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Chapter 2 - The Night of Love

This was the first time Gong Lingqian's heart softened. He impatiently raised his hand and pinched his forehead, causing it to jump, and with a cold expression, he took out his phone: "I'll call the doctor for you!"
As soon as Gong Lingqian finished speaking, before the call could even be dialed, An Xingchen's tottering body suddenly jumped into Gong Lingqian's embrace again.
Without giving Gong Lingqian a chance to react, An Xingchen, who had been controlled by his desire, directly kissed Gong Lingqian's lips.
An Xingchen kissed for the first time, without any pattern at all. Kissing was far from enough, An Xingchen wanted more, and a pair of small hands automatically snuck into Gong Lingqian's bathrobe to light fire.
Gong Lingqian who was suddenly forcefully kissed froze, all of his focus was on his own lips.
The taste was still sweet, but unexpectedly, Gong Lingqian didn't find it repulsive.
Gong Lingqian who had regained his senses frowned, and was about to push An Xingchen away when a large piece of fair skin appeared in front of him.
An Xingchen had been pulling off the clothes on her body, and now she was half naked.
Gong Lingqian's deep eyes suddenly dimmed a little.
Since An Xingchen did not know that danger had already descended upon her, she recklessly brought out Gong Lingqian's skin.
The veins on Gong Lingqian's forehead popped out. In the next second, Gong Lingqian grabbed An Xingchen's chin and forced An Xingchen to raise his face to look at him.
Four eyes facing each other, Gong Lingqian coldly spat out a few words: "I'll give you one last chance, get out!"
"No!" An Xingchen subconsciously shook her head as her body desperately rubbed against Gong Lingqian's body. This made An Xingchen feel a little better, but this was still far from enough, and An Xingchen still wanted more.
As soon as An Xingchen finished speaking, Gong Lingqian, who was pursing her lips, immediately grabbed An Xingchen up and walked towards the big bed.
The next day, An Xingchen woke up from the pain, all the bones in her body looked like they were torn apart and reassembled on her body. Rubbing her painful forehead, An Xingchen's bewildered gaze fell upon the messy marks on the bed, as well as the ambiguous red marks on her naked body.
Only after a few minutes did An Xingchen regain her senses, and the memories of last night slowly returned.
An Xingchen's face instantly paled...
Her first time was gone She had taken the initiative herself when she was with a completely unfamiliar man
Just as he was thinking, An Xingchen's train of thoughts was interrupted by the sound of water flowing in the bathroom.
That man still hasn't left!
With a pale face, An Xingchen endured the pain on her waist and quickly got off the bed. She picked up the clothes on the floor, put them on and quickly left the room.
An Xingchen didn't even have time to breathe a sigh of relief before she was stopped by a few thick and sturdy men.
An Xingchen's face changed, these people were the people who kidnapped her yesterday!
"Yo, I finally found you, little slut!"
The leading man said with a fierce face and pinched An Xingchen under the chin: "I really didn't think of it! We gave you medicine, but you still ran away! "
"Slut!" I think you are tired of living! If I don't teach you a lesson, do you really think we're playing with you? "
With that, the man raised his hand with a vicious expression and flung it towards An Xingchen's face.
In the next second, before the man leading them could even touch An Xingchen's face, they were already grabbed.
Before An Xingchen could react, a tall figure blocked her path.
It was the man who had been with him all night!
"Who are you!?" Don't meddle in other people's business! "
The man in the lead felt a chill down his spine as he looked coldly at Gong Lingqian who was about to curse at him. He swallowed his saliva and tried to maintain his composure as he continued, "This woman's mother owes us money, take her to pay for our debts! It is perfectly justified for one to repay money in debt "
Before the man could finish his words, Gong Lingqian interrupted him with a cold voice: "How much money does she owe you? I'll pay for her! "
"Five hundred thousand!" As he spoke, the man in the lead immediately took out a promissory note.
Gong Lingqian completed the check and handed it over: "This is a five hundred thousand check! She doesn't owe you any now! "
As he spoke, Gong Lingqian took the promissory note, and coldly swept his eyes over the group of delinquents as he warned, "Once you have the money, quickly scram! Don't come looking for her in the future! "
That little hoodlum was also someone who bullied the weak and feared the strong. Seeing that Gong Lingqian was obviously not someone to be trifled with, he took the money and nodded repeatedly before leaving with his group of brothers.
"Thank you " An Xingchen thanked Gong Lingqian somewhat awkwardly. She did not expect that Gong Lingqian would save her
"I'll give you back that five hundred thousand " As he said that, An Xingchen's voice paused, and continued in an embarrassed manner: "But I don't have that much money right now, but I will slowly return it to you. "
"Mm, it's fine." Gong Lingqian did not care about this insignificant five hundred thousand and returned the promissory note to An Xingchen. Looking at An Xingchen's pale white face, Gong Lingqian immediately frowned: "Where are you staying? I'll send you back! "
"No need, it's very close. I'll just take a taxi back myself." An Xingchen was too embarrassed to let him see him out.
An Xingchen only had to think about how she forcefully kissed him last night and she was so embarrassed now that she wanted to find a hole to hide in!
He continued with a nervous stutter, "I "I still have things to attend to, so I'll be leaving first "
With that, An Xingchen fled without waiting for Gong Lingqian to speak.
Gong Lingqian who was standing on the spot looked at An Xingchen's quickly running back, and his slightly furrowed brows relaxed. Mn, to be able to run so fast, there shouldn't be a problem.
An Xingchen took a taxi home.
An Xingchen's house was located in an old, rundown district of the Yao City, and was only around forty odd square meters.
Just as she pushed open the door, the room was immediately filled with a miasma of smoke, Yu Huimin and a few of her old friends were smoking and rubbing their hands together.
Yu Huimin reckoned that she lost money, and her face was extremely ugly.
Seeing that An Xingchen had returned, Yu Huimin was surprised, and immediately took the initiative to speak. "An Xingchen! Why are you back? "
An Xingchen's face turned cold, and her voice became uncontrollably angry: "Mom, what, aren't you happy that you saw me come back?"
The few people who were playing mahjong at the side quickly found an excuse to leave when they saw that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between the mother and daughter.
An Xingchen directly placed the five hundred thousand note in front of Yu Huimin: "Mom, you went to borrow money to gamble again, right?"
Yu Huimin explained with a somewhat guilty frown: "Didn't I say I want to win some money?! Who would have thought their luck would be so bad! "
An Xingchen's eyes swelled red, and she immediately became agitated: "Mom! How many times have I told you! "Don't try to gamble with usury anymore!"
"Daddy died to repay your debt, why are you still so stubborn?!"
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柳浩天转业到千湖镇上任的第一天就直接被架空了,面对着与镇长梁友德之间不可调和的观念冲突,面对阴险奸诈的天星公司以及天星公司所组织起来的庞大人脉关系网络,柳浩天绝不妥协,铁腕整顿,围绕着如何保障民生发展经济,一场场激烈的斗争由此拉开序幕…… 尘埃落定之时,结果出炉,柳浩天彻底愤怒了……
人生就是利欲场,利为媒,欲为介。 官场就是江湖,抒写温情与残酷、合作与较量、情感与利益的交易市场。大道无形,行者无疆,漫漫官道,唯有胸怀天地,志存高远,方能直抵彼岸。 小人物张一舟历经血腥战场的洗练和尔虞仕途的淬炼,终凭一颗畏惧之心和秉承的正义而纵横,步步高升,成为主宰别人命运的人。