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Chapter 26 - An Xingchen is missing!

Moreover, Sea Forest Park had been built for a long time. However, because of the remote location, there weren't many people coming here. Therefore, they didn't even want to repair it. It looked very desolate and crude.
An Xingchen looked at the time on her phone and was about to dial a number, but in the next moment, a man's voice sounded out from behind An Xingchen.
"You must be An Xingchen?"
Hearing someone call his name, An Xingchen subconsciously turned her head and saw a tall and skinny man wearing a peaked cap and a mask standing behind her.
An Xingchen's gaze just happened to meet the pair of eyes that the tall and skinny man only revealed.
In the next second, before An Xingchen could even regain her senses, the tall and skinny man suddenly pounced towards An Xingchen. Without time for An Xingchen to react, a handkerchief that reeked of a pungent smell fiercely covered An Xingchen's nose and mouth.
An Xingchen inevitably inhaled that pungent smell, and her consciousness immediately sunk into darkness.
On the other side, in Gong’s Group, Gong Lingqian called Cheng Hao into his office right after attending the meeting.
"Did you send him back?" Gong Lingqian looked at Cheng Hao and asked straightforwardly.
Cheng Hao replied respectfully, "Young Master Gong, you have safely sent Miss An back to Yunyue Apartments."
As he spoke, Cheng Hao's voice paused for a bit, then he continued to speak while looking at Gong Lingqian: "Along the way, Miss An looked to be quite well, and there was no obvious discomfort."
Gong Lingqian nodded his head in satisfaction and looked outside the window.
The previously sunny weather had turned dark. It looked like a storm was brewing.
The Yao City's summer was like this, the weather quickly changed.
Gong Lingqian looked at the weather which had suddenly changed, as though he had thought of something, and frowned.
His gaze turned towards Cheng Hao and instructed: "Cheng Hao, immediately check out the weather forecast for Yao City for this afternoon and night."
Cheng Hao was stunned for a few seconds when he heard this unexpected instruction. In Cheng Hao's memories, Young Master Gong had never cared about such an insignificant matter like the weather.
Cheng Hao quickly regained his senses. Although he was suspicious, he still dutifully took out his phone and checked.
A minute later, Cheng Hao looked at Gong Lingqian and said, "Young Master Gong, today's weather forecast says that there will be a rain of lightning in the afternoon and at night."
When Gong Lingqian heard the two words "Thunder Array Rain", his brows immediately furrowed. An Xingchen was the one who was most afraid of thunder and rain.
Thinking about it, Gong Lingqian immediately took out his phone and dialed An Xingchen's number.
However, just as he made the call, Gong Lingqian heard a cold female voice say: "Sorry, the number you have dialed is already turned off. Please try to dial later!"
Hearing that, Gong Lingqian frowned, then called again. The result was the same, the phone was already switched off, and he was unable to reach his.
However, previously, when An Xingchen had used her phone to enter a number before she came home, the battery had always been full, so her phone shouldn't have been turned off!
Thinking about that, in the next second, Gong Lingqian suddenly stood up, extended his hand and grabbed the car keys, then walked out to the side and instructed: "Cheng Hao, send me the address of An Xingchen's residence immediately! Also, push the schedule for this afternoon all the way back to tomorrow! "
With that said, Gong Lingqian walked quickly into the elevator.
Gong Lingqian immediately received the address sent by Cheng Hao in the car, started the car, and drove out with lightning speed.
Yunyue Apartments was not far, and Gong Lingqian arrived quickly.
After getting off the car, he found the address Cheng Hao gave him and knocked on the door.
After a long while without any movement, Gong Lingqian frowned, his movements became even more serious, afraid that An Xingchen would have something happen while she was at home. Just as Gong Lingqian was about to find someone to unlock the door, he heard a cracking sound, and then, the door was slowly pushed open.
Gong Lingqian looked at the completely unfamiliar girl that was standing in the room, and his brows knitted even more tightly.
His gaze swept across the room and saw that the address was exactly the same as the one Cheng Hao sent over. Gong Lingqian then frowned and asked: "Does An Xingchen live here?"
An Qingruo was stupefied when she saw Gong Lingqian suddenly appear outside the door.
She never thought that she would actually be able to meet Gong Lingqian's Daoist Master so quickly.
His entire body was thrown into chaos. He regretted not dressing properly just now before coming out to open the door!
Just as she was thinking about how she should greet Gong Lingqian, she heard An Xingchen asking her for the first time.
An Qingruo regained her senses, a trace of deep jealousy and hatred flashed across her eyes, she tried her best to control her expression and said to Gong Lingqian: "Yes, An Xingchen lives here, I am her sister An Qingruo."
"Sir, is there something you need my sister for?"
An Qingruo intentionally pretended not to know Gong Lingqian, not wanting Gong Lingqian to think that she was getting closer to him.
"I am An Xingchen's superior, she previously said that she was not feeling well so she asked for leave to go home, is she at home now?"
After An Qingruo finished listening to what Gong Lingqian had to say, his heart immediately flashed with secret joy. Very good, looks like Jiao Jiao had already made her move!
An Qingruo pretended to be surprised and shook her head at Gong Lingqian: "No! My sister, she hasn't come back yet! Sir, did you get it wrong? "
As soon as An Qingruo finished speaking, Gong Lingqian's face darkened, in the next moment, before An Qingruo could react, Gong Lingqian directly pushed him aside and broke into the room.
The room was not big, so when Gong Lingqian went in, he was able to see everything. There was no one on the sofa, no one on the bed, and no one in the bathroom.
As expected, An Xingchen did not come back!
But it was obvious that Cheng Hao had personally sent An Xingchen back! However, the person was not home right now, and her phone was always turned off!
As Gong Lingqian thought about this, his calm face immediately turned even colder.
In the next second, Gong Lingqian turned and looked at An Qingruo, and asked: "Did your sister contact you this afternoon?"
An Qingruo shook her head, seeing how worried Gong Lingqian was for An Xingchen, the jealousy in his heart grew even stronger. He still wanted to say more, but Gong Lingqian didn't spare her another glance as he turned and left the room in large strides.
Gong Lingqian immediately went downstairs to the district's monitoring room and called out the surveillance footage in front of the district's entrance.
However, An Xingchen waited for Cheng Hao's car to leave and then caught a taxi to leave.
Gong Lingqian noted down the number of the taxi on his forehead and immediately called Cheng Hao. He told Cheng Hao to check the route of the taxi.
菜单 下一章
普通人做事,聪明人做式,高手做局。 随着老板突然出事,职场春风得意的乔梁遭遇重挫,随即又被妻子背叛,更可怕的是,他发现自己落入了一个精心布置的圈套……
其实,苏辰逸只是一个普通人,他也不知道从何时,早已习惯面对生死,更愿意为心中的坚持付出热血和生命。 当年忠贞为国酬,何曾怕断头? 桀骜不训的军官毕业生,痞性十足,铁汉柔情,嫉恶如仇!一次意外的机会,让他走上了利刃之路。 战毒枭,救人质;边境线上,丛林之中;利刃之光开始闪耀... 最经典的军事力作,我们一起保家卫国,扬我国威遍全球!
叶辰开局被废,幸得万古天墓。 从神墓中获得无敌功法,修神功,炼仙丹,逆天而上! 葬天,葬地,葬神魔! 战佛,战仙,战万古! 无敌爽文,简介无力,请移步正文。
官路艰难,行差踏错一步,就会万劫不复。 但仕途也很简单,只要你站对了队,用对了人,找对了方向,将无往不利。 沈飞重生到了十八年前,那个改变自己命运的时候,且看他如何只手补天裂,逆转人生!