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Chapter 10 - Slag Woman

There was nowhere An Xingchen could run to. Clinging close to each other's skin, An Xingchen could even clearly feel the hot temperature of Gong Lingqian's skin.
An Xingchen's face was so red that it seemed as though blood could drip out of it. She was so nervous that she was stuttering: "Young Master Gong "You, quickly let me go "
"Not letting go." Gong Lingqian frowned and rejected the offer.
"Your clothes are dirty, accompany me to wash!"
Only then did An Xingchen realize that there was a black mark on her skirt. She reckoned that the Awakened Wine Soup had accidentally spilled on her skirt.
"No, there's no need Young Master Gong, let go of me first I'll just go back to my room and wash myself "
An Xingchen had not even finished speaking, when Gong Lingqian's large palm suddenly grabbed onto An Xingchen's small chin, and her lips that carried a burning hot temperature covered her, then tyrannically and ruthlessly kissed An Xingchen's lips.
An Xingchen looked at the handsome face that was magnified before her eyes, and felt the soft and burning sensation on her lips, causing her entire body to become stiff like a puppet.
Gong Lingqian was not satisfied with just this simple taste, he tyrannically pried open An Xingchen's teeth, assaulting all the way while wantonly sucking up An Xingchen's sweet juice.
A deep and lingering French kiss caused Gong Lingqian and An Xingchen's breathing to become hurried.
It was only when An Xingchen felt like she was about to be kissed to the point of suffocating herself did Gong Lingqian finally withdraw from An Xingchen's lips, feeling unsatisfied.
Gong Lingqian's forehead was intimately pressed against An Xingchen's, the two people's noses were touching, and their hurried breathing had even fused together.
Gong Lingqian looked at An Xingchen with his deep eyes.
An Xingchen felt that she was also drunk, if she was not, how could her mind be blank, her mouth was dry, her entire body was extremely hot, and her legs did not have any strength left.
As An Xingchen was lost in her thoughts, she suddenly heard a voice that was a little hoarse say, "An Xingchen, you're so sweet, so sweet that it's addictive."
As they spoke, Gong Lingqian's big palm, which carried a scorching heat, entered An Xingchen's skirt.
An Xingchen's sensitive body trembled slightly, her face flushed red, and she hurriedly held down Gong Lingqian's big hand that was messing around in her skirt.
Without waiting for An Xingchen to speak, Gong Lingqian frowned and pitifully rubbed against An Xingchen. His hoarse voice that was tainted with lust sounded beside his ear: "An Xingchen, I'm going to die from discomfort, help me."
An Xingchen's body froze because of Gong Lingqian's nudge, she did not even have the time to reject him, before Gong Lingqian's lips came up to kiss her again.
An Xingchen was kissed so hard by Gong Lingqian that she felt dizzy, as though she was being bewitched.
After a night of lovemaking, the two of them first played around in the bathroom for a while before An Xingchen carried An Xingchen to the big bed.
Gong Lingqian's strength was terrifying, he did not have the strength to resist, and could only be ruthlessly bullied.
Before the last round of conquest even ended, An Xingchen had already fallen asleep from exhaustion.
A good night's sleep.
The second day, An Xingchen woke up from the pain, her entire body was in extreme pain, and with her eyebrows slightly knitted, just as she blurrily opened her eyes, Gong Lingqian's big handsome face appeared in front of her.
An Xingchen opened her eyes wide in shock, and only then did she move her body to realize that she was being held tightly by Gong Lingqian.
His memories from last night slowly returned to his head. The lingering feelings in the bathroom, and the passion from the big bed. An Xingchen's fair face instantly turned as red as a cooked shrimp.
"You're awake?" A familiar low voice came from above An Xingchen's head, interrupting her thoughts.
As An Xingchen heard her voice, the blush on her face grew deeper. Without batting an eyelid, she moved her body, and just as she was about to withdraw from Gong Lingqian's embrace, Gong Lingqian saw through her intention. Not only did she not let go of An Xingchen, she instead hugged her even tighter.
"It's still early, sleep with me for a while."
The posture the two were in was just too intimate. An Xingchen's face was hot as she bit her lips and moved her body: "Young Master Gong Sleep "I'm not sleepy, I'm going to get up first "
After saying that, An Xingchen still wanted to get off the bed, but with a frown, she suddenly grabbed An Xingchen's chin and arrogantly lifted An Xingchen's face.
Four eyes facing each other, Gong Lingqian curled his lips, and stared fixedly at An Xingchen with somewhat dimmed eyes: "An Xingchen, what, you want to run after you've finished sleeping?"
An Xingchen was startled by what she heard, and the inappropriate childhood images from last night immediately surfaced in her mind. An Xingchen's small face flushed red, and what she said made it seem as if she was a scum that had just been abandoned
The flustered and helpless An Xingchen stuttered to explain: "No "No."
"Last night What happened last night was an accident. "If you're drunk, just pretend nothing happened "
As soon as An Xingchen finished speaking, the fingers Gong Lingqian was pinching under his chin tightened a little. His deep eyes slightly narrowed, and said word by word: "Accident? As if nothing happened? "
"An Xingchen, are you really planning on being irresponsible?"
Hearing this, An Xingchen's face reddened. Hearing Gong Lingqian's words, she somehow had a feeling that she was a trash who stole someone's innocence but was not responsible for it.
An Xingchen embarrassedly subconsciously shook her head: "I didn't mean that "It's just, it's just that you were drunk last night "
Before An Xingchen could finish her words, she was interrupted by Gong Lingqian's low voice. "I was indeed drunk last night in the bathroom."
"But after the bathroom, I woke up."
"So, An Xingchen, listen carefully. That time on the bed, I was incomparably awake and wanted to take you over."
Gong Lingqian had never been a person who would let himself suffer. As for the thing he wanted, Gong Lingqian had always been determined to get it.
An Xingchen was the first woman in many years that made Gong Lingqian feel a desire, and the first woman that made Gong Lingqian feel so proud of losing control.
This feeling was too special to Gong Lingqian.
After experiencing last night's events, Gong Lingqian was even more certain that he wanted to keep An Xingchen by his side, so he would absolutely not allow An Xingchen to escape.
An Xingchen listened to Gong Lingqian's ambiguous words, and the heart in his chest beat like a drum, beating even faster.
He frantically struggled out of Gong Lingqian's embrace but just as he was about to move, Gong Lingqian's other hand had already grabbed onto his waist and pulled him even closer to himself.
菜单 下一章
【年度火爆玄幻爽文】李天命做梦都要笑醒了。他家的宠物,竟然都是传说中的太古混沌巨兽。他养的黑猫,是以雷霆炼化万界的‘太初混沌雷魔’。 从此,他驾驭十头太古混沌巨兽,化身万古第一混沌神灵,周游诸天万界,踏平无尽神域。万物生灵,诸天神魔,连爬带滚,哀呼颤抖!
深居野林神秘老道,今日,又一名最小男徒儿罗峰顺利出山。 罗峰:“我是老逼灯培养出最垃圾的徒弟,没什么本事,就想吃吃软饭,苟且度过这一生。” 师父:“什么,你还弱?老夫求求你你做个人吧! 一位平平无奇小道士,卷动江湖风云,走上自证强者之路。
人生就是利欲场,利为媒,欲为介。 官场就是江湖,抒写温情与残酷、合作与较量、情感与利益的交易市场。大道无形,行者无疆,漫漫官道,唯有胸怀天地,志存高远,方能直抵彼岸。 小人物张一舟历经血腥战场的洗练和尔虞仕途的淬炼,终凭一颗畏惧之心和秉承的正义而纵横,步步高升,成为主宰别人命运的人。
传言傅司骁是A城的活阎王,权势滔天富可敌国却丑陋残废,被他看上的女人皆活不过当晚。   叶晚柠一朝重生到被傅司骁救下的当天,二话不说就抓紧了活阎王,众人皆等着她被扫地出门。   可没想到她被活阎王盛宠上天,日子过的风生水起好不快活,那些伤她欺她的,更是被踩在脚底。   众人嘲笑,再得宠整日也得面对一个又丑又瘫的残废,叶晚柠淡笑不语。   直到有一天,众人看到那个英俊绝伦身姿颀长的大佬堵着她在角落亲……