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Chapter 1 - Kidnapped

"Debt for money!" If you don't pay the five hundred thousand today! I will chop off your hand! "
A few tall men surrounded Yu Huimin, and the leader of the men gestured towards Yu Huimin's hand with his blade.
"Don't chop my hand off! I don't have any money right now. I really don't have any money, I'll definitely pay you back when I have enough! " Yu Huimin was so scared that her face turned pale and she almost peed her pants.
"No money?!" The man with the blade impatiently sneered, the blade tip in his hand suddenly pointed at An Qingruo who was beside Yu Huimin, and lewdly laughed: "Since you don't have any money, then just use your daughter as repayment for your debt!"
"He looks pretty good, but he's still young. He should be worth five hundred thousand yuan if he sells it a few more times!"
"Alright, drag her daughter into the car and take her away!"
With that, the other two men let go of Yu Huimin and pulled An Qingruo away.
An Qingruo was so scared that her face turned white, her entire body was trembling. She was about to be dragged into the van, she immediately shouted: "Wait!"
"My mother has a daughter! She's much prettier than I am, and a famous college student! It's much more valuable than me. You guys can just capture her and go repay this debt! "
"I have a photo!"
An Qingruo immediately took her own phone and flipped through the photo of An Xingchen.
"She's called An Xingchen, she's my big sister, and is currently in the A University. You can find her at school!"
After seeing the evil spirits take An Xingchen's picture and leave, An Qingruo finally heaved a sigh of relief and collapsed to the ground.
"Qingruo, why don't we get those people to go find An Xingchen?" Yu Huimin felt a little guilty for the first time in her heart.
An Qingruo glared at Yu Huimin and retorted, "Mom! I am your biological daughter! "
"Do you want me to be taken away by those people?"
"An Xingchen is just an abandoned baby that father had painstakingly picked up. We have kept her for so many years, so we will consider this as her repaying us!"
An Xingchen was in a good mood as she packed up her things in her dorm. Today, she had just finished her graduation ceremony and had even successfully entered Yao City, the largest multinational Gong’s Group in Yao City.
After packing his things, just as An Xingchen dragged her luggage out of the school gates, she was suddenly stopped by two tall and big men with unfriendly faces.
"Your name is An Xingchen, right?"
"Yes, is there anything you need from me?" An Xingchen was confused.
Right after he finished speaking, the two men suddenly dragged An Xingchen towards the van at the side.
"What do you want to do?! Let me go! " An Xingchen's heart jumped, and she started to struggle with all her might.
A man's strength was naturally greater than a woman's, let alone two men.
An Xingchen was directly dragged into the carriage, and a promissory note was displayed before An Xingchen's eyes.
"Your mother Yu Huimin owes us five hundred thousand! I'll use you to pay my debt! "
"Hurry up and let me off! This is kidnapping! "It's against the law!" An Xingchen was shocked in her heart, her hands and feet turned cold. "I can slowly return the money that my mother owes you in the future!"
The leading man sneered, and looked at his own subordinate, who immediately understood and took out a pill to pinch An Xingchen's mouth, then swallowed it.
Once he took the pill, not even two minutes worth of effects had come out, An Xingchen's entire body went soft, and her consciousness fell into darkness.
Hot So hot... An Xingchen slowly woke up, and felt as if she was in a furnace.
Gritting his teeth fiercely, the piercing pain caused An Xingchen to wake up a little. Only then did she realize that she was lying on the bed of a strange hotel.
"Little beauty! You're finally awake! If you wake up, let's play something exciting! "
Just as he finished speaking, a fat middle-aged man with a beer belly pounced towards An Xingchen.
"AH!" An Xingchen was tightly pressed down by the fat body of the middle-aged man, he screamed in fear, and struggled with his pale face: "Let go of me Don't touch me! "
"Little beauty, I spent a huge sum of money to buy you up for the whole night. You'd better behave, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"
As he said that, the middle aged man's hand started to caress An Xingchen's body.
An Xingchen fiercely bit her lips, the piercing pain causing her to somewhat sober up.
In the midst of his panic, he used all his strength to kick at the crotch of the middle-aged man.
The middle-aged man was caught off guard and got kicked in the face. In the next moment, the middle-aged man immediately shouted out in pain while clutching his crotch!
An Xingchen took the chance and pushed the man aside, then stumbled and opened the door as he rushed out.
"Damn it!" Little bitch, you still dare to run! I will definitely kill you tonight! " The middle-aged man didn't care about the pain as he clutched his crotch and hurriedly gave chase.
In his panic, An Xingchen heard the footsteps getting closer and closer behind her. In her anxiousness, she saw that the door to the room in front of her was ajar, and in the desperation of a moment, An Xingchen pushed open the door and rushed in.
With a bang, he closed the door and locked it. An Xingchen was temporarily safe, but her condition was even worse.
The reaction of the effects intensified, An Xingchen's vision was so hot that her vision was starting to blur, her legs were going weak, and her desire to die was howling crazily in her body.
An Xingchen rubbed her legs together with what remained of her reason had been swallowed completely by the medicinal effect. She couldn't help but reach out to randomly tear at the clothes on her body.
In the next second, a big palm that carried a scorching heat suddenly grabbed An Xingchen's wrist.
A deep, extremely magnetic voice suddenly rang out, "Who are you?"
An Xingchen raised her eyes and a blurry, tall figure appeared in her line of sight.
Smelling the unique, strong male hormone on the man in front of him, the desire in An Xingchen's body became even more arrogant.
He couldn't control his body and moved closer to the tall figure.
"It feels so bad!" I feel so bad! "Please, help me..." An Xingchen's tearful voice came out.
Gong Lingqian frowned, looking at the girl that took the initiative to jump into his embrace.
Even Gong Lingqian who had gotten used to seeing beauties, was shocked at first glance when he saw the girl's face in his arms.
It was undeniably beautiful.
However, it was obvious that the girl was in a very strange state.
A peculiar red flush covered her fair face, and the temperature of her entire body became even hotter.
It was just that Gong Lingqian had never been one to cherish the fairer sex, furthermore, he had seen too many things throwing themselves at others like this.
In the next moment, with a dark expression, Gong Lingqian grabbed An Xingchen's shoulder with his big palm and directly pulled her out of her embrace: "Get out!"
"Don't... I feel so uncomfortable that I'm about to die Help me. So hot... "It feels so bad..."
An Xingchen held onto Gong Lingqian's arm tightly, as if she was grabbing onto her lifeline.
Gong Lingqian frowned as he lowered his head to look into a pair of clear, moist eyes.
菜单 下一章
叶辰开局被废,幸得万古天墓。 从神墓中获得无敌功法,修神功,炼仙丹,逆天而上! 葬天,葬地,葬神魔! 战佛,战仙,战万古! 无敌爽文,简介无力,请移步正文。
五年前,莫凡被陷害入狱,刑期无期,却又因祸得福,从此多出了六位师娘! 五年后,学一身本领,今非昔比!
主人公江云皓转业之后成为黎城县县长,开启了自己的仕途。 在官场和对手们的斗争中,江云皓坚持自己的原则,从不畏惧挑战; 谋略上,更是经常给人惊喜。 最终,江云皓通过自己的努力和高层的赏识,走上了一条属于自己的官场之路。 而主角的红颜们,也在他的影响下,走出了各自的一片天地。