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Chapter 28 - He was her hero!

An Xingchen's four limbs became stiff and finally broke free from the rope, she immediately picked up the phone and pressed the start button, but no matter what An Xingchen did, her phone was turned on, probably because it was broken when she fell.
An Xingchen bit her lips, and looked out at the sky, it was already completely dark.
Unable to see anything clearly, An Xingchen fumbled in the darkness and stumbled towards the exit.
Just as he reached the door, a bolt of lightning flashed across the dark night sky. Shortly afterwards, the rumbling of thunder could be heard as heavy rain began to fall from the sky.
Listening to the sound of thunder, An Xingchen's face instantly turned pale white, and the surroundings became pitch-black. In a flash, An Xingchen felt as if she had returned to that night when she was six years old.
An Xingchen's body uncontrollably curled tightly into a ball as both her eyes swelled up red. She fearfully used both her hands to tightly cover her ears, and her entire body uncontrollably trembled.
"Gong Lingqian..."
"Gong Lingqian..."
An Xingchen subconsciously called out Gong Lingqian's name, even she did not expect to call out Gong Lingqian's name at this time.
But now, she really wished to see Gong Lingqian immediately!
As long as Gong Lingqian was by her side
But she knew that Gong Lingqian wouldn't appear here Gong Lingqian should already be home from work, probably not even realizing her disappearance.
But now, she really wished for Gong Lingqian to appear here!
The next second, a flash of light from the dark night tore through the darkness.
An Xingchen only thought it was lightning. She closed her eyes in fear and tightly covered her ears with her hands.
But then the roar of a car engine could be heard in the distance.
An Xingchen was so shocked that she opened her eyes and looked over, only to realize that the light wasn't lightning, but the light of a car.
An Xingchen was so shocked that she stood rooted to the ground, her eyes opened wide in disbelief at the car that had suddenly appeared in front of her.
An Xingchen recognized the car, the Maybach! This is Gong Lingqian's car
But how could Gong Lingqian appear here? How would he know that he would be here?
Or was this just an illusion?
An Xingchen bit her lips, and couldn't help but tremble as she reached out her hand to pinch her arm.
Pain So painful So it wasn't an illusion, and it wasn't a dream?
Just as he was thinking about that, An Xingchen saw a tall figure get off the Maybach that was stopped not too far away from him.
With just a glance, An Xingchen recognized that the tall figure was Gong Lingqian.
In that instant, An Xingchen gained courage from somewhere. She stood up abruptly, rushed into the rain, ran towards Gong Lingqian, and crashed into Gong Lingqian's chest. An Xingchen's hands tightly hugged Gong Lingqian's waist.
With a small face buried in Gong Lingqian's embrace, he greedily sucked in the aura of clear and cold pine and cypress that was exclusive to Gong Lingqian.
It's Gong Lingqian!
It's really Gong Lingqian!
Gong Lingqian really came and found her.
It was a bizarre that at this moment, An Xingchen was no longer afraid of this kind of thunderstorm.
It was only because Gong Lingqian was by his side.
Gong Lingqian was startled for a few seconds when he saw An Xingchen suddenly crash into his embrace. When he regained his senses, Gong Lingqian's arms had firmly wrapped An Xingchen into his embrace.
When he felt An Xingchen's true temperature, Gong Lingqian felt that his heart that had been hanging above his head had returned to its original position.
Gong Lingqian raised his hand and patted An Xingchen's shoulder to comfort her. Just as he was about to raise his hand, his movements suddenly stiffened, and his brows knitted together slightly.
Because he realized that the shirt on his chest was wet, An Xingchen was crying.
Realizing this, this was the first time Gong Lingqian felt a stifling feeling in his heart. A thick palm gently landed on An Xingchen's back with a comforting tone.
"An Xingchen, don't be afraid. With me here, I won't let anyone hurt you."
Gong Lingqian's low voice sounded beside An Xingchen's ears.
When An Xingchen heard Gong Lingqian's voice, unknowingly, his tears had started to fall even more fiercely.
Gong Lingqian had never had the experience of coaxing girls, but now that he saw An Xingchen cry, he felt his mind being thrown into disarray.
The two of them were standing in the pouring rain again, but Gong Lingqian himself was fine after being drenched, but he was worried that An Xingchen might get sick from the rain.
She hastily put her arm around An Xingchen's shoulders and allowed her to get on the carriage first.
The two of them got on the car. Gong Lingqian didn't care about himself, and quickly found a clean towel to help An Xingchen dry his hair, then quickly took his clean jacket and draped it over An Xingchen's body.
Gong Lingqian looked at An Xingchen's red eyes, the depths of his heart flashed with pain, Gong Lingqian clumsily looked at An Xingchen and asked: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with it? "
"Don't be afraid, I'll bring you back right away."
An Xingchen looked at Gong Lingqian's usually cold face filled with worry, and a warm feeling rose in his heart.
This was the first time he felt so reassured because he had Gong Lingqian by his side.
She was even able to stop being afraid of the thunderstorm that had always been a nightmare for her.
An Xingchen shook her head at Gong Lingqian. Because she had just cried, her voice was hoarse: "No "
As he said that, An Xingchen's voice paused for a moment. With red eyes, he looked at Gong Lingqian and continued, "Gong Lingqian How did you know I was here? "
"I couldn't get through to you, but I felt that something was wrong!"
Saying that, Gong Lingqian frowned, he reached out and gently pinched An Xingchen's nose: "An Xingchen! You must be the first person who dares to lie to me! "
"You lied that you went back, only when I came to your house did I find out that you didn't go back at all."
"And what were you suddenly doing in a remote place like Hailey Park?"
then added, "An Xingchen! In the future, without my permission, you definitely can't run around! Do you understand? "
"Got it..." Although Gong Lingqian did not say anything unnecessary, An Xingchen was still able to imagine that it must have taken Gong Lingqian a lot of effort to find her in such a short period of time.
Furthermore, Gong Lingqian had spent so much effort to find her because he couldn't get through to her phone.
Ever since his father passed away, An Xingchen had never felt that someone cared for her before.
Gong Lingqian was the first one to treat her so well.
An Xingchen felt that she was finished, she was about to fall uncontrollably.
Hearing An Xingchen's agreement, the gloomy expression on Gong Lingqian's face improved slightly.
Just as he was about to drive away, Gong Lingqian suddenly saw that both of his palms were stained with blood.
菜单 下一章
传言傅司骁是A城的活阎王,权势滔天富可敌国却丑陋残废,被他看上的女人皆活不过当晚。   叶晚柠一朝重生到被傅司骁救下的当天,二话不说就抓紧了活阎王,众人皆等着她被扫地出门。   可没想到她被活阎王盛宠上天,日子过的风生水起好不快活,那些伤她欺她的,更是被踩在脚底。   众人嘲笑,再得宠整日也得面对一个又丑又瘫的残废,叶晚柠淡笑不语。   直到有一天,众人看到那个英俊绝伦身姿颀长的大佬堵着她在角落亲……
其实,苏辰逸只是一个普通人,他也不知道从何时,早已习惯面对生死,更愿意为心中的坚持付出热血和生命。 当年忠贞为国酬,何曾怕断头? 桀骜不训的军官毕业生,痞性十足,铁汉柔情,嫉恶如仇!一次意外的机会,让他走上了利刃之路。 战毒枭,救人质;边境线上,丛林之中;利刃之光开始闪耀... 最经典的军事力作,我们一起保家卫国,扬我国威遍全球!