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Chapter 25 - Arrival

An Xingchen frowned as she listened, bit her lips, and agreed: "Alright, I'll be there on time at three in the afternoon."
Although his mother had always been indifferent towards her, that was, after all, the mother who gave birth to her and raised her. An Xingchen did not want to implicate her mother because of her own reasons.
Furthermore, this was a society governed by the rule of law, and it was in the middle of the day. In the past, nothing should have happened to her.
The other party hung up the phone after hearing his satisfactory answer.
An Xingchen tried to call her again to see that the other party had already shut down their phone.
An Xingchen sat on the chair as if she had lost all her energy and used both hands to cover her face. After recuperating for a while, she was finally able to recover some of her energy, and quickly went outside to find the cleaning lady to help her clean up.
An Xingchen didn't want to blow this matter up, and subconsciously, she even more so wanted Gong Lingqian to know about this matter.
Thus, she specially instructed the cleaning lady who helped her clean up the box not to reveal this matter.
An Xingchen was glad that the sound isolation was so effective, she was not able to hear the scream that she screamed out.
Just as the cleaning lady finished packing up, Cheng Hao knocked on the door to An Xingchen's office.
"Miss An, it's already noon. Young Master Gong wants you to go to his office for lunch."
An Xingchen didn't have any appetite at the moment, as long as she closed her eyes, the bloody scene would appear in her mind.
However, An Xingchen knew that whatever Gong Lingqian decided on, he had never allowed her to reject.
Even if she didn't come with an excuse, Gong Lingqian could still come and find her.
"Alright, I'll go right away." An Xingchen replied, got up and walked over.
An Xingchen entered the President’s Office and saw that Gong Lingqian was the only person in the huge office.
On the table in front of Gong Lingqian, there were two exquisite lunch boxes.
An Xingchen looked at the restaurant's name that was printed on the box, and a look of surprise flashed past her eyes, An Xingchen had heard of this restaurant before.
Even in the entire country, the restaurant that ranked first in Yao City still ranked in the top three.
He was extremely famous. Even if he was rich, it would be very difficult for him to get an appointment for a meal.
Furthermore, An Xingchen heard that this restaurant never accepted take-out products
It was merely Gong Lingqian, An Xingchen understood.
With Gong Lingqian's power, making a restaurant make an exception for him was not strange.
In the past, Gong Lingqian always ate Western food for lunch. This was the first time he asked Cheng Hao to prepare a Chinese food for him.
Because he remembered that An Xingchen didn't really like western cuisine, he got Cheng Hao to prepare a Chinese cuisine that An Xingchen was used to eating on purpose.
The moment An Xingchen entered, Gong Lingqian could tell with a glance that something was wrong with An Xingchen's pale face.
He frowned slightly, looked at An Xingchen who had walked in front of him and asked: "What happened? You're so pale? "
"I'm fine." An Xingchen shook her head at Gong Lingqian, her voice paused for a bit, and then continued, "I'm just a little dizzy It's probably because I didn't get enough rest last night "
When Gong Lingqian heard this, his brows furrowed even more. He immediately took out his mobile phone, "I'll call the doctor over to take a look."
With that, Gong Lingqian prepared to dial a number. Seeing that, An Xingchen immediately stopped her movements: "No need, Young Master Gong. It's just that I'm a little dizzy. I'll go back and rest. "
After saying that, An Xingchen continued, "Young Master Gong, can I take half a day off from home to rest in the afternoon?"
Gong Lingqian frowned as he looked at An Xingchen. It was obvious that he was still a little worried, "You can go home and rest, but your face is still so pale! If you don't get a doctor to look, I won't feel at ease! "
Hearing Gong Lingqian's words, An Xingchen's heart inexplicably felt warm, the haze that was enveloped by the anonymous paper box earlier disappeared a little.
Feeling a bit embarrassed, he replied, "It's alright, I really only need to rest for a while."
Seeing that An Xingchen was so insistent, and that An Xingchen's face was no longer as ugly as before, Gong Lingqian heaved a sigh of relief, "We can not ask for a doctor, but if there's anything wrong with you, you must immediately give me a call, alright?!"
When Gong Lingqian mentioned the matter of the phone call, he remembered that An Xingchen did not have his number yet.
In the next second, without waiting for An Xingchen's reply, Gong Lingqian extended his palm right in front of An Xingchen and tyrannically said: "An Xingchen, give me your phone!"
An Xingchen was startled, facing Gong Lingqian's unquestionable gaze, she could only obediently take out her phone and give it to Gong Lingqian.
Gong Lingqian opened An Xingchen's mobile phone, directly entering his private number and dialing. Hearing his own phone ring, Gong Lingqian ended the call and returned the phone back to An Xingchen.
"This is my phone number. Keep it safe. If you need anything, remember to call me."
This phone number was Gong Lingqian's private number, only Gong Lingqian's family and a few good brothers knew of this number.
An Xingchen had no choice but to nod her head in response to Gong Lingqian's serious expression.
"Alright, eat something first. The taste of the dishes in this restaurant is pretty good."
An Xingchen really did not have much appetite, but facing Gong Lingqian's gaze, An Xingchen could only suppress the uneasiness in her stomach, and nodded towards Gong Lingqian, picking up the chopsticks.
An Xingchen forced herself to eat a few mouthfuls, but due to the psychological effects, she was unable to taste anything. She only felt that her stomach was stinging and she really couldn't swallow it down, An Xingchen put down her chopsticks and said to Gong Lingqian: Young Master Gong, I'm not hungry anymore, I can't eat anymore.
Gong Lingqian frowned, seeing that An Xingchen did not have any appetite, and did not try to force it, he said: "I'll get Cheng Hao to send you back."
Just as An Xingchen wanted to reject, before she could finish, Gong Lingqian seemed to have guessed what An Xingchen was going to say and directly said tyrannically: "An Xingchen! No more refusals! Otherwise, I don't mind sending you back myself! "
If it wasn't for the important meeting of the board that Gong Lingqian couldn't miss, Gong Lingqian would have sent him back already.
An Xingchen had no choice but to let Cheng Hao send her back to the Yunyue Apartments. After Cheng Hao left, An Xingchen took a taxi to Sea Forest Park.
Fortunately, there was still more than an hour before 3 in the afternoon, so he could make it in time.
An Xingchen had heard of the Sea Forest Park before, but because Sea Forest Park was very remote and close to the suburbs, An Xingchen had never been to the Yao City for many years.
An hour later, An Xingchen arrived at the southern gate of Sea Forest Park.
An Xingchen had already been there for 10 minutes. Since it was a workday and it was still work time, there was no one at the southern gate of the park.
There was only a van parked a short distance away by the road.
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