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Chapter 29 - Nervous Worry!

In the next moment, Gong Lingqian's brows tightly knitted together. The large palm carefully grabbed onto both of An Xingchen's wrists, and with a slightly colder expression, he quickly looked at An Xingchen and said, "An Xingchen! What was going on? "Are you hurt?"
Hearing Gong Lingqian's words, An Xingchen was stunned when she saw her own bloodied hands. If Gong Lingqian did not say it, she would have forgotten.
Her hands were in so much pain that they were numb. She couldn't feel any pain at all. She had already forgotten that her hands might be injured.
"It should be fine... I was tied up, and I accidentally hurt my hand when I picked up a piece of broken glass to cut the rope. "It's alright..."
Before An Xingchen could finish her words, she was interrupted by Gong Lingqian, "You're still saying that it's alright! So much blood! "
As Gong Lingqian spoke, his expression turned cold, and there were no medicines to treat his wounds, so Gong Lingqian could only keep a straight face and start the car before driving out.
While driving, he said to An Xingchen: "Endure it for now, when we get home, I'll call the doctor to help you bandage your wounds."
After saying that, Gong Lingqian looked at An Xingchen worriedly, "Is there anything else that feels uncomfortable?"
"No more..." An Xingchen shook her head at Gong Lingqian.
As Gong Lingqian sped up his driving, he took out his phone and called Cheng Hao.
Soon, the call connected. Gong Lingqian took the initiative and spoke out: "Cheng Hao, I've found the person. Call my doctor immediately.
After more than two hours of travel, Gong Lingqian sped up and saved more than an hour of time to reach the Diting Courtyard.
The doctor was already waiting in the living room.
"Dr. Lee, quickly come and show her! Her hand is injured! " Gong Lingqian said as soon as he entered the living room.
After Dr. Lee heard this, he quickly took out his medical case and helped An Xingchen inspect the wound on his palm.
Taking the medical swab, he carefully cleaned the blood off his palm bit by bit. Only then did he realize that the wounds on An Xingchen's palm were still quite deep.
Fortunately, only his right hand was injured. His left hand was not injured and the blood stains on his right hand were all there.
Gong Lingqian looked at the wound on An Xingchen's right hand, frowned, and held his breath.
Dr. Lee hurriedly took out some hemostasis powder and sprinkled it on top of the wound, then took out some gauze and carefully bandaged it.
The moment the wound was bandaged, Gong Lingqian worriedly told Dr. Lee: "Dr. Lee, help her conduct a full body check to see if she is still injured!"
"I'm fine now..." An Xingchen stammered.
However, Gong Lingqian completely ignored An Xingchen's words, and insisted on having Dr. Lee conduct a full body check-up on her.
After confirming that there were no other injuries on An Xingchen's body, only then did Gong Lingqian let Dr. Lee leave.
Once the Dr. Lee left, only An Xingchen and Gong Lingqian remained in the huge villa.
The two of them had just been drenched from head to toe.
Gong Lingqian frowned and took the initiative to rush at An Xingchen: "Alright, quickly go to the bathroom to take a bath and change out of your wet clothes."
"Oh " An Xingchen mumbled an agreement, she was already soaked, and it was indeed uncomfortable.
Gong Lingqian brought An Xingchen up to the second floor. Originally, An Xingchen wanted to enter the guest room, but when she just took a step into the guest room, Gong Lingqian grabbed onto An Xingchen's wrist and unquestionably pulled An Xingchen into master bedroom.
An Xingchen's small white face flushed red. As she stood at the door of master bedroom's bathroom, she could not help but mutter under her breath, "I I'll go to the guest room to wash up first "
Before he could finish his sentence, Gong Lingqian's overbearing voice interrupted him. "My bathroom is a bit larger!"
With that, An Xingchen led An Xingchen into the bathroom.
Gong Lingqian found a waterproof membrane and carefully wrapped it around both of An Xingchen's injured hands, then said to An Xingchen: "There's a new towel and toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet, take them out and use them."
"Quickly go in and take a bath. Be careful of the wounds on your hands. I'll be right outside. If you need anything, just call me."
An Xingchen heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that Gong Lingqian did not intend to bathe together with her.
Seeing that Gong Lingqian's entire body was drenched, he could not help but look at Gong Lingqian and say: "Your entire body is drenched Hurry up and go take a bath as well, don't wait until you catch a cold... "
After An Xingchen finished, she nodded at Gong Lingqian, who then obediently entered the bathroom.
An Xingchen used her left hand to shower awkwardly.
After showering, An Xingchen realized that she did not have anything to change into.
The clothes that he wore were all wet. An Xingchen could only blush and walk to the door of the bathroom to probe: "Young Master Gong?"
Just as An Xingchen's voice fell, Gong Lingqian's low and pleasant voice sounded from outside the door: "I'm here, what's wrong?"
"I don't have any new clothes "
"Wait a moment, I'll get it for you."
Just as Gong Lingqian finished speaking, An Xingchen heard footsteps coming from outside the door.
In a few minutes, Gong Lingqian was back. He knocked on the bathroom door and said, "Wear my clothes for the time being. I'll get Cheng Hao to bring you some clothes tomorrow."
An Xingchen acknowledged Gong Lingqian's words, then pulled open the door and extended his hand out.
When he brought it in, An Xingchen realized that the clothes Gong Lingqian had brought her was actually Gong Lingqian's long-sleeved white shirt!
An Xingchen looked at the white shirt in her hands, and her small face became even redder.
What to do... Wearing Gong Lingqian's white shirt was too shameful Isn't wearing a white shirt the exclusive right of a girlfriend?
An Xingchen hesitated and looked at the white shirt in her hands and then at the towel on the bed in the bathroom.
Forget it... It seemed even more shameful to go out wrapped in a towel.
After a moment of hesitation, An Xingchen wore Gong Lingqian's white shirt.
Fortunately, Gong Lingqian was taller than him by more than a head, so his clothes on An Xingchen's body had grown by a large amount.
The hem of the shirt was covering An Xingchen's thighs, so it was not too exposed.
Then, he rolled up his sleeves a few times before finally opening the bathroom door.
When he opened it, he saw Gong Lingqian still standing at the door to the bathroom.
When An Xingchen saw that Gong Lingqian was still wearing wet clothes, she could not help but frown: "Young Master Gong "Why haven't you taken a bath yet "
When Gong Lingqian heard this, he lightly pinched the tip of An Xingchen's nose. "Call me Gong Lingqian, I still prefer it when you directly call me by my name."
Hearing Gong Lingqian's words, An Xingchen's fair face instantly flushed.
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