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Chapter 12 - Love rivals

An Xingchen's heart thumped, her entire body stiffened, and she could not help but stare at Gong Lingqian in shock.
Four eyes met, and Gong Lingqian's low and deep voice took the lead to speak first, "An Xingchen, why did you run this morning?"
"I didn't " An Xingchen retorted in an embarrassed voice with a blush.
Gong Lingqian was afraid that he would scare An Xingchen, so he let go of An Xingchen: "Alright, you can go back to work."
As if he was granted amnesty, An Xingchen heaved a sigh of relief and quickly left the President’s Office.
Just as An Xingchen left, Gong Lingqian took out his phone and called Cheng Hao.
Previously, when Gong Lingqian was looking at the information on An Xingchen, he remembered that the flower that he liked was a sunflower, so he instructed Cheng Hao: "Cheng Hao, find a flower shop and order 999 sunflowers to give to An Xingchen, don't leave my name."
Half an hour later, when An Xingchen was busy organizing the documents, the phone on her desk suddenly rang.
It was the company's insider. An Xingchen curiously accepted the call, then heard a sweet female voice: "Is it Assistant An?"
"Un, I am, why? What's the matter? "
"There's a delivery from you at the front desk. I need you to come down and sign for it."
An Xingchen agreed and hung up the phone, but her heart became even more doubtful.
She hardly ever buys anything on the shopping website. How could she possibly have a courier?
Ye Zichen walked downstairs in confusion, and the moment he got out of the elevator, he saw several female colleagues gathered around the front desk.
"Hello, I'm An Xingchen. You just called and said that you have my express delivery."
Just as An Xingchen finished speaking to the front desk girl, the front desk girl immediately pointed at An Xingchen's back: "The delivery is over there."
An Xingchen turned her head around, and a bunch of extremely big sunflowers entered her eyes.
An Xingchen opened her eyes wide in shock. This was the first time An Xingchen had seen so many sunflowers.
While he was in a daze, the courier boy who was holding the sunflower handed the gigantic bunch of sunflowers to An Xingchen: "Is it Miss An? Please sign for it. "
An Xingchen regained her senses, and looked at the humongous sunflower in front of her in a daze as she said embarrassedly: "Sorry Could it be that you sent them the wrong way? "
An Xingchen really couldn't think of who would gift her with such a big bunch of flowers.
The delivery boy replied with certainty: "It can't be that you sent the wrong person, you must be Miss An Xingchen right? These words are for Miss An Xingchen. "
"Then do you know who sent the flowers?"
Just as An Xingchen finished speaking, the delivery guy shook his head and replied: "I don't know, the flowers were ordered anonymously."
An Xingchen had no choice but to accept the huge bunch of sunflowers and sign her name.
"Wow, Assistant An, is this a gift from your boyfriend? There should be 999 flowers in such a big bouquet! God, how romantic! "
The female colleagues at the side could not help but look at An Xingchen with envious eyes.
An Xingchen's face was flushed red. She hurriedly shook her head in embarrassment and explained, "That's not it "I don't have a boyfriend yet "
"That must have been given to you by your pursuer."
"It's so romantic. Assistant An, quickly agree to it."
An Xingchen was so embarrassed that she did not know how to reply when a man's voice suddenly rang: "Xingchen."
An Xingchen looked over when she heard it, and a smile instantly appeared on her face. She could not help but exclaim in surprise, "Senior Tang."
Seeing that An Xingchen was smiling, Tang Di's face could not help but reveal a smile, and nodded to An Xingchen. Seeing the huge bunch of sunflowers that An Xingchen was holding, Tang Di's face stiffened.
He remembered that An Xingchen's favorite flower was the sunflower.
An Xingchen did not notice Tang Di's abnormality. Seeing Tang Di, she asked in an extremely happy tone, "Senior, when did you return from your business trip?"
"I still haven't thanked you for what happened last time."
Tang Di and An Xingchen both graduated from A University, but Tang Di was a year older than him. The two recognized each other in the student union, Tang Di's own ability was outstanding, so he entered the Gong’s Group the moment he graduated.
The reason why An Xingchen was able to successfully enter the Gong’s Group was thanks to Tang Di's help.
However, a few days ago, when An Xingchen entered the Gong’s Group to start working, Tang Di coincidentally went on a business trip outside the country.
Hearing An Xingchen's words, Tang Di laughed gently: "Xingchen, if you want to thank me, then treat me to a meal."
An Xingchen also planned to do so, but since there were no objections, she nodded her head at Tang Di: "Alright, senior, let's see when you have time."
"Let's get off work tonight. I have time."
Just as An Xingchen was about to agree, she suddenly remembered that she still had to go to Gong Lingqian's place to prepare dinner after getting off work today. She could only say to Tang Di embarrassedly: "Senior, how about I treat you to lunch this weekend? I have something to do after work tonight."
Tang Di could not help but look at the bunch of Sunflowers in An Xingchen's embrace. "Xingchen, did your boyfriend give you this flower?"
An Xingchen hurriedly shook her head in embarrassment and explained: "No, I don't have a boyfriend yet Actually, I don't know who gave this to me It might be a mistake... "
Hearing that he did not have a boyfriend, Tang Di smiled and said to An Xingchen: "Alright, then let's make an agreement, see you on the weekend."
"Alright." An Xingchen nodded, she had already been down for a while, afraid that she would delay her work, she said to Tang Di: "Senior Tang, I will go back to work first."
With such a big bunch of flowers, you could tell that the price was not cheap. An Xingchen was afraid that if Yue Yang really gave it to her wrongly, she would come back to ask for it later.
On the other side, Gong Lingqian was busy throughout the whole morning. After signing the last document, he remembered to send An Xingchen some flowers.
Her long and beautiful index finger knocked on the desk, causing Gong Lingqian to look at Cheng Hao who was standing in front of him.
Cheng Hao was startled, then understood what Gong Lingqian meant, and immediately said: "Young Master Gong, Miss An has received the flowers."
Hearing that, a look of satisfaction flashed past Gong Lingqian's face, and she arrogantly clenched her fists to the side of her lips and coughed twice, and then casually asked: "Does she still like it?"
When Cheng Hao heard his own CEO's words, the corner of his mouth could not help but twitch. Just now, when he passed by An Xingchen's office, he did not see how happy An Xingchen was.
Furthermore, his own CEO had sent a flower, and even asked him to be proud and anonymous. An Xingchen probably didn't even know who sent him the flower right now
Cheng Hao didn't have the guts to say it directly, so he could only reply with a smile: "will definitely like such a big bunch of flowers."
Only then did Gong Lingqian nod his head in satisfaction. Looking at the time on his watch, he saw that it was already noon, so he looked at Cheng Hao and instructed: "Cheng Hao, prepare another lunch for today. Tell An Xingchen to come to my office for lunch."
菜单 下一章
一场替嫁阴谋,蓝依依被送给了传说中丑陋瘫痪的克妻大佬,新婚夜,她被男人逼着主动……   众人皆知,傅寒枭是A城的疯批活阎王,性情古怪暴戾还克妻,没有哪个女人敢跟他扯上关系。蓝依依做为克妻大佬的第九任妻子,众人都等着她被横着抬出来。   可三天后蓝依依红光满面戴着硕大鸽子蛋出现在众人面前,一个月后她晒出孕检单和无数珠宝财产,蓝家人嫉妒红了眼,逼她离婚让出傅夫人之位。   蓝依依微微一笑,什么也不做只唤了老公两个字。   于是克妻大佬不克妻,他宠妻上天,蓝家人走着进来爬着出去,那些曾经得罪过蓝依依的,全部排队上门赔礼道歉。   蓝依依一头扎进活阎王怀里,“老公,你对我这么好,我要如何报答你。”   男人双臂收紧,嗓音低沉暗哑:“来,二胎安排一下。”
间谍是一个非常古老的职业,从有战争开始的那一天起,间谍便是交战双方获取对方情报的唯一选择。有人说,间谍战是这个世界上唯一不会出现硝烟的战斗,可事实证明,没有硝烟的战斗在这个世界上几乎不存在,即便是暗地里的较量,同样充满血腥和牺牲。 我姓唐,叫唐城,你也可以叫我唐五郎。 我爹是军统,专门抓日本特务的军统,虽然他不在了,可小爷我也绝对不允许你们这些萝卜头活的逍遥。 这里是国统区,所以,这里没有你们存活的空间。如果你们非要来,那好吧,小爷我只好送你们统统下地狱。
传言傅司骁是A城的活阎王,权势滔天富可敌国却丑陋残废,被他看上的女人皆活不过当晚。   叶晚柠一朝重生到被傅司骁救下的当天,二话不说就抓紧了活阎王,众人皆等着她被扫地出门。   可没想到她被活阎王盛宠上天,日子过的风生水起好不快活,那些伤她欺她的,更是被踩在脚底。   众人嘲笑,再得宠整日也得面对一个又丑又瘫的残废,叶晚柠淡笑不语。   直到有一天,众人看到那个英俊绝伦身姿颀长的大佬堵着她在角落亲……