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Chapter 11 - Sudden marriage proposal

An Xingchen's mind was blank, all she could hear were her own rapid heartbeat.
Lowering his eyes, he didn't even dare to look at Gong Lingqian and stammered: "Young Master Gong Can you, can you let go of me first "
Before An Xingchen could finish her words, she was overbearingly rejected by her, "No!"
"An Xingchen, let's get married."
An Xingchen was startled by Gong Lingqian's sudden words, and he shockingly opened his eyes wide, not knowing what to do.
He could not help but secretly extend his hand to pinch his arm, causing An Xingchen to inhale in pain.
He wasn't dreaming So Gong Lingqian was really telling her that he was getting married!
An Xingchen awkwardly forced a smile at Gong Lingqian: "Young Master Gong "Stop joking around..."
"I'm not joking."
Gong Lingqian frowned, with a serious look on his face, he stared at An Xingchen.
Gong Lingqian had never liked to beat around the bush. There was no reason more honorable than marriage to want to keep An Xingchen by her side.
Gong Lingqian had never had any thoughts of marrying that woman before, and some of them even refused to do so.
However, the other party was An Xingchen. Surprisingly, Gong Lingqian did not feel that he was against it at all.
An Xingchen became even more flustered when she saw Gong Lingqian's serious and handsome face.
After he was silent for a while, An Xingchen was so flustered that she did not know how to answer Gong Lingqian's sudden question.
Unable to bear Gong Lingqian's staring at her burning gaze, he shrunk his neck. At this time, An Xingchen found the strength to break free from Gong Lingqian's embrace, she even forgot to put on her slippers, and jumped off the bed in panic. As she ran, she found a crappy excuse to change the topic: "Young Master Gong I'm going to be late. I'll go to work at the company first. "
Actually, it was still more than an hour away from work.
With that, An Xingchen ran off.
Looking at An Xingchen's figure that seemed to have escaped, a helpless smile swept across Gong Lingqian's lips. It seems that he scared Little Cat.
Gong Lingqian had always been single, never having any relationships with girls, without any experience.
Now that An Xingchen was obviously trying to escape, this was the first time in Gong Lingqian's life that he felt helpless.
Raising his hand and pressing it between his eyebrows, Gong Lingqian suddenly remembered that Cheng Hao was a married man, so he should have experience in this area, so he directly dialed Cheng Hao's number.
The moment the call connected, Gong Lingqian immediately went on to the main topic: "Cheng Hao, if you were to propose marriage to a girl, and that girl didn't answer you, then she would immediately find an excuse to leave, what would that mean?"
Early in the morning, Cheng Hao was asked such a baffling question by his own CEO, and couldn't react for a moment. He was stunned, and subconsciously replied respectfully: "Young Master Gong, this kind of situation, it should be that girl doesn't want to get married."
After hearing Cheng Hao's answer, Gong Lingqian frowned, so An Xingchen did not want to marry him anymore?
Gong Lingqian squinted his eyes and grinded his teeth, the only thought in his mind was to immediately grab An Xingchen that guy and beat him up to the point of making her cry and beg for forgiveness.
After Cheng Hao finished speaking, he listened to his CEO's weird silence for a while, then thought about his CEO's recent flirtatious signs with the Miss An.
Only then did he regain his senses and react.
Under the urge of his curiosity, Cheng Hao summoned up the courage to carefully probe and speak, "Young Master Gong Are you proposing to Miss An to get married? "
"Yes sir!" Gong Lingqian's face was now as black as coal.
When Cheng Hao heard his CEO's resolute and decisive answer, the expression on his face twisted even as he endured his laughter.
So, when Miss An proposed to her, she immediately found an excuse to leave?
Miss An is truly domineering!
In this Yao City, she was probably the only one who dared to reject Young Master Gong's proposal.
Even though he was on the phone, Cheng Hao could guess that his CEO's expression must be really ugly right now.
As he thought about it, Cheng Hao spoke up in an extremely euphemistic manner, "Young Master Gong, you might have scared this Miss An "
Gong Lingqian frowned, it was a rare opportunity to ask for guidance patiently: "Then, what should I do?"
"Young Master Gong, you should pursue Miss An for a period of time before bringing up the matter of marriage."
"How?" Gong Lingqian's frown deepened.
"Girls all like romance. Surprise, surprise, Young Master Gong, you just have to create some more romantic surprises for Miss An "
Gong Lingqian pinched the center of his brows, and before he could finish, he interrupted Cheng Hao's words: "Spell it out!"
"Girls like flowers, send flowers, send gifts and the like. Afterwards, we'll go for a romantic candlelight dinner and create a lot of feelings for each other."
Gong Lingqian memorized what Cheng Hao had just said and ended the call.
Gong Lingqian packed and went downstairs. Sure enough, An Xingchen had left long ago.
Gong Lingqian looked at the empty living room, and slightly narrowed his eyes, as though he was determined to win something. An Xingchen, you won't be able to escape, I'll definitely keep you by my side!
On the other side, An Xingchen ran out of the in a hurry and ran out of the villa.
It was hard to get a taxi here, and it took An Xingchen twenty minutes of walking before she finally managed to get a taxi.
An Xingchen took a taxi back to the small apartment she rented.
When he arrived home, An Xingchen changed into clean clothes. Seeing the two conspicuous red kisses on her neck, An Xingchen's fair and small face flushed red, the heart in her chest started to beat even faster.
An Xingchen facepalmed herself, and then immediately interrupted the random thoughts in her mind. She turned over the powdered base and looked in the mirror, carefully painting it for a long time before finally covering the ambiguous kiss mark on her neck.
Although An Xingchen wanted to avoid Gong Lingqian a little because of what happened that morning But right now, An Xingchen was lacking in money, and it was impossible for her to be willful and quit her job, so after escaping for a while, she could only obediently go to the company.
When he arrived downstairs, An Xingchen saw a pharmacy nearby and remembered that Gong Lingqian did not seem to have done anything to protect himself the whole night he had an absurd night with Gong Lingqian.
What if she was pregnant and it was over!
An Xingchen's face was flushed red as she hurriedly entered the pharmacy and bought a box of emergency contraceptives. She took two pills according to the instructions on the pill manual before she could finally relax.
After entering the company and returning to his office, just as An Xingchen sat down, Cheng Hao knocked on An Xingchen's desk and instructed: Miss An has sent you a cup of coffee.
An Xingchen was stunned for a few seconds before recovering, she nervously nodded her head, and agreed.
With his head lowered, he entered the President’s Office with the cup of coffee.
"Young Master Gong, here's your coffee."
An Xingchen whispered as she placed the coffee by her side.
Just as he let go of her hand, An Xingchen's small hand was violently grasped by Gong Lingqian's big palm.
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人生就是利欲场,利为媒,欲为介。 官场就是江湖,抒写温情与残酷、合作与较量、情感与利益的交易市场。大道无形,行者无疆,漫漫官道,唯有胸怀天地,志存高远,方能直抵彼岸。 小人物张一舟历经血腥战场的洗练和尔虞仕途的淬炼,终凭一颗畏惧之心和秉承的正义而纵横,步步高升,成为主宰别人命运的人。
天上掉馅饼,最美县花主动委身下嫁基层科员,这背后究竟隐藏着什么秘密? 许一山出身农门,捡漏当了公务员,官场中尔虞我诈,生活中受人欺凌。他从不放弃,永不言败,从一个小科员逐渐成长为一方大员,最终抱得美人归。