, and An Xingchen nodded towards Gong Lingqian in embarrassment. After all, she was already such a big person, yet she was afraid of thunder?
"Why should I be afraid?"
An Xingchen's previous reaction did not seem to be a simple one, it was actually somewhat similar to the reaction after psychological trauma.
An Xingchen met Gong Lingqian's gaze, dropped his guard and for the first time, couldn't help but tell Gong Lingqian what happened when he was six.
Hearing that, Gong Lingqian frowned, thinking about the first time he met An Xingchen at a hotel, and how he accidentally barged into his room because An Xingchen was taken out for payment, Gong Lingqian's expression became even colder.
With a cold voice, he said, "How can there be such an irresponsible mother in this world?"
"You're only six years old and you actually abandoned you in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere. You owed a loan shark and sold you to those scum to repay the debt!"
"I really doubt whether you are her biological daughter now!"
After all, would the mother be willing to leave her daughter in the wilderness on a rainy night? The woman clearly wanted to abandon An Xingchen.
The more Gong Lingqian spoke, the darker his expression became, and he was inexplicably rejoicing in his heart. Fortunately, An Xingchen had broken into his room that night.
An Xingchen saw that Gong Lingqian was obviously a little angry so he explained in a small voice: "He was born."
"I also have a twin sister."
"Maybe it's because I'm an older sister, but my mom prefers my younger sister."
"But my dad loves me more." When he mentioned his father, An Xingchen's eyes flashed brightly, but quickly dimmed, and was replaced by sorrow.
Gong Lingqian looked at An Xingchen's eyes which had once again swelled red, and also the obvious sorrow in his eyes, and his eyebrows immediately tightened.
He didn't know why, but when he looked at An Xingchen's sad appearance, the beating heart in his chest felt like it was being pierced by needles.
He did not like An Xingchen to be so sad.
But Gong Lingqian had never comforted anyone before, and did not know how to comfort them. Frowning, he could not help but extend a hand and rub An Xingchen's soft hair lightly, then awkwardly said: "Don't be sad."
Gong Lingqian's actions just now were too intimate, and the two of them were so close. When they reacted, both Gong Lingqian and An Xingchen were stunned.
Their gazes met, and the atmosphere between the two of them instantly became ambiguous.
Gong Lingqian's deep gaze fell upon An Xingchen's cherry red lips, and Gong Lingqian's deep eyes couldn't help but darken a little.
The intense and charming image of that night appeared in his mind. That sweet and addictive taste made Gong Lingqian feel as if all the blood in his body had uncontrollably started to boil.
An Xingchen was sensitive to the burning gaze that Gong Lingqian had landed on her body. It was as if it was scalding hot, and hurriedly shifted its gaze away, not daring to look at Gong Lingqian anymore.
An Xingchen bit her lips and coughed lightly, immediately breaking the atmosphere that was becoming more and more ambiguous: "Um Young Master Gong... It was already very late Rest quickly... "
With that, An Xingchen stood up and deliberately walked towards the chair in front of the window that was a bit far from the bed and sat down.
Seeing An Xingchen fleeing in panic, Gong Lingqian helplessly raised his hand and pinched the center of his brows. The self-control that he was so proud of was now completely useless in front of An Xingchen.
Suppressing the desire that had just risen in his heart, Gong Lingqian was afraid of scaring An Xingchen and did not make a sound. Instead, he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.
The room became so quiet that only Gong Lingqian and An Xingchen's breathing could be heard.
After a long while, An Xingchen could not help but secretly look at Gong Lingqian. Seeing that Gong Lingqian had his eyes closed and was breathing steadily, so he must have already fallen asleep, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.
He could not help but reach out and touch his own hair that Gong Lingqian had touched a moment ago. When An Xingchen thought back to Gong Lingqian's possessive and passionate gaze, her small white face immediately flushed red, and her heart started beating even faster.
An Xingchen couldn't help but reach out and press her hand to her beating heart. She took a few deep breaths in panic to calm her racing heart.
Gong Lingqian had actually not fallen asleep at all. He waited for nearly two to three hours, listening to An Xingchen's breathing which gradually became more even before opening his eyes.
Seeing, An Xingchen had fallen asleep on the chair.
However, An Xingchen should not be sleeping soundly, as she was frowning slightly.
Gong Lingqian lifted his blanket and got off the bed. His footsteps unconsciously lightened by a bit as he walked to the french window and looked at An Xingchen's quiet sleeping face.
Afraid that he would wake up An Xingchen, who had finally fallen asleep, Gong Lingqian carefully reached out and picked him up.
Gingerly, he placed An Xingchen on the big bed.
After covering An Xingchen with the blanket, Gong Lingqian laid down beside An Xingchen.
Gong Lingqian's gaze could not help but fall on An Xingchen who was beside him.
The two of them had obviously only met for the second time, but this was already the second time Gong Lingqian was sharing a bed with him.
Not only did Gong Lingqian not feel that it was annoying, he even felt that it was not bad that he was sharing a bed with An Xingchen.
As he thought about it, the corner of Gong Lingqian's lips couldn't help but curve and stretch out his hand. His long and beautiful fingers gently fell on An Xingchen's face, copying the outline of her little face little by little.
His gaze gradually turned darker.
Wu, An Xingchen, I regret it now, I should have just used you to repay the debt.
菜单 下一章
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