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Chapter 4 - Using your body to repay a debt

An Xingchen, 22 years old, from Yao City, was born in Hai Cheng. He lived in Hai Cheng with his parents when he was young, returned to Yao City to study after entering junior high school. His father had died three years ago, his mother a gambler, and his twin sister.
After reading the information, Gong Lingqian still did not make a sound. However, Lu Shijia, who was at the side, frowned slightly and took the initiative to speak with suspicion: "Gong Lingqian! She was born in the same year as my sister! Furthermore, he was born in Seahold! "
Lu Shijia couldn't help but suspect the moment she saw a girl who was born in Hai Cheng and matched up to her sister's age.
Gong Lingqian couldn't help but laugh when he heard Lu Shijia's words, "According to the information, she is not an adopted daughter, and she is also the sister of a twin. It is impossible for her to be that lost little sister of yours."
"True." As Lu Shijia said this, he covered up the disappointed look on his face, and dubiously raised his eyebrows at Gong Lingqian: "This time, you don't have to go through so much trouble to find me. I entered the Gong’s Group myself."
Gong Lingqian's eyes, that were as deep as an ancient well, revealed a rare smile. His long index finger knocked on the table as he pursed his lips meaningfully.
On the other side, An Xingchen dragged her exhausted body and worked hard for half a day before finally moving all the things she had rented from the school into the small apartment.
He was so tired that his entire body felt weak. Lying on the bed, An Xingchen's mind could not help but think of the tall figure that appeared.
Her fair face immediately flushed red.
It was undeniable that this man was the most handsome man An Xingchen had ever seen in his entire life.
That's right! She still owed him 500,000 yuan!
As An Xingchen was thinking about this, he raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.
Now that she forgot to ask for his contact details, how was she going to find him to return the money in the future?
An Xingchen sighed in distress, but that man did not look like an ordinary person. Moreover, she could casually take out five hundred thousand, which showed that she was quite wealthy, and at that time, she would be able to find someone to ask.
Thinking about An Xingchen, she finally relaxed and slept well the entire night.
The next morning, An Xingchen woke up early and cleaned herself up. She rushed to the bus before she even had time to eat breakfast.
Today, she had to go to Gong’s Group to report to the office.
An Xingchen arrived ten minutes ahead of schedule and checked in at the HR Department first.
The HR manager handed over the staff ID to An Xingchen and said: "The job registration procedures are done, you can go to President’s Office to report now."
An Xingchen was startled, only after a long moment did she come back to her senses, and looked at the HR manager suspiciously: "Manager . I'm just an intern in the marketing department. Do you still need to report to the President’s Office? "
"Oh, I've already changed your department. Coincidentally, the CEO was lacking an assistant, so I arranged for you to go to Executive Assistant."
It wasn't easy for An Xingchen to get into the Gong’s Group. Furthermore, she still owed a lot of money, so she couldn't lose her job, although she had her doubts about it, she dared not object. She thanked the HR manager, and took the elevator to the top floor of the President’s Office.
An Xingchen nervously knocked on President’s Office's door, her heart becoming nervous.
"Come in."
Hearing this low and rich voice that was filled with magnetism, An Xingchen was stunned for a few seconds. She felt that this voice was somehow familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before.
An Xingchen didn't think much and took a deep breath before pushing the door open and entering.
"CEO, I'm the newly appointed assistant, An Xingchen."
An Xingchen nervously asked as she looked at the tall figure in front of her who was only there for him to look at from behind.
"An Xingchen? It's a good name. " Just as he finished speaking, the tall figure slowly turned around.
As their four eyes met, An Xingchen opened her eyes wide in disbelief, and her body stiffened in shock as she subconsciously took two steps back.
An Xingchen never thought that the man she spent the entire night with two days ago would become her big boss!
An Xingchen could not help but sneakily reach out and pinch her arm, causing her to gasp in pain.
He was not dreaming! [1. The lover is really my big boss!]
When Gong Lingqian saw An Xingchen's shocked and dazed look, a smile flashed across his deep eyes. His slender finger knocked on the table and raised his eyebrows: "An Xingchen, do you still owe me five hundred thousand?"
An Xingchen did not expect Gong Lingqian to suddenly mention this. After being stunned for a few seconds, his face flushed red as he nodded: "I remember."
Then she continued, "I'm working now, so I can pay you back every month."
The moment An Xingchen's words fell, Gong Lingqian chuckled. "With your current income, are you planning to pay it off after a few years?"
When An Xingchen heard this, an embarrassed look flashed across her face, and she anxiously said to Gong Lingqian: "But "But right now, I don't have that much money to pay back "
Before An Xingchen could finish her words, she was interrupted by Gong Lingqian, "Since you have no money, then take something else to repay your debt."
An Xingchen's heart tightened when she heard it, and her eyes widened in astonishment. She didn't know what to do as she looked at Gong Lingqian, and couldn't help but let her thoughts run wild.
The "something else" that Gong Lingqian mentioned couldn't be wanting her to use her body to repay the debt right?!
Thinking about this, An Xingchen's small, fair face instantly swelled red.
"What are you thinking about so seriously?" Gong Lingqian reached out to grab An Xingchen's chin, their eyes meeting.
When An Xingchen, who had regained his senses, saw the deep eyes of Gong Lingqian, it was as if they were burning, and he quickly shifted his gaze away.
Seeing An Xingchen's panicked and helpless look, the corner of Gong Lingqian's mouth unconsciously hooked up. She lowered her head and leaned even closer to An Xingchen, and the two people's noses almost touched, as their breathing became one.
An Xingchen looked at Gong Lingqian's handsome face which was just inches away from him, and his entire body became as stiff as a puppet. His mind was blank, all he could hear were his own rapid and urgent heartbeats.
Gong Lingqian looked at An Xingchen's flushed face and instantly saw through his thoughts. His usual cold voice could not help but contain a hint of a smile: "An Xingchen, for your face to be so red, are you thinking about how I intend to repay the debt with your body?"
As soon as Gong Lingqian finished speaking, An Xingchen's face immediately turned even redder. She did not expect that what she was thinking about was actually seen through by Gong Lingqian, and he even said it so straightforwardly, so An Xingchen awkwardly wished she could find a hole to hide in.
Just as he was stammering as if he wanted to explain, Gong Lingqian's low and deep voice, which carried a hint of a smile, rang beside his ears, "An Xingchen, it's fine if you want to use your body to pay off your debts."
"No... "No..." An Xingchen's face was flushed red, she immediately explained in panic, then stiffened as she quickly took two steps back.
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【年度火爆玄幻爽文】李天命做梦都要笑醒了。他家的宠物,竟然都是传说中的太古混沌巨兽。他养的黑猫,是以雷霆炼化万界的‘太初混沌雷魔’。 从此,他驾驭十头太古混沌巨兽,化身万古第一混沌神灵,周游诸天万界,踏平无尽神域。万物生灵,诸天神魔,连爬带滚,哀呼颤抖!
新晋公务员唐俊突击被提拔担任村支部书记,一下就卷入到了风云诡谲的明争暗斗之中。 面对县金地公司的压力,面对各种利益方的纠缠,唐俊绝不妥协,但是同时又不蛮干,而且巧妙运用阳谋手段,一次次化解各种危机,率领红鱼村创造了一个又一个的辉煌成就,自己的仕途也因此平步青云,一路扶摇直上!

人生就是利欲场,利为媒,欲为介。 官场就是江湖,抒写温情与残酷、合作与较量、情感与利益的交易市场。大道无形,行者无疆,漫漫官道,唯有胸怀天地,志存高远,方能直抵彼岸。 小人物张一舟历经血腥战场的洗练和尔虞仕途的淬炼,终凭一颗畏惧之心和秉承的正义而纵横,步步高升,成为主宰别人命运的人。
你无论权势滔天,富可敌国,无所不能,在我面前也是蝼蚁而已。 我是陈宇,能要你的命,也能救你的命,更能成就你。 九个绝色师娘辅助我勇攀高峰: 大师娘,华佗版神医... 二师娘,强者归来... 三师娘,神都最美强者,不服就干... ...... 九师娘,商界唯我独尊... 陈宇小犊子,师娘们辅助你飞升,主宰世界,挡者...,一个字,“死”