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Chapter 27 - Something has happened!

Not long after, Cheng Hao swiftly sent the information he had obtained to Gong Lingqian.
The last place An Xingchen got off the taxi was at the southern gate of a park near the suburbs called Hai Lin.
Once Gong Lingqian received the information, he immediately drove towards the direction of the Sea Forest Park.
Gong Lingqian couldn't understand why An Xingchen would lie and say that she was going home, but why would she secretly go to Sea Forest Park for?
After more than an hour, Gong Lingqian rushed like the wind and arrived at the southern gate of Sea Forest Park.
The park wasn't big, Gong Lingqian searched the entire park, but he couldn't find An Xingchen.
Gong Lingqian's face became even darker, and he called Cheng Hao to transfer the monitoring records to the southern part of the road in the Forest Park's entrance.
When he checked the surveillance records, he found that when An Xingchen just reached the southern gate of Sea Forest Park, a man wearing a hat and mask had already covered his mouth and nose, making her pass out.
Indeed! An Xingchen was in trouble!
Gong Lingqian's face darkened and immediately let Cheng Hao check the route of the van. In the end, he found out that the van was driving all the way to the outskirts of Yao City.
The van drove off into remote areas, finally arriving at a section of the road that hadn't been monitored yet.
The road was so wide that it was impossible to tell where the van had taken them.
When Gong Lingqian heard about this, he immediately made Cheng Hao put down everything he was doing and brought his men over to look.
After ending the call, Gong Lingqian immediately started up the car and drove towards Yao City's outskirts.
"Hua la", a bottle of mineral water splashed onto the unconscious An Xingchen's face.
Being stimulated by the cold water, the unconscious An Xingchen frowned, and slowly opened his eyes.
What entered his vision was a dilapidated house that had been deserted for a long time.
An Xingchen still had not recovered from the shock, but in the next moment, a complacent laughter rang: "Bitch! You're finally awake? "
An Xingchen came back to reality and looked towards the source of the voice. She saw two men and one woman standing by the side.
The three of them were extremely cautious, only their eyes could be seen through the mask they wore.
An Xingchen moved her body, only to realise that her hands and feet were firmly tied to the chair with a rope, unable to break free.
"What exactly do you want to do?"
"Kidnapping is illegal, quickly release me."
As soon as An Xingchen finished speaking, her lower jaw was grabbed by the woman. The woman glared fiercely at An Xingchen and laughed coldly, "You little slut! "You're still pretending to be innocent with me?!"
"Relying on your looks to shamelessly seduce someone else's boyfriend!"
"What's not good, you still want to be a lowly mistress who interferes with other people's relationship!"
"This time, I will teach you a lesson!"
An Xingchen was confused, she looked at the woman with suspicion and could not help but frown: "I do not understand what you are saying!"
"Since when did I become a mistress in other people's relationship?"
Once An Xingchen said that, the woman became even more agitated. She extended her hand and fiercely grabbed An Xingchen's hair, and spoke in a sharp voice: "An Xingchen, you slut! Now, are you pretending to be innocent with me? "
"Great!" You won't cry until you see the coffin! Then I'll let you have a good look! "
Saying that, the lady took her own phone and took out a photo, and directly placed it in front of An Xingchen.
An Xingchen did not know what happened, but when her gaze landed on the picture, her expression changed, and she saw that the person in the picture was her and Tang Di!
Furthermore, their posture was extremely ambiguous. Tang Di tightly hugged her, and looked at the two of them as if they were intimately kissing.
Evidently, she and Tang Di were secretly filmed by someone last night.
"Oh right, you don't know yet, do you? The man who kissed you in the photo is my boyfriend, Tang Di! "
"What do you have to say now?"
An Xingchen frowned and immediately explained: "You really misunderstood! I have nothing to do with Tang Di! "
"Misunderstanding? Do you take me for a fool? It was not related at all to Tang Di that he could hold you so tightly? "
As she said that, the woman loosened her grip on An Xingchen's hair and fiercely slapped her face.
With a loud smack, An Xingchen was knocked dizzy and her ears rang. She was in so much pain that half of her face was numb, and that woman's cold voice rang beside her ears again: "Bitch, does it hurt?"
"Don't worry, I won't kill you this time!" After all, the law of murder! "
"You remembered it!" In the future, stay away from Tang Di! "
"If I find out that you are related to Tang Di, then it will not be as simple as just a slap on the face this time."
As she said that, she stood up and threw An Xingchen's phone on the ground. Looking at An Xingchen, she sneered: "This is the outskirts of Yao City. No cars would pass here, and no one would pass here! It's six o'clock in the evening. "
"An Xingchen, you better pray for yourself!"
After saying that, the woman smiled complacently, turned around and left with the two men in the car.
An Xingchen was the only one left in a desolate and dilapidated old house.
Outside, the sky was dark and the sky was filled with dark clouds. It seemed as if a storm was brewing.
It looked like heavy rain was going to fall soon!
No! An Xingchen bit her lips as she thought, she had to save herself!
Using the dim light, An Xingchen saw a piece of broken glass at a place where she was standing.
Thinking about how An Xingchen had moved her body and tied it up tightly, she was simply unable to struggle free. Instead, the moment she moved the rope, she squeezed it into her skin, causing cold sweat to ooze out of An Xingchen's forehead due to the pain.
An Xingchen pursed her lips and frowned, An Xingchen used all of her strength and purposely tilted her body to the side.
In the next second, a banging sound could be heard, and An Xingchen and her chair were both smashed into the ground.
An Xingchen bit her lips in pain, her entire body covered in cold sweat, but now, An Xingchen did not care about the pain anymore, clenching her teeth, she used all of her strength and moved her body slowly towards the window.
This was the first time An Xingchen realized that time could pass slowly like this.
After half a day, An Xingchen was in so much pain that her entire body was covered in sweat, her bound hands could finally touch the broken glass successfully.
An Xingchen heaved a sigh of relief, holding onto the glass piece tightly, she fumbled for a rope that was used to tie her hands, holding onto the glass piece, she began to grind on the rope bit by bit.
The rope that was binding An Xingchen's hands and feet were made of strong hemp rope. An Xingchen grinded it for an unknown period of time, and grinded it until the back of the rope, where her hand that was holding the glass piece of rope was numb with pain.
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宁为酷吏,不做青天。 叶家镇镇长苏逸做梦都没想到在清水县新县委书记上任的第一天,就有本镇老百姓拿着血书拦路上访。面对这种情况,他只能是迎难而上。然而让所有人意料不到的是看似普通的上访事件,背后却隐藏着一个天大的阴谋......
叶辰开局被废,幸得万古天墓。 从神墓中获得无敌功法,修神功,炼仙丹,逆天而上! 葬天,葬地,葬神魔! 战佛,战仙,战万古! 无敌爽文,简介无力,请移步正文。