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Chapter 20 - Conspiracy

An Qingruo immediately stopped moving, her eyes staring at An Xingchen's side, and seeing the man's face that was in front of An Xingchen, An Qingruo was startled.
Unfortunately, An Qingruo recognized the man who blocked An Xingchen!
If An Qingruo remembered correctly, the man in front of her should be called Tang Di!
He was the boyfriend of a pretty good female colleague that An Qingruo was working for previously at the clubhouse!
This Tang Di was a top student who graduated from A University, together with her female colleague, she had known them since they were young.
However, he heard that the family was very poor. His father had died early, his mother had remarried, and his grandfather had been paralyzed in bed for more than ten years.
The university tuition fees weren't even available. It was still paid by her female colleague.
After hearing his female colleague say that Tang Di had spent all of her money in her university these past few years, An Qingruo would laugh at her female colleague's idiocy even when she heard of it.
An Xingchen heaved a sigh of relief as she saw Gong Lingqian drive away. Just as she was about to turn around and return to her apartment, she was startled by the figure who walked out from the side.
"Stars." The person suddenly opened his mouth.
Only after hearing the voice did An Xingchen clearly see that the person blocking her was Tang Di.
He heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and seeing Tang Di who suddenly appeared at such a late time, he could not help but ask suspiciously: "Senior Tang, why are you here? Is there something wrong? "
"I heard that you rented an apartment here, so I came to take a look. I didn't expect you to actually live here."
Tang Di looked at An Xingchen with a strange expression.
In fact, he had specially come to look for An Xingchen. The matter that happened at noon at the staff restaurant had too much of an impact on Tang Di.
Tang Di was also a man, so he could clearly see the possessiveness of the Young Master Gong in one glance!
He could not stay calm any longer. He wanted to call An Xingchen, but he was afraid that he would not be able to do so.
In the company, An Xingchen's office was at the top floor, so Tang Di didn't even have the right to go to the top floor, much less talk to An Xingchen about it.
Therefore, Tang Di could only come over to An Xingchen's place to look for her.
It was just that Tang Di did not expect him to see the scene just now!
The high and mighty Young Master Gong actually condescended to personally drive An Xingchen home.
Furthermore, An Xingchen had returned so late. Several hours after work, she was always with the Young Master Gong.
The moment he thought about the surging jealousy in Tang Di's heart, it was about to explode.
"Stars!" Was it Young Master Gong who sent you back just now? What is your relationship with the Young Master Gong? "
An Xingchen heard Tang Di's questioning tone and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He only felt that Senior Tang tonight was a little strange.
An Xingchen did not think too much into it. Hearing Tang Di's words, An Xingchen's face turned awkward, she did not expect Tang Di to see Gong Lingqian's car.
Seeing that Tang Di was still waiting for his answer, An Xingchen had no choice but to explain, "Young Master Gong dropped me off on the way back ."
"Senior Tang, you misunderstand " I have nothing to do with the Young Master Gong. "
When Tang Di heard the denial, he could not believe it at all. He only felt that An Xingchen was lying on purpose.
With a frown, he couldn't help but become agitated. His hands suddenly grabbed onto An Xingchen's thin shoulder and said emotionally: "Xingchen, you're too naive. Don't be fooled by Young Master Gong!"
"What kind of woman has Young Master Gong not seen? This is just a whim for you! He wouldn't really want to be with you! "
"Young Master Gong is far above us, you have money and power, the two of you are of different families, you are not suited for this, so don't be fooled by his outer appearance! He just wants to trick you into going to bed! "
"When I get tired of playing with your body, Young Master Gong will not hesitate to kick you away!"
When An Xingchen heard this, she could not help but frown and say to Tang Di: "Senior Brother Tang, you misunderstand, Young Master Gong is not that kind of person. Furthermore, my current relationship with Young Master Gong is not anything different than what you think."
When Tang Di heard this, Tang Di did not believe him at all. He only felt that An Xingchen was trying to quibble, and sneered, "Xingchen, you're still lying to me!"
"If you really have nothing to do with Young Master Gong, why would Young Master Gong suddenly send you so many flowers?"
"How can it be so late now? He only sent you back!"
An Xingchen had always thought of Tang Di as a sunny and gentle person. This was the first time she discovered that he was actually so unreasonable and unreasonable.
Feeling that he couldn't explain it clearly, An Xingchen couldn't help but frown and said to Tang Di: "Senior Tang, even if I have something to do with the Young Master Gong, it actually doesn't have anything to do with you."
"It's already very late. Senior Tang, I'll be leaving first."
As An Xingchen said this, she strode towards the apartment building. Before she had even taken a few steps, her wrist was suddenly grabbed by Tang Di who had caught up to her.
A man's strength is naturally stronger than a woman's. An Xingchen was unable to struggle free, so she could only stop her steps, slightly frowning, she looked at Tang Di and said: "Senior Tang, you lost your composure. Please let go of me."
Tang Di stared intently at An Xingchen, his eyes turning red from anger and jealousy.
Not only did he not let go of An Xingchen, he tightly grabbed onto An Xingchen's shoulders and furiously spoke: "An Xingchen! What do you mean it has nothing to do with me? "
"Are you playing dumb? Can't you see that I've always liked you? "
"How can you do this to me!"
An Xingchen was very sensitive towards other things, but she was extremely slow on the topic with regards to matters of the heart.
All this while, An Xingchen had always treated Tang Di as a friend. She never thought that Tang Di would actually fall for him.
"Senior Tang, I'm sorry. I've always considered you as a good friend "
An Xingchen had not finished speaking when she was interrupted by Tang Di's loud voice: "An Xingchen! You like Young Master Gong, right?! "
"Am I not good enough for you? Why can't you like me? "
An Xingchen could not help but frown, and just as she was about to explain, in the next moment, she saw Tang Di's gaze turn ferocious.
Without waiting for An Xingchen to recover her senses, Tang Di grabbed An Xingchen's shoulders and fiercely pulled her into her embrace, immediately and forcefully kissing her lips.
Seeing this, An Qingruo, who was hiding behind a pillar, bit his lips, a look of jealousy flashing past his eyes!
I wonder what's so good about An Xingchen! There were actually so many men who liked her!
Although Tang Di did not have much money, he was still a top student at a famous university, and he was pretty handsome!
Indeed! An Xingchen was a natural fox spirit!
He had to teach her a lesson!
Thinking about it, An Qingruo suddenly thought of an extremely good idea, and smiled.
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